Ratings for the 8th episode of Fight Master are back up to 595,00 viewers according to Spike TV. The show debuted in its new timeslot and night.
Episode 3: 676,000 viewers – DVR + 3; 810,000 viewers
Episode 4: 505,000 viewers – DVR + 3; 607,000 viewers
Episode 5: 441,000 viewers – DVR +3; 498,000 viewers
Episode 6: 629,000 viewers – DVR +3; 745,000 viewers.
Episode 7: 398,000 viewers – DVR +3; 505,000 vieweres
Episode 8: 595,000 viewers
Payout Perspective:
A good week for Fight Master after it changed times and nights. After a disappointing low point last Wednesday, moving the show with TNA Impact Wrestling as its lead-in helped boost the ratings. Certainly, the angle with Tito-Rampage at the end on TNA was a subtle nudge that Bellator’s reality show was next. We will see if the viewership remains steady and up at its new location.
Def should have been on Thurs after TNA from the start, Bellator and especially FM isnt a strong enough brand/show to carry its own night.
This is a Pro Wrestling-MMA link that works, the same as the UFC promoting TNA going to a Monday night by interviewing Hulk Hogan. Tito Ortiz hitting Rampage with a hammer to set up a REAL fight between them doesn’t, both set of fans don’t want to see that stuff.
Hopefully ratings stay around that number or higher, will be interesting to see what the ratings are like when they move to Friday, I would keep Fight Master and when that season is done Bellator 360 on after TNA and the live shows on the Friday night.
Good for Bellator stopping the decline with a strong bounce back. But at some point they are going to have to walk on their own without TNA. Spike needs programs other nights of the week. It cant have all its big programs on the same day. I said before it was a mistake to move BFC away from TNA so soon. It need a year or two to get fansto cross over and follow them. But now they are just being bounced around the weekly schedule and killing any momentum they could possibly build. I cant blame BFC here. This is all on Spike TV. I think it is very clear Bjorn has very little control since he sold his sole to Viacom. I guess he didn’t learn anything when Gary Shaw sold control to Showtime.
B-dork sold the bottom of his penny loafers?
Bellator is stupid for making Rampage-Tito a PPV.
It would have drawn good ratings for them on Spike and allowed them to draw more casual fans to the brand. Oh well
I agree. The worst part is they didn’t even have to give that fight for free. They both could have fought bums and got the same ratings and save that fight and actually built it up and got both guys coming off a win. Just a very poor decision. I have watched both these guys their entire career and I can honestly say I never at anyone point wanted to see this match up. It was never appealing and it never made sense. MMA promotions have a lot of tools to package events and fights and fighters. None of them are being used by BFC. Its just bad business. You don’t pay that much money and have so much invested. And do nothing to increase the chance of success. It isn’t hard to make both guys look good before they fight.
There is no reason to rush this PPV and do what they have done. What this tells me is they don’t plan to run another PPV for atleast a year. So they are throwing everything on this one and not worrying about having anything left. MMA fans are weird. Tito can smash the biggest bum in the world and half the internet would light up with people claiming “He’s Back!”. Same with Rampage. Then a fight with them would be 5 times more valuable than it is now.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if one of them doesn’t magically get hurt and this was nothing more than to get publicity and they drag their actually fight out for ever. I don’t expect this fight to actually happen on this PPV. BFC is taking a promising promotions and situation and making a joke of it. They decisions they are making and the actions of Bjorn suggest a company on their last leg. They are acting desperate for some reason. Their actions these last couple months do not make sense.
You can’t risk tito or rampage losing to a bum. a good regional guy would give them a good look. Too much risk. Better to have them fight now to setup the king mo match and go from there. Less variables god forbid they both lose to journeymen.
I’m not sure when tito smashed a bum and the internet litup.I can only think of cote but he was a last minute replacement and tito didn’t even have to take it. In fact his most recent victim is still in the top ten. He was definitely back after that win.
BS lives in a fantasy world. tito and rampage were never gone; they just can’t hang with the top five anymore.
lol so they are not gone but you are worried they would get beat by a bum. It isn’t hard to set them up a fight they cant lose. Its called match making. Those who follow the sport know it well. You should look into it. Of course shit can happen. But when does that stop a promotion from doing the smart thing? They could both be killed in 2 weeks in a car accident. Does that mean they should have the fight today and to hell if anyone shows up to watch it?
Also, who the hell cares if they lose to a bum. They are already on losing streaks and no one takes them serious. If they both lost they would be in the same boat and fighting just because their name which would still be as strong as now. The difference is BFC would have two guys who just beat big names and they now have value. Tito and Jackson have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a warm up fight. In fact BFC have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing it. Imo the PPV date is set in stone for November and they have no plans to do another. So they rushed this fight on there whether it made sense or not.
The problem is if it doenst work they will never do another. If they would have done it right they could do many more. Now they will never know what would have happened if they didn’t do it half assed.
“Match making” made ray mercer sylvia. As did gonzaga crocop. I always understood matchmaking as booking a fight where the guy who is supposed to lose doesn’t get completely flattened, but doesn’t come close to winning. much. harder to accomplish in mma than boxing. Even squash matches like mercer vs sylvia are dangerous because you really don’t know what will happen. its much harder to land a miracle shot in boxing.