Form Athletics released a video supporting its Fall 2011 clothing line. With its tagline: “Finally a brand you’ll want to wear,” it looks to be more than just t-shirt designs.
The video shows the Form stable including Urijah Faber, Mark Munoz, Jon Jones (shooting pool in the shadows), Chad Mendes, Joseph Benavidez, Scott Jorgenson and Anthony Pettis.
Payout Perspective:
A very cool video inspired by Ocean’s 11. With its recent signings of Jon Jones, Showtime Pettis as well as its focus on being a lifestyle brand, Form is differentiating itself from other MMA brands. It looks like the style is cleaner with fewer huge logos. One sticking point, may be price. A Jon Jones’ hoodie costs $87.99. Will the MMA crowd shell out the money to buy clothes at a higher price point?
I’m sorry but Mark Munoz is not selling me clothes. I like the guy in the cage, but I’m not looking to wear what he’s wearing. On second thought, that goes for the rest of these guys too. Maybe I’m just don’t “get it” because I’m not their demographic. Or maybe because Jon Jones is their only “model” who is taller than any of the girls in the video.
Where was the product? That was a video of a bunch of people having fun, but I never saw the product they were trying to sell me.
You need a powerful cast of characters to build a brand on the backs of individuals. Not sure if this cast is it…And 87.99 for a hoodie? Are you f’ng kidding me. Unless that hoodie washes and dries itself a la “Back 2 The Future II” Nike jacket style there is little chance the market will support that price point.
I think the overall strategy might be the case of an upper management career making ambition and agenda getting a little ahead of itself.
…and what’s with the Entourage style intro? Isn’t there any creativity in being unique anymore. We get it – it’s about the lifestyle of MMA not just the sport.
C’mon son!
The guys were all wearing clothes, I assume that’s what they’re selling?
I saw the Jones hoodie, it’s NICE! Not the run of the mill cotton hoodie, there are t-shirts that cost 70 bucks?
As for the fighters, all near the top of their weight classes, all high level college athletes.
It’s easy to sit bravely behind your keyboards and talk crap. Give Faber some credit for what he’s done with Form and his career.