MMA Payout has learned that World Series of Fighting 6 received an average viewership of 161,000 viewers. It was the lowest rating for the series despite doing better than the UFC live event on Saturday.
WSOF 1 – 198,000 viewers
WSOF 2 – 210,000 viewers
WSOF 3 – 201,000 viewers
WSOF 4 – 264,000 viewers
WSOF 5 – 227,000 viewers
WSOF 6 – 161,000 viewers
The WSOF’s poor showing Saturday lowered its overall event average to around 210,166 viewers.
Payout Perspective:
A lot of competing sports on Saturday night including another boxing event on Showtime featuring Bernard Hopkins hurt WSOF’s chances of a good number. It also didn’t help that the event was not well promoted. But then again, it did not feature anyone of significance. This is sad to say considering former-UFC contender Jon Fitch was on this card.
Looks like WSOF trounced the UFC in their latest ratings battle LOL! What kind of number is 122k?
122k is the kind of number you get when you put the show on a channel no one can find, at a time no one is expecting.
WSOF are fortunate that their fights are so entertaining. If they weren’t I’d be switching off due to Bas, he is so unfunny and just plain irritating. The way he kept on repeating that whole ‘decagon’ thing in the hopes of getting a reaction that never came was painful. The guy is a tool.