MMA Payout has learned that Saturday night’s World Series of Fighting 5 on NBC Sports Network received an average viewership of 227,000 viewers. WSOF aired the same night as “The One.”
WSOF featured Andrei Arlovski defeating Mike Kyle in the main event. The event was held at the Revel Resort Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
WSOF 1 – 198,000 viewers
WSOF 2 – 210,000 viewers
WSOF 3 – 201,000 viewers
WSOF 4 – 264,000 viewers
WSOF 5 – 227,000 viewers
Payout Perspective:
Surprisingly with all the hype for the boxing match, the ratings did not drop off far off from WSOF 4. Moreover, its the second best number for WSOF. Moving up the start time along with the fact that the primary fights for “The One” did not occur until after the end of WSOF 5 helped. However, Garcia-Matthysse did start at around the same time as the main event so it would be interesting to see that number.
The one thing that bugs me with WSOF is Bas Rutten. The dude is so unprofessional that he makes the broadcast look third rate. If he’s not pulling stupid faces at the camera or doing weird hand gestures, he’s making dreadful jokes during the commentary. I don’t mean to come across as a misery, but he just isn’t funny and makes the whole broadcast look like amateur hour.
If you play pride mode on ufc 3 during a bloody fight bas will say ” i hope these guys got their hiv test cuz their gonna need it” or something along those lines.
Call me crazy, but I enjoyed the card. And Bas is alright, much better than John Anick and Kenny Florian (I culd do without Kenny Rice). Much more enjoyable than teh Bellatore card.
What?? You have a problem with Anick and Florian…NOT Goldberg? He makes me cringe at LEAST one time a round. How do you NOT get better after sooo many years on the job? It kiiills me how he perpetually repeats, verbatim, something Joe said a minute or two before and follows it up with a “Joe”…like he’s teaching him something he didn’t know. And he always, aaalways makes observation of THE most obvious crap and follows it up with a “Joe.” Eg. “Jones’ reach is reach is a real advantage, Joe.” “GSP is a great wrestler, Joe.” No…NO that is NOT him playing down to the new and casual viewers…that is him being a hooorible play by play man. He also has these scripted talking-points that he some always forces in at the most awkward moments.
I agree about Bas. Have said it for years. A lot of fans have no clue what being an announcer means. So they like the people who usually are the worst. People like Rampage too. Both gys can be entertaining. But at the same time they are taking away from the product and over shadowing the product. They are not paid to be a court jester during the fights. Pride never had anyone in the booth who didn’t make their show look like trash.
I will never forget when Rampage announced at KOTC I think it was. All he did was make fun of every single fight and even disrespected Dan Severn. He had funny moments. But no one could come away from that show with any respect for the promotion or anyone who fought. Its like Amatuer Hour!
Goldberg is by far the best. He has flaws on the technical MMA side. But it is due to how much is on his plate. Listen to Joe talk about what goes into Mikes Play by Play position. Even Joe cant do it. It is likely why he hasn’t picked up as much of the MMA game as one would expect after seeing so many fights. I do however believe he knows much more about the sport that many people think. Even if he miss speaks while on the air.
I think Mauro is the second most professional announcer. But I cant stand his style. Goldberg comes from a sports background and treats MMA as such. Maurocomes from pro wrestling and treats MMA as pro wrestling. Everything he does comes off as fake and over hyped. HE is also king of the lame cliché’s. He out numbers Goldberg in clichés 100-1. They are always predictable and lame. All sports have their slow moments and that’s when announcers will educate with info or stats. This is what Goldberg does. Pro wrestling has to have action all the time. Mauro is always hyping something or yelling even when nothing is going on. Both make poor comments technically about the sport. But that isn’t their job. So I ignore it anyway. If anyone if taking MMA lessons from the pbp guy then they have issues to begin with.
AK. Goldie is a given, that is why I didn’t mention him. Best Goldie. “Grey Maynard is so tenacious in the ring, that is how he got the name “the bully” by bullying opponents/” Rogan, “Uh, he has bully dogs, that’s wheere it come from”. Goldie. “oh, but he is a bully in the ring”.
Always remember that exchange.
Goldie called lutters bjj “jordanesque”