MMA Mania reports that Glory 21 on Spike TV Friday night drew an average of 488,000 viewers which would make it the fifth highest-viewed card on Spike TV.
The event took place from San Diego, California and improves upon its last time on Spike when it drew just 359,000 viewers. According to Sports TV Ratings it did a 0.2 rating in the 18-49 demo.
Glory Ratings on Spike TV:
Glory 11: 381,000 viewers
Glory 12: 476,000 viewers
Glory 13: 659,000 viewers
Glory 14: 495,000 viewers
Glory 15: 354,000 viewers
Glory 16: 498,000 viewers
Glory 17 – 487,000 viewers
Glory 18 – 352,000 viewers
Glory 19 – 542,000 viewers
Glory 20 – 359,000 viewers
Glory 21 – 488,000 viewers
Payout Perspective:
The ratings are a significant improvement from April’s show. It draws the average up to 462,000 viewers for its Spike TV average. Looking at the ratings, it seems as though the ratings have been up and down every other show. We’ll see if this can improve heading into the summer.
Looks like PBC numbers. HAHAHAHA!
hey D suck on this bahahah you were only 1,5 million off bahahahahahah
bahahah 72 million gate!! that’s more then 2 years of ufc shit gates bahahaha
here is another one you can suck on haha
Mayweather-pacquiao 4.4m
Canelo-Kirkland 2.3m viewers
PBC on CBS 1.4M
TruTV boxing did 242k on Friday
Here are D’s most likely responses to the maypac ppv estimates
1. HAHAHAHA everyone is lying about those numbers HAHAHAHA
2. HAHAHAHA 4 million fans that are leaving boxing HAHAHAHA
3. HAHAHAHA boxing has old stars it will never hit 4m again HAHAHAHA
4. HAHAHAHA ufc will still get better total this year HAHAHAHA
5. HAHAHAHA fag, dirty diapers, queer HAHAHAHA
6. HAHAHAHA it was supposed to be 5m HAHAHAHA
i’m sure many of you can think of some other of his canned lines. All the while in his heart of hearts hes thinking. I did not think such a number was possible for a combat sport event…….FUCK
I’m actually impressed by these Glory numbers.
I hope that Fridays on Spike all do well. I’m into that fight night rotation.
Jack, I think you forgot , “HAHAHAHAHAHA the gayesttttttt!!!!!!”
Any discussion of MMA being above boxing at this point is just stupid.
D- whose trolling?
I actually wish Glory Kickboxing well. Its kind of like Boxings little brother. They dont hit a man when he’s down and they dont sniff each other anuses like in the UFC. The only thing about kickboxing is its hard to have a long term career. its just a matter of time till you blow out your knee or leg. kicks to the head are also very dangerous and unecessary
Jack, why don’t you stop sucking Sal’s dick you little fag!
That number is sourced from Leonard Ellerbe. If anyone ever got numbers and presented them from Dana White, no one in their right mind would believe them. The fight probably got around 3-3.5m.
This is like a boxing fag fest. All the homos arrived:
Jack the fag
Random Douche aka Sampson the prag
And of Course The Gayest
Fagbusiness still obsesses about men’s anuses and loves the fact that boxing has gay champions and trannys for promoters!