Bloody Elbow reports that Premier Boxing Champions received an overnight viewership of 3.4 million viewers in its debut in network prime time Saturday Night. It was the most watched boxing broadcast since 1998.
The adjusted ratings from the fast overnights Saturday of 3.13 million reflect a strong showing for the night despite the fact that CBS’ “48 Hours” won the night in terms of overall viewership with 4.65 million viewers tuning in between 10-11pm. Yet, the boxing event which featured Keith Thurman and Roberto Guerrero drew a 1.08 rating in the 18-49 demographic which was best for the night.
These numbers do not include the DVR number which should come out in the next day or two.
For those wondering and wishing to compare, a full rundown of UFC on Fox ratings is here. The last time that a UFC on Fox show drew 3.4 million viewers was with UFC on Fox 5 in December 2012 with a headliner of Benson Henderson-Nate Diaz.
Payout Perspective:
There are two schools of thought when comparing this rating to that of the quarterly UFC on Fox network shows. The first is that it’s an unfair comparison considering the quality of matchup as well as the differing demos. While boxing led the night in the highly valued 18-49 demo, its age group tends to skew a little older. One might consider that this is due to the general acceptance of the sport by the older population as they grew up with it on network television. The other school of thought is that boxing and UFC are combat sports and its ratings can be compared. Both are live sporting events on network television. In that case, the debut of PBC was not as big as that of the inaugural UFC on Fox. But, one should consider the quality of fights. Thurman-Guerrero was not JDS-Cain but both are young, talented fighters that PBC can build on for the future.
UFC on FOX 2 also destroyed this, and did not have JDS-Cain, nor did it have a title fight and was comparable in terms of talent on the card. The fact is this fight card shit the bed. They were expecting at least 5 million viewers. Not to mention the biggest elephant in the room- the fact that this cost massive amounts of money to promote compare to the UFC on FOX.
Boxing fanboys are scrambling to spin it. It’s only going to get worse as the events go on, just wait until after the first few cards where the honeymoon period is over and their numbers drop drastically from this number.
According to your numbers UFC on FOX 6 did 4.4m avg viewers, so the last time they did those numbers was for Johnson vs Dodson back in January of 2013.
Hahahaha….d is obsessed hahaha
Haymon is starting his promotion without hundreds of millions in loan…to create a bubble hahahahaha
D- HAHA D is bragging about tv ratings that came out two years ago when people were doing gangum style. The UFC has peaked at 3.0 million average unless a superstar fighs on it. Oh wait, they have no superstars BAHAHAHA! D is a obsessed with self fiancing. Yes haymon doesnt want to create fake success by getting a huge loan. Stop it with your “PBC costs are so high” how would you know what they are and what haymon is making? Boxing = Up Up and away
UFC has peaked… boxing is just starting to awaken.
HAHAHAHAHA!! Look at the boxing trolls squirm!!! They can’t handle it. Boxing lays a golden turd on opening night!! The numbers always go down afterwards!!! The boxing trolls are beyond obsessed that is why they are trolling nonstop on a mma website! Broner the next Mayweather of boxing!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
How would I know their costs were so high?? Uh, maybe because I saw their payroll which was over 5m- as you guys love to point out ufc payrolls aren’t that high for free tv shows. Not to mention of course Haymon had to PAY millions of dollars to get on tv. The gate was a turd burger. The revenue wasn’t there. This is a long term play for Haymon so that he can get an actual deal with one of the networks, but if they only put up ratings that are in the 3m range, barely breaking a million in the 18-49 demo, he’s going to be shit out of luck.
Boxing, down, down, the drain. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
UFC 184 did around 500k buys. Seems like the ufc ppv is back. Where’s Leon at?
Is it or has Ronda’s star power just grown from the work she’s put in?
185 and 186 will test the waters.
I guess 182 and 183 were just random luck also?
They are already almost at 2m buys. If the Jones/Weidman, Aldo-McGregor fights go down as scheduled, they will be looking at close to 4m buys by July. If that happens, your new nickname will be taking effect long before we hit the end of the year.
By the way, no one is expecting 185 and 186 to knock it out of the park and they are certainly not the Litmus test.
oh boy D needs to go back n his medication. bahahahahah
D is always saying, almost, and wait and see, bahahahahah Plenty of tickets for ufc 185, funny how they are selling the upper level but didnt on 184. Also I watched my dvr perlims of 184 and Dana states the gate number of 2.7 million early in the night before the settlement. There is no way of knowing an accurate number before settlement which happens late in the night or even after the show. Dana is a lying sack of dog shit!! 184 was a complete fraud all numbers!!!!
500k ppv buys(Meltzer, not White) for UFC 184 with a woman. Meanwhile, no one in boxing can hit 500k buys who isn’t named Pacquaio/Mayweather. HAHAHAHAHA!! Sal is pathetic!! Look at him try to spin it!! FAGGOT Boxing troll is mad PBC shit the bed!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Seems like you are all a bunch of troll idiots.
Honestly, D you are coming off just as bad as Tops, saldathief, FIght Business and the other anti mma boxing trolls.
But you are correct, UFC on Fox 6 did higher numbers.
But this back and forth boxing vs mma shit gets dumber by the day, all look like a bunch dumb fucks.
Jason just a quick correction on UFC numbers.
UFC on Fox
5 did 4.4 mill with 5.7 mill peak
6 did 4.2 mill with 5.2 mill peak
7 did 3.7 mill with 4.7 mill peak.
D- is bragging about 500k ppv buy that cant even be validated. its some bullshit number from Meltzer. BAHAHA. Standard and Poors sees the real numbers and tells the UFC to shut the fuck up and pay your loan bitch and we dont see things getting better. LOL
What will D do when he see the number 3.5 million ppv buys after may 2nd. you can add 2 million more since may and pac will fight in the fall. Thats 5.5 million for this year. Boxing wins again
GGG loves fighting 4 times a year. LOL thats huge numbers on network and/or ppv 4 times a year LOL. 8 million peak on prime time often . BAHAHA
Broner is calling out Khan. Oh Oh. if that makes its way onto network thats a 5 million peak. advertsiers will come running in.
Fight Business, if Khan/Broner was on network tv and only did a 5 mill peak thats would be a disaster flop.
People talk like boxing and MMA are mainstream sports, neither are and neither will ever be. 5 million views for either is a success. Its funny that any ufc numbers that anyone ever compares are years old. The UFC put 120% of everything in the Fox programming and all their numbers across the board are down down down, So any fool who thinks that the ufc has in some way become, or is better then boxing, or is reaping in any success is an idiot!
Saldathief- Boxing is mainstream . May 2nd Boxing will get 3 million ppv buys minimum. Behind every TV set there will be an average of 7 people. Thats 21 million people watching and paying for it. If it were on free tv it would get 40 million. If thats not mainstream what is? Please dont say “its the biggest boxing event thats why”. yeah but if it wasnt mainstream 20 million peple wouldnt watch it. It would be on ESPN on a saturday afternoon getting 3 million views
HAHAHA!!! Fightbusiness, again, you are a professional retard.
Meltzer’s numbers are bullshit?? HAHAHA!! The mmapayout blue book ppv numbers are his numbers you stupid fucking idiot!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Mayweather and Pac are going to fight twice?? HAHAHA!! Nice try idiot. No guarantees for that at all. And 5.5m buys isn’t going to get it done this year. As far as I see, prior to Pacquaio-Mayweather even taking place, the UFC is going to have at least 2.5m buys and boxing has zero.
Your numbers about GGG are delusional and as far as anyone knows, he isn’t signed to fight on any network.
Nice try moron.
Chris, exactly, the boxing numbers need to be considerably higher, they have a ton of overhead that FOX/UFC does not. If they don’t consistently put up viewership well exceeding 5m viewers, they are never going to get a real network contract and this is going to be a major financial disaster.
Saldaqueef with more of his delusional boxing welfare paid trolling lies. He actually thinks people believe his bullshit. Haha.
D- dumbasss I didnt say they will fight each other again I said they will both fight on their own again in the fall. That mega fight will make them both Huge again so when they fight in the fall on there won they will both average about 2 million combined. people will buy their fall fights again in big numbers because they wont be pissed at them anymore. That puts Boxings total at 5.5 million. another shity ppv with cotto or something will get them to about 6 million this year. no way in gods green earth the UFC gets to 5 million this year let alone 6 . BAHAHA. By the way D you better pray to God they dont have a rematch in September. That would put them at 7 million. BAHAHA.
My GGG numbers are delusional. dude has 19 straight KO’s. Do you know who was the last dude to do that? a guy named MIKE TYSON. he fought 5 times last year and 4 the year before. He would have fought a fifth if his dad didnt die. That dude is fighting 3 times a year as a star. He’ll get huge network numbers. GGG and ward gets 450k right now. in 2 years it does double. HAHAHA
Fightbusiness, then your math is retarded, because those two do not in any way shape or form guarantee a million buys each anymore. Not even close for Pac. It doesn’t matter how big that fight is.
Cotto doesn’t hit 500k ppv buys by himself, nor would he with a good opponent as long as he is the A. He tried that with Martinez and only hit 315k buys.
No way in God’s green earth the UFC gets to 5m this year? Care to take up the same wager as my friend Leon the Schmo. If the UFC doesn’t hit 5m ppv buys this year, you have to call yourself Fightbusiness the professional retard. If they do not exceed 5m, you can change my name along with Leon. I know you won’t because it would be nearly impossible for them to not hit 5m at this point. They are going to hit the half way point in April after only 5 ppvs with 8 left. I can see why you don’t comprehend this because you can’t do basic math you retard! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Again, you are retarded. The amount of ko’s he has doesn’t mean his viewership is what you claim it is. He is a great fighter, no question, but he isn’t a ppv star and his viewership is not great. The numbers don’t lie. And again, he hasn’t fought on ppv or network tv and has no fights scheduled to be on either any time soon. Delusions.
Fucking idiot. HAHAHA!!
Absolutely I’ll take you up on that wager for 6 full months. I’m not changing my name forever over some idiotic bet. I’ll bet you a screen name name change for 6 full months. I already know what I want yours to be :” loves Dick” if they sensor it then “chicken head”
Mayweather vs Khan does 1.2 million after he beats Pac and gets the worlds out of his ass. Pac vs Garcia or Broner also gets over a million. You better pray Pac and mayweather dont have a rematch. which is very possible if there’s some bullshit decision. Outside of the Jones/weidman card what else is going to pass over 500k in the UFC this year. Andersons gone. They have about 2 million now. I just dont see it man.
By the way Boxing gets a 1.2 demo in the 18-34 category. LOL but only old people watch Boxing. LOL Wait till the UFC gets more gentrified. The huge young white demo will plummet and so will there young audience. It was built on a young white male demo.
Done deal. I’ll enjoy your new nickname along with Leon’s. Also don’t try to tell me Meltzer’s numbers don’t count because once again, this is what the mmapayout blue book ppv is based on.
If you don’t think McGregor-Aldo is going to do over 500k buys, you are delusional. Both of those fights are probably going to exceed 750k buys.
Again, they are around 2m now, after the next 2 ppvs, they will be at around 1.5m, with 8 ppvs left. 2 of which are the above ones mentioned that are arguably the two biggest fights of the year. If those fights go through, you are fucked. They would be at around 4m buys by July. It wouldn’t matter if the rest of the fights tanked at that point, it would still hit 5m.
Pac vs Garcia does no where near 1m, nor will it with Broner. Broner won’t fight over 140lbs anyway and Manny isn’t going down. Not to mention Manny hasn’t hit 1m buys since he was ko’d by Marquez back in 2013. His last 3 fights, Pac has averaged 525k buys per fight. That is about what he will get with a guy like Broner/Garcia unless of course Manny beats Floyd, which he most likely will not.
the 18-34 is already plummeting since the white champs are decreasing and the ufc is only modestly big among hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics will always pichk Boxing so they cant increase that demo too much. When gustafason fought the 18-34 demo was like 2.1. it doubled. but he lost so aside fromweidman there goes there young audience. BAHAHA
You keep saying the UFC is going to be more gentrified with zero evidence to back it up. Keep in mind, the majority, if not nearly all of the minority athletes that excel in this sport are Brazilians(whom have been around forever) or minorities with decorated amateur wrestling backgrounds(Jones, Cormier, A. Johnson, Velasquez, etc.)- let me know when amateur wrestling is dominated by minorities, and becomes gentrified.
You have the philosophy of Jim Lampley. That’s all that needs to be said.
“the 18-34 is already plummeting since the white champs are decreasing and the ufc is only modestly big among hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics will always pichk Boxing so they cant increase that demo too much. When gustafason fought the 18-34 demo was like 2.1. it doubled. but he lost so aside fromweidman there goes there young audience. BAHAHA”
This is so retarded, it literally isn’t worth responding to with any analysis.
I’ll only do a 3 month screen name change. i changed my mind. no way in hell the UFC does 5 million thats for sure but I dont want to be stuck with a stupid ass screen name for too long. Not that anyone even knows who the fuck we are. 3 months are you still on.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The math started to sink in.
Yes, I’m still in.
I need roughly an average of 300k buys on average per fight from here on out.
ok. then D- I mean “I love dick” BAHAHA
no way D holds up his end of the bargain.
Sounds like someone is already making excuses and trying to back out of it.
Boxing has mainstream events now and then, the UFC has never had a mainstream event! Just because Dana says it has doesn’t mean its true. MMA is a novelty , women or wwe stars, or kimbo slice hahaha MMA has so far failed to get any serious sports fans on a regular basis. Every time they get desperate they pull out a novelty, everyone watches and then moves on, look at the numbers. Boxing and mma and showbizz is a smoke and mirror game. D is too stupid and inexperienced to know any better. MAYPAC will fight 3 times over the next 4 or 5 years even if they retire. D is too stupid to know and understand how it works and will listen to some yahoo writer who never wore a jock, like D, in his pathetic life. I was right in 2014 with my prediction and D cant except it, hes an un honorable POS spineless dork with no integrity. He’s just a paid loser, fight pass pain UFC blogger who is desperate!!
Yeah, mma is so low profile that retarded trolls like Sal dedicate their life to trolling on a mma website. This place is littered with boxing fags who are threatened by mma which is why you know mma is mainstream.
Delusional mutants like Sal convince themselves that their schizophrenic thoughts are actually real. Mayweather and Pac will most likely only fight once, but if for some reason they fight 2x, that would be it. Mayweather won’t lose this fight and he will probably take another low profile opponent afterwards, then retire.
Sal has never had an accurate prediction, he’s literally been wrong about every ufc ppv so far this year. He rants and raves like a mentally ill, boxing obsessed fanfag. He is a welfare to work, wheelchair bound geriatric who acts like a juvenile mental patient who sucks Arum’s dick on a daily basis.
ha 2014 double hahha suck on that D has no leg to stand on and no one sides with him on anything hahah yea we are all wrong and a paid ufc troll loser is right hahahah what a dreamer loser
HAHAHAHA!! Mental patient Saldaqueer and his delusions of grandeur ranting on like an incoherent retard. Sal’s a total fag for Arum. Sal still thinks 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Broner vs Khan would easily be over 5m. Id put it at around 8m if they fought.
Broner vs John Molina wasn’t expected to do anything.
Also Cotto vs Canelo would hit 750k(ppvs) easy.
GGG if somehow they could sign him and get him on TV would be monster numbers.
UFC is a dying business. I don’t know how anyone cant see that.
Rousey is your big “star” and your known as a freakshow contest.
CM Punk, Brock, Kimbo.
UFC tards actually think Rousey is a star because of her talent and not because of her looks. BAHAHA. Guys just watch Rhonda because of her looks. If she looked like Cyborg no one would care. lol
Her looks?? Yuck. Fightbusiness must be into trannys. People watch those fights because of the press behind her, kind of like Mayweather.
Boxing trolls are freaks. Hahaha.