Phil “CM Punk” Brooks participated in the ESPN “car wash” yesterday at the network’s campus in Connecticut. The whirlwind of interviews on the various ESPN shows detailing his signing with the UFC should hype up an anticipated debut sometime in 2015.
For his part, Punk (who has the rights to the name CM Punk) has not provided any details on when he will debut, where he will train or what weight class he will compete in. He touched on why he wanted to fight and the differences between WWE and UFC.
Payout Perspective:
I have not seen all of the Punk interviews from yesterday but I assume that ESPN was told to stay away from any questions related to the fighter lawsuit filed against the UFC on Tuesday. It would have been interesting considering a lot of the complaints he had about the WWE mirror issues experienced by fighters in the UFC. The “car wash” treatment is big for an individual with no fights under his belt, yet enters the UFC with a lot of mainstream publicity. We will see how visible Punk will be for the UFC in 2015.
Hahahaha desperation…investing on cm punk…but all mma websites right now the highest comment response is on the lawsuit…hahaha…ufc would now spend more money for theyre paid media journalists to put more diversionary articles like cmpunk hahahahaha…wont work
This is pissing off a lot of people, this guy comes in with a 0-0 record, not even an amateur career or any combat experience, and yet is going to make a ton more than the great majority of actual professional fighters. This ain’t a sport, it’s a freakshow.
CM punk just took a dump!! Big UFC news bahahahahah
Saldaqueef smells like a dump!! This fag for Arum smells atrocious.
Look at all you dumbass’ complaining and don’t know shit about the sport you troll!
First, I could careless about CM Punk because I hate wrestling. But I have no issue with him fighting in the UFC because the UFC does this in moderation. Within 18 months he will sink or swim based on his skill. If he sucks he will get ssmashed and be gone. The UFC doesn’t protect anyone very long regardless of their value or skill. At best you get 2-3 favorable match ups.
Also Punk does has a training background. His fight record means jack shit because it is easy to build a meaningless record. Half the “prospects” brought in from small shows are fucking bums who happen to beat 5 other bums often set up by their own gym or friends. Jason Reinhard got to the UFC with a 18-0 record and none of his opponents had a winning record. Also there are many top level fighters over the years who went into UFC and Pride with no fight record. Like BJ Penn for example. No one said shit when Pride was bringing in Rulon Gardener and other non fighters with no fight experience. At least the UFC only does there every few years.
Anyone who thinks you have to earn a spot in the UFC is an idiot because there isn’t a standard anyone has went by to be able to exclude anyone. Fact is the UFC is always taking risk and bring unknown guys in to test them to find future talent. Most have few fights, few wins, beat no one, and have no great resume in any style. Most suck and get crushed and are released and move on. No reason CM Punk should be denied the same opportunity to be a part of the same process. I gaurentee he has more potential and ability than some of the bums who have come and gone.
BS you sound like DANA bahahahaha