Boost Mobile announced a partnership with the World Series of Fighting which will start this Saturday with its fourth event in Ontario, California. The wireless phone and services company will be activating its partnership via a “Cage Rattler of the Night” feature Saturday.
Via Boost Mobile press release:
The WSOF partnership is a great way to showcase Boost’s willingness to go to the mat to give MMA fans a voice in their sport,” said Steve Gaffney, vice president-Corporate Marketing, Boost Mobile. “We are looking forward to WSOF 4 to unveil the Boost Mobile Cage Rattler of the Night award, which will be determined by the fans. Building on Boost’s commitment to consumers, with its $55 Android Monthly Unlimited no-contract plans, the fighter receiving the most votes will receive a $5,500 cash prize.”
During the fight, fans will be asked to tweet the fighter’s last name, with the hash tags #RATTLETHECAGE #WSOF4, for the fighter who demonstrates the most heart or who came out of nowhere for a comeback knockout – whatever it means to “rattle the cage” in the minds of fight fans everywhere. The fighter with the most votes will not only be designated as the Boost Mobile Cage Rattler of the Night but also will receive $5,500 during a WSOF 5 ceremony Sept. 14 in Atlantic City, N.J. For details and official rules, fans can visit
Payout Perspective:
Most of us recall the Boost Mobile brand in the UFC and with Irvine’s own Rampage Jackson as one of its sponsored fighters. The new deal gets the company back in front of fight fans and the young male demo. The promotion sponsored by Boost Mobile is a nice way to measure fan interaction via twitter (through hashtags) and will get fighters to help in promoting the brand as we can expect fighters to tell their twitter followers to vote for them as well. As with anything, the potential to earn extra money will motivate fighters to put on a better show.
Only 5.5k? I would expect a sprint subsidiary to be able to afford much more than that. perhaps it is because mma is not a mainstream sport.
Not a whole lot of competition int he space