The Sports Business Journal (subscription required) has a feature on UFC official sponsor RYU. The article is a positive company profile on the company.
While RYU is getting some good buzz, SBJ notes that its success will depend on how well the products sell. A selling point for the brand is that the clothing uses natural materials as it prides itself on being “95% sustainable” and stresses the newest performance technology. Compared with the likes of Nike and TapouT, RYU clothing is much more expensive than it competitors. The question is whether consumers would be willing to spend more on this new brand.

Payout Perspective:
Another positive article for one of the UFC’s newest sponsors. Not only is it featured in this week’s SBJ, its clothing was featured on ABC’s Good Morning America and, of course, here. The good publicity comes at a pivotal time for the company as it has made a major investment in a retail storefront in Vegas, an athletic training facility and the launch of a women’s athletic line. We’ll keep an eye on RYU and its stock and evaluate its performance over time.
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