Judge Richard Boulware has denied the Motions for Approval brought by the parties in the Le and Johnson antitrust lawsuits against Zuffa. The Le case will proceed to trial on Monday, October 24th pending a status conference on August 19th. Judge Boulware will discuss both cases at the August 19th status conference. You may recall […]
Antitrust Class Action
Parties in the UFC lawsuit amend settlement plan
On Monday, the parties in the UFC lawsuit filed a supplemental settlement plan which they hope will be approved by Judge Boulware. The new plan emphasizes that the money will be “life changing” for the fighters and the settlement is “far superior” in comparison to other antitrust lawsuits. It would distribute 90% of the $335 […]
Judge Boulware does not approve UFC antitrust lawsuits settlements
This past Friday, the parties in the UFC antitrust lawsuits were before Judge Boulware to seek approval of the settlements agreed to by the parties. Judge Boulware was not pleased with what the parties came up with and will have to go back to the drawing board. Paul Gift was at the hearing and took […]
The Legal Submission 87
Filings reveal payouts agreed to by parties in Le and Johnson antitrust lawsuits
The parties in the UFC antitrust lawsuits filed a Motion for Preliminary Approval of the Settlement last Tuesday. The lawsuit reveals the amount of money the plaintiffs’ attorneys and the fighters in the UFC lawsuit. Attorneys representing the fighters are requesting no more than 1/3 of the UFC Settlement Fund (plus interest) and reimbursement of […]