MMA Payout is doing its annual review of top business stories for the year. The first story we take a look at is the ongoing Antitrust lawsuit which had several key developments this year. First, Judge Boulware denied Zuffa’s Motion for Summary Judgment on Friday, December 14th. It did not decide on class certification on […]
Antitrust Class Action
Show Money Episode 25: The Vegas Field Trip and Uncle Dana reveals some numbers
One last motion before the Class Cert-Summary Judgment hearing in the UFC Antitrust Lawsuit
In light of Friday’s big hearing in the Zuffa Antitrust lawsuit in Federal court in Nevada, the parties have filed a joint motion to stipulate how they will deal with references to trade secret or confidential information. The joint motion was filed on Thursday and is agreed to by the parties. It’s unlikely that the […]
Court in UFC Antitrust Lawsuit decline legal “hot-tub”
The Court in the UFC Antitrust lawsuit has ruled that there not be an evidentiary hearing on the admissibility of expert reports and testimony prior to the December 14th Motion for Summary Judgment and Class Certification hearing. The Court issued a Minute Order late last week: The Court has considered the Request [ECF No. [617]] […]
Plaintiffs in UFC Antitrust Lawsuit try to avoid “hot tubbing”
Plaintiffs in the UFC Antitrust lawsuit have filed a letter to the Court arguing that there should not be an evidentiary hearing on expert testimony. The legal slang of “hot tubbing” where “concurrent expert evidence” is being offered and heard by the court at the same time. Letter November 16 by on Scribd Plaintiffs see […]