The District Court in Nevada granted Zuffa, Dana White and Brock Lesnar’s Motions for Summary Judgment dismissing the former UFC heavyweights case from his UFC 200 fight.
The long and winding road for the lawsuit saw Hunt win an appeal for his lawsuit which claimed that the UFC and Dana White knew (or had plausible deniability) that Brock Lesnar was taking PEDs. The appeal also saw it overturn the battery claim against Hunt.

Mark Hunt lawsuit – DISMISSED by MMA Payout
Despite having the case returned to the trial court, Hunt still had to prove his case. After discovery, the defendants filed a motion for summary judgment which the Court found in favor of its motion on Tuesday.
Based on a cursory reading of the case, it would appear that another appeal by Hunt would be fruitless.
MMA Payout will have more on this case soon.
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