Ashlee Evans-Smith has accepted a sanction from the UFC Anti-Doping Policy of 14 months due to a positive test for “the presence of an anabolic androgenic steroid of exogenous origin.” The sanction arises out-of-competition testing on January 3rd and 27th of this year.
Evans-Smith declared dehydoepiandrostene (DHEA) on both of her doping control forms prior to the positive samples being collected.

During an investigation into the circumstances of the case, Evans-Smith provided evidence, including medical records, indicating that a physician incorrectly prescribed DHEA to her. As such, USADA determined that Evans-Smith’s degree of fault was diminished and that she should receive a reduced period of ineligibility. She also received a reduction for her Full and Complete Cooperation.
Evans-Smith’s 14-month period of ineligibility began on January 3, 2022, the date her positive sample was collected.
Some of the advantages of the use of DHEA is the increase of muscle mass and reduction of fat.
Notably, Evans-Smith was suspended 9 months in 2015 for using a diuretic.
Her last fight was a loss in November 2020 to Norma Dumont.
Payout Perspective:
The question becomes what level of culpability does the physician have over this suspension. One has to believe that Evans-Smith may have requested something to help her in training and the physician was unaware of the ban on certain supplements. This would go then to the fighter and her team in ensuring that whatever she was taking would not be banned. A tough suspension but it could have been worse.
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