Undefeated boxer Diego Pacheco has filed a lawsuit against Split-T Management, LLC. The undefeated Pacheco states that his management group has failed to obtain a valid California managerial license within the state.

Pacheco argues that the agreement was not valid as when he signed it he was only seventeen years old. In California, the age of majority in California is eighteen years old. With his management group, the 12-0 Pacheco fought three times in 2019 with Split-T Management.
The lawsuit states that Split-T Management did not abide by California law in that it did not register to for a boxer manager’s license and entered into a contract with a minor.

At this point, Split-T Management is seeking to dismiss the lawsuit for lack of jurisdiction. Split-T is a Delaware Corporation that does business in New York.
Payout Perspective:
The lawsuit was originally filed in state court in California but was moved to federal court. Here we have another lawsuit involving a disgruntled boxer. This lawsuit favors the boxer at this point. California has strict regulations with respect to having a proper managerial license to operate within the state. Moreover, the law is pretty clear that minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts. Split-T has yet to provide its story to this. Perhaps they indicate Pacheco stated he was 18 years old. However, if he was 17 years old at the time of the contract, the agreement is likely void. The lawsuit, which was filed last month, will likely have more responsive pleadings coming soon. Stick with MPO for more.
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