RingTV.com has produced a legal letter from Triller which indicates that it has the rights to Mike Tyson and his return to the boxing ring. The letter is in response to a social media post by Tyson which indicated that he no longer has a relationship with the company that put on his PPV last year.

The letter is from attorney John Flock with represents Triller addressed to DAZN. The letter indicates that Triller entered into an agreement with Frontline Battle, LLC “under which Triller acquired exclusive, worldwide rights to the boxing match between Mike Tyson and Roy Jones, Jr. that took place on November 28, 2020…The letter goes on to state that the fight was intended to be “the first in a series of boxing events (collectively the “Events”) –currently contemplated to be part of a league of sporting events anticipated to be titled “Mike Tyson’s Legends Only League” The Agreement gives Triller exclusive rights of first and last refusal to acquire equivalent rights, approvals and controls to any subsequent Event staged by Frontline or any affiliate, which includes Sophie Watts, John Ryan, Jr. and Mike Tyson for a period of three years following the First Event.”
Watts is the CEO of Eros Innovations. Ryan, Jr. is Head of Production. It appears that the three collaborated on Tyson’s Legends Only League. It appears from the letter that Triller asserts that they forged a deal where Triller would obtain the legal rights to Tyson events for a certain period of time. Moreover, they’d have the first and last rights of refusal on projects. This means that Triller would have some exertion of control as to any future event/PPV.
Tyson alluded to the schism on Instagram in which he claimed he did not know anyone from Triller and that they would not be connected with his next event.
Payout Perspective:
One can only imagine what happened here. It appears that Tyson had a business relationship with Eros Innovations and they, in turn, negotiated a deal for the rights of a Tyson fight. But, Triller made sure with their investment that they would also get an opportunity to produce another Tyson event in the case that it was a success. It was as Tyson’s exhibition scored over 1 million PPV buys. Thus, they have an opportunity for the next fight. The problem is that Tyson cannot get out of this contract to produce his own show because he’s contractually tied to Triller. Moreover, Triller has notified DAZN that if it entered into negotiations with Tyson alone, they would be subject to a lawsuit. Unless Tyson has a good legal claim why Triller’s contract should be void or not correct, it would appear that he’s subject to fighting on another Triller card unless he wants a prolonged lawsuit.
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