The Ultimate Fighter 24 Episode 5 increased to 574,000 in DVR +3 adjusted viewership via Nielsen.
Last week’s episode drew 366,000 viewers in live plus same day viewership on FS1. It increased 37% from last Wednesday.
The average DVR + 3 rating is 594,500. It averages an increase of approximately 40% from the Live + SD rating.
Not bad.
The longest running reality show in combat sports continues to chug along.
one wonders how long this show will be on the air, at this point ONLY the most die hard ufc fans are watching
One would know that despite these ratings this isn’t a bad number for FS1, unless they get lucky and have a MLB playoff match on a Wednesday, then nothing they own can match those ratings.
MLB only get big ratings during the playoffs, the FIFA WC only happens every 4 years, Big 12, PAC 12 and soon Big 10 only do Thursday, Friday & Saturdays, NASCAR & UFC are mostly weekend events, College Basketball doesn’t rate that well during the regular season and the UEFA Champions League airs weekdays during the day as they are European events, so most people are working.
I don’t usually watch TUF but I’ve enjoyed the fights this season as most of them are legit, the guy who was ranked last just beat Smolk a legit top 10 FlyW. The in-house stuff I don’t really care about, I like the little home made videos that tells a fighters story and they have a real mismash of guys in there, Japanese, African, Mexican & Brazilian and that’s without mentioning guys from places like Alaska.