Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN this past Wednesday drew an average viewership of 482,000 viewers. The rating reflects a modest uptick from October’s event on ESPN.
The viewership was measured from 8:30pm-9:40pm ET. The event began at 8pm but there was a rain delay as the event took place outside. Luckily, ESPN has Sportscenter which filled in and actually drew 477,000 viewers preceding the fight at 8:30pm.
In the main event Erislandy Lara defeated Jan Zaveck.
July 11, 2015 – (Thurman-Collazo) 800,000
August 1, 2015 – (Garcia-Malignaggi) 1.073M
August 31, 2015 (Mares-Santa Cruz) – 1.217M viewers
October 14, 2015 (Alexander-Martinez) – 428,000 viewers
November 25, 2015 (Lara-Zavek) – 482,000 viewers
Payout Perspective:
The ratings are decent considering the time of the event and the rain delay. Notably Lara was the opponent for Canelo Alvarez on PPV in July 2014. While I say the ratings are decent for a Wednesday before Thanksgiving special event, the numbers are way down from the summer events on ESPN.
Rousey is the face of the ufc hahahaha
Empty bank accounts are the face of PBC.
D, boxing was here before PBC and will be there after on HBO, Shotime and ESPN. Where is MMA without UFC? How about that nice loan they got?
Bellator smashes PBC in ratings……Fight Fan’s conclusions are debunked once again.
PBC received a roughly 500m investment. My question is, how are they going to pay that back- seeing how they aren’t making any money.
Lara is not a big draw. All of his fights are boring. Somehow this one wasn’t, but it’s going to take him a while to shake his reputation.
If PBC wants better ratings, they are going to have to make better matchups. Their good cards did over 1M. Their mediocre cards did not. The formula seems pretty clear from where I’m sitting.
PBC has spent only around $100 million. They showed the numbers like a week or two ago.
Meaning they still have $300million to throw around.
PBC is fine.
d on December 1st, 2015 3:31 PM
Bellator smashes PBC in ratings”
-No they don’t.
We already played this game remember?
I posted all the PBC cards ratings and the UFCs ratings, and you and Chris claimed the UFC did more, but when we added up all the numbers, PBC not only had more in total viewership but also averaged better ratings per card.
What happen after I PROVED that you were wrong?
You and Chris left this site for about 6 weeks.
In 9 months, PBC has had over 85M viewers in total. By March of 2016, It could possibly be at 100million viewers for a 1 year total.
The UFC aint touching that.
By the way that’s just PBC.
If we include PPV, HBO, and Showtime, boxing has already surpassed 100million viewers this year, and that’s not counting global numbers.
If we talk globally, boxing is bigger than football, baseball, and basketball.
PBC has spent close to 300m already. This information was already disclosed. The weakest is in denial.
Bellator destroys PBC in ratings on spike. The Weakest is just desperately grasping for straws again. You didn’t post anything. You just rant like an incoherent nut and suffer from delusions of grandeur.
Your evaluation of the ratings in both sports is without question, insane. You need to be further evaluated by a team of professionals. Everything you say is a delusion.
No ppv stars, terrible ratings, sport in the gutter…..yup that’s boxing! HAHAHAHA!!;_ylt=A0LEVz_jHV9WKf8ARwhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycXJhdGRqBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM3BHZ0aWQDQjExNzlfMQRzZWMDc3I-
They were already having bad financial news back in June when major investors started to pull money from their hedge fund.
Also, as Iole notes:
“It seems inconceivable that the PBC’s shows are making money on their own, at this point, and there still isn’t a lot of advertiser support.
So if the well runs dry, the Wall Street Journal piece could be a sign of the beginning of the end for the PBC.”
They are in a time-buy deal where their ad money is clearly not keeping the business afloat. Most of the purse money is coming directly from that hedge fund.
PBC will eventually fold. They expected much better ratings than they are receiving. This was a long term play, but one could imagine with investors pulling out of the big hedge fund, and ratings being consistently in the gutter with no sign or strategy for improvement, that they will likely pull the plug on this early.
PBC on Spike
3/13/2015 869,000
4/24/2015 569,000
5/22/2015 772,000
6/12/2015 446,000
8/14/2015 679,000
9/11/2015 581,000
10/16/2015 315,000
11/13/2015 466,000
The average for PBC on Spike TV events is 587,000 viewers.
Bellator 132 767,000
Bellator 133 565,000
Bellator 134 872,000
Bellator 135 607,000
Bellator 136 655,000
Bellator 137 594,000
Bellator 138 1,580,000
Bellator 139 764,000
Bellator 140 722,000
Bellator 141 666,000
Bellator 142 800,000
Bellator 143 669,000
Belaltor 144 555,000
Bellator 145 814,000
Bellator 146 650,000
Avg. Bellator event 752,000 viewers.
Bellator’s numbers destroy PBC on spike.
Now, spin that genius.
Why dont you post the NBC and CBS numbers, genius.
You know the one that did 4.2M.
Spike is the 4th tier PBC channel.
NBC, CBS, ESPN and then Spike.
Boxing vs mma.
Answer this simple question D, which sport has had more viewers this year?
The Weakest:
“ d on December 1st, 2015 3:31 PM
Bellator smashes PBC in ratings”
-No they don’t.”
When I post the numbers verifying my claims, the Weakest responds with:
“Why dont you post the NBC and CBS numbers, genius.”
HAHAHAHA!!! Until I post the numbers for those and then he alters his argument to something else more delusional.
This report was Nov 23, and it says that PBC could lose up to $200M by March 2017.
And the key word is “could”, not “has”.
You’re also grasping at straws.
You’re mad that these pbc fighters are raking in big payouts, so you want to talk PBC finances.
And you for some reason think that if PBC goes away that somehow boxing goes away.
Well the new president of HBO announced that the cold war is over and that any promoter is welcome on HBO, especially Haymon.
So go ahead and pout about that one.
But i could care less what pbc makes. I hope they pay every fighter $20M a fight so i can point my finger and laugh at you.
Americas, what $18trillion in debt?
I dont see America closing shop, and i don’t see boxing closing shop.
You said Bellator smashes PBC in ratings, and they dont.
You then tried to only compare Spike numbers. PBC isnt only on Spike. You spoke out of turn and you’re trying to spin it.
Next time Be smart
“This report was Nov 23, and it says that PBC could lose up to $200M by March 2017.
And the key word is “could”, not “has”.”
That wasn’t in reference to how much they have spent, it was in reference to how much money they are literally losing.
Burning through 300m of hedge fund money isn’t an absolute loss. They do still get ad money. You still haven’t grasped this concept of how gross/net profit works. You really aren’t very bright.
Those PBC fighters are making big payouts because they are being overpaid backed by a hedge fund who in the end will have nothing to show for. Haha. Anyone can start a business, take out an investment and overpay their employees. It’s pure stupidity and is doomed to fail.
“Americas, what $18trillion in debt?
I dont see America closing shop, and i don’t see boxing closing shop.”
This summarizes how slow delusional you are.
“This report was Nov 23, and it says that PBC could lose up to $200M by March 2017.
And the key word is “could”, not “has”.”
That wasn’t in reference to how much they have spent, it was in reference to how much money they are literally losing.
Burning through 300m of hedge fund money isn’t an absolute loss. They do still get ad money. You still haven’t grasped this concept of how gross/net profit works. You really aren’t very bright.
Those PBC fighters are making big payouts because they are being overpaid backed by a hedge fund who in the end will have nothing to show for. Haha. Anyone can start a business, take out an investment and overpay their employees. It’s pure stupidity and is doomed to fail.
“Americas, what $18trillion in debt?
I dont see America closing shop, and i don’t see boxing closing shop.”
This summarizes how slow delusional you are.
“Klitchko vs Fury drew 9 MILLION viewers in Germany 3 days ago.
When was the last time MMA drew this many viewers?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Yeah and about 90 million watched David Hasselhoff live in concert. How much money do they generate? 20 Euros for Fury- Klitschko. HAHAHA!!!
“You said Bellator smashes PBC in ratings, and they dont.
You then tried to only compare Spike numbers. PBC isnt only on Spike. You spoke out of turn and you’re trying to spin it.
Next time Be smart”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bellator and PBC both have fights on Spike. One is destroying the other in ratings. Only a nutjob would take ratings that weren’t on Spike and attempt to use those in defense of PBC. Must sting seeing the numbers prove you are a nut once again.
Your the one who compared them, and you were wrong. Who you really mad at?
By the way they did over 9Mil in Germany.
Whoever said that was misled. Klitschko-Lepai did 9M viewers in Germany. Klitschko Fury is over 11M from what ive heard.
It also was a ppv in the UK.
The fight was on during the afternoon in the US and averaged 1.038M viewers.
Funny watching you get ko’d with indisputable evidence. Haha.
Demetrious Johnson PPV revenue > Klitschko-Fury Sky Tv ppv revenue. HAHAHA!!!
Klitschko was in the top 25 for highest paid athletes for a few years. This year he was #63 with $22M.
No ufc fighter came close to the top 100.
Another win for the good guys
Klitschko-Fury made more money than any UFC fight in history.
Most of Klitschko’s money comes from endorsements, entertainment parts of his revenue. Has nothing to do with his pay.
The good guys are guys who won’t have an industry shortly.
Klitschko-Fury didn’t make anywhere even remotely close to the top UFC fights. There were at least 6 UFC ppvs this year that made more money than that fight.
Delusions of grandeur continue for the Weakest.
D you on the ufc payroll or something? They must pay you to come on here and try to do some damage control.
Fight Fan are you on Mayweather’s payroll, he must pay you to come on here and do some damage control.
D you sit on here 24/7, you got google alerts for this site or something?
As do you sissy fan.
d on December 2nd, 2015 3:11 PM
“Most of Klitschko’s money comes from endorsements, entertainment parts of his revenue. Has nothing to do with his pay.
The good guys are guys who won’t have an industry shortly.
Klitschko-Fury didn’t make anywhere even remotely close to the top UFC fights. There were at least 6 UFC ppvs this year that made more money than that fight.”
–Most of Klitschkos revenue comes from his fight purses.
He makes around $5M a year on endorsements and $20M-30M a year from fighting.
This fight with Fury had around 55,000 ppl at the event, and was on ppv in the UK.
Fight made more than any UFC fight ever.
D I come on here once or twice a day, you replied back faster than rousey got dropped.
“–Most of Klitschkos revenue comes from his fight purses.
He makes around $5M a year on endorsements and $20M-30M a year from fighting.”
Flat out lies. Only time that happens is when someone overbids for his purse for promotional reasons.
“This fight with Fury had around 55,000 ppl at the event, and was on ppv in the UK.
Fight made more than any UFC fight ever.”
Demetrious Johnson ppv’s made more money than this. HAHA!! Sky TV ppvs are usually around a quarter of what UFC ppvs cost and never draw anywhere near the numbers of a UFC ppv.
Sissy Fan, you are on here non stop all day. Just because I don’t use a number of aliases like you doesn’t mean you aren’t posting as frequently. You just can’t keep track of time, because you are posting all day from your local BWW’s. Hahaha.