The World Series of Fighting 22 event held on Saturday and airing on NBC Sports Network drew an average of 254,000 viewers according to a Nielsen source. It reflects a 21% increase since its last event.
WSOF 22 featured Rousimar Palhares and Jake Shields with Palhares taking the controversial win. As we now know, Palhares has been stripped of his welterweight title.
World Series of Fighting | ||
WSOF 1 | 198,000 | |
WSOF 2 | 210,000 | |
WSOF 3 | 201,000 | |
WSOF 4 | 264,000 | |
WSOF 5 | 227,000 | |
WSOF 6 | 161,000 | |
WSOF 7 | 94,000 | |
WSOF 8 | 212,000 | |
WSOF 9 | 242,000 | |
WSOF 10 | 365,000 | |
WSOF 11 | 781,000 | |
WSOF 12 | 206,000 | |
WSOF 13 | 246,000 | |
WSOF 14 | 229,000 | |
WSOF 15 | 179,000 | |
WSOF 16 | 181,000 | |
WSOF 17 | 222,000 | |
WSOF 18 | 209,000 | |
WSOF 19 | 216,000 | |
WSOF 20 | 128,000 | |
WSOF 21 | 203,000 | |
WSOF 22 | 254,000 | |
WSOF aired from 7:40pm to 10:15pm PT. Thus, all of the event was on during the UFC 190 PPV. It drew a 0.11 rating in the overall 18-49 demo, 0.19 among M18-49 and 0.07 among M14-34. Of course, the Diaz Brothers-Khabib brawl overshadowed the event at the Planet Hollywood in Vegas.
Payout Perspective:
Despite the stiff competition of PBC and UFC, WSOF drew a decent rating based on its prior events. The overall average for WSOF events is 238,000 including WSOF 11 which was on NBC. The 2015 WSOF average is 205,000 viewers.
Funny how none of the fuck tards compare any boxing to wso. Wow pbc destroyed this show!
That is actually wrong you moron. Go check out PBC’s numbers from NBC sports.
Funny how only a retard would actually compare a boxing league that has a bankroll of 500m to a minor league mma company that might be operating with 20m. I guess because they are both operating on time buy deals.
How long has wso been around???? Oh yea a long time. D cherry picks numbers or picks his ass. Wso was a world tittle fight fuck boy
I understand how ratings usually develop into a Boxing vs. MMA type of thing. I love both sports, but being honest I wish the MMA landscape had a more healthy lifeline–while Bellator attracts attention here and there, it only happens very sporadically and we all know the UFC is the only organization that really draws in MMA, instead of comparing the UFC with boxing it would make more sense to compare it with the WWE–they have three things in common; they are both the only game in town, they have fan crossover more so than with boxing and the UFC is modeled after Vince’s WWE model. AND Hopefully for Boxing the PBC will either learn to play nice or crash & burn, the last thing anyone needs is a crappy UFC style Boxing league.
saldadouche, a dumbass as usual. PBC on NBC Sport Network did 247k. That’s about as piss poor as WSOF. Try comparing PBC to the UFC prelims this past weekend.
Oh really DAGO? what world title was being defended on PBC nbc?? And Jake Shields is a household mma name, unless you are 8 years old. who the fuck is B.J. Flores and some other fuck? So its a fare comparison/ So lets see DAGO, pbc has a shit card with no name fighters and does 247 k and wso does the same numbers with a name fighter and a title, go piss up a tree douche, you know nothing and are a forum ass kisser!!!
Sal needs to be evaluated.
Jason no news details on pbc on fox?
You’re a complete moron. I was giving you credit for some basic level of intelligence, but apparently I was wrong to do so. You stated that PBC “destroyed” this show. I assumed you meant PBC on ESPN because only a compete dipshit would think that the BJ Flores fight, that did 247k “destroyed” this show that did 254k. But no, apparently you are in fact a complete dipshit and meant that a show that did 247k “destroyed” a show that did 254k.
Jake Shields has never been a big name fighter. He fought in SF and bombed in the UFC. Palhares is not well known either except. BJ Flores and Shumenov have similar profiles to Shields and Palhares – that is to say, only hardcore fans know them. And they were fighting for the WBA Cruiserweight title which is probably worth about as much as the WSOF title.
Anyone with the slightest modicum of intelligence can see that WSOF = PBC in terms of how poorly both shows did. The most likely reason for that is that both shows were on a shit network. But to say that one “destroyed” the other, one would have to be an idiot.
Ok number for them but NBC and WSOF keep scheduling events for the same day or weekend or in the same town as UFC or Bellator or other combat sports.
Put this fight on Friday instead of vs UFC/PBC and it could have been their biggest rating on NBC Sports.
They are doing an event in Conn the day afte ra Bellator show, now its not the same night but Bellators best ticket selling market is Mohegan Sun in Conn. mma fans are gonna choose Bellator on Friday over WSOF on Sat.
I know NBC Sports sets dates cause they have other sports to air, cant always avoid UFC or a boxing match but they can probably work around some dates if they wanted.
They need to try that cause its not helping WSOF by going against UFC and Bellator shows all the time cause they are always gonna be second choice behind them.
D, people like Sal are idiots. They are so eager to put down and compare boxing to mma they just compare anything.
So to a normal person and I know Jason doesnt like to get involved in this shit but even he would tell you networks arent equal.
ESPN and NBC SPorts are in no way equal, ESPN nad FS1 arent equal, Sal would compare a primetime NBC network boxing event to a UFC fight night on FS1 that aired at 10am.
To someone who isnt a moron you cant cmopare the two, not only because they aired at different times but because they aired on networks thats arent even close.
Would be like comparing FS1 to Bounce TV, who does that? But they have to cause its only way they can claim victory over mma.
dude you have a life?
Chris, yeah, Sal would do anything to claim boxing’s numbers are better in any way shape or form. Hell, sometimes the numbers are better for the UFC/MMA and he still will say they aren’t and claim the numbers are fake by Nielsen’s/Meltzer/etc, yet of course he’s accepted those figures in the past. Most of the time, he can’t even follow his own rants. He is a disturbed freak who has admitted he was around 50 that just acts like a mental patient on here.
Look at all the girls rally around a sport that has one fighter and she has a cunt! hahaha you are right there is no comparison, mma can only really be compared to mma, and there is only one game in town and one big named fighter. So please answer how such a big sport is now dominated by some twat that hasn’t even fought anyone???? You girls are so pathetic and cant even see whats happening to mma!!! Put your X box down and look around!!!
Sal is a nut. Haha.