The third episode of TUF 21 drew just 364,000 viewers for its third episode airing Wednesday per Sports TV Ratings. The episode drew a 0.2 rating with adults 18-49.
For comparison sakes, the third episode of TUF 20 drew 433,000 viewers.
TUF 21
Episode 1 – 490,000 live + Same Day
Episode 2 – 454,000
Episode 3 – 364,000
The TUF 21 early average sits at 436,000 viewers.
Payout Perspective:
The NBA and NHL Playoffs topped the sports TV ratings on cable. We’ll have more analysis on the numbers in the coming days but it’s clear that viewers are not tuning in…or are setting their DVR. We shall see how the DVR progress through the season.
Wow I see a lot of boxing fans were watching. Bahahhah.
I think the team aspect makes for better show at times but it also over shadows the fighters. The goal of TUF is to find stars and create stars but now it focuses attention to the teams and fighters are lost in the shuffle. The fighters is what brings people in and gets them to relate and that doesn’t seem to be the case with team concept. Also much of the air time is going to cover team concepts rather selling individuals and their story.
Since UFC 182 every single UFC number across the board is down! I guess all the converted boxing fans only tuned in to Jon Jones bahahahahha
So kovalev-vs-pascal sells out the bell center recently but I guess all the converted boxing fans forgot to go to UFC 186 wich had 10k including a few thousand comps! All the converted boxing fans were too tired to go that night bahahahahah
Here is another nob you can suck on D bahahahahahahah–will-obliterate-record-220828318.html
Fucking retard, you literally just make shit up.
How about this fuckface:
No Rematch!
How does it feel to eat crow for the millionth time, you fucking idiot?
Again, Q1 has been the biggest qtr ever for the ufc. Sal just makes shit up because he is a boxing paid troll.
By the way, you’ve posted the same article 3 times coming from the same source: Kevin Iole who gets his information from the promoters who are compulsive liars. Those numbers provided in the article are false, because the numbers haven’t been counted yet. They lied.
5 million would be epic.
Who cares if they do a rematch? Does anyone REALLY want to see one anyway?
Mayweather said in an interview that he wants his last fight to be against a good competittor, and that he wants Manny to fight a good compeititor in the undercard and maybe add a couple of other up and comers.
Apparently he wants his last horrah to be a stacked event.
It’ll be cool if it happens. We’ll see, though
haha D is soooo stupid and doesn’t know the soap opera of boxing hahah watch and learn you idiot. Great tuf numbers bahahahahah down down down
HAHAHAHA!!! Sal is shameless! He can’t even admit it when he is wrong!! Pathetic ass pirate for boxing.
TUF numbers are still better than The Contender numbers! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
D- who gives a fuck if theres no rematch (whic there will be)? Th record was SHATTERED. Boxing has won. In 5 years it will be official the UFC will be recognized as a niche sport on basic cable. You wont be able to ue the whole “we are still young” argument in 5 years.
You also said the event wouldnt do more than 3 million ppv buys. why should we listen to what you ever say after this? You and roid head rogan will soon be made aware that mma was just a fad for striking scrubs. Its over. Boxing won the war and next weeks ratings will finalize that in everyones mind. By the way the ratings of that fight will prompt a multi million network deal for PBC. All Haymon wil do is show the ratings and say do you want this?
Boxing hasn’t won anything after that fight. They lost badly. They lost that untapped audience Haymon is going after. Also, there won’t be a rematch. I knew there never would be one- Mayweather would never give him another fight. In 5 years, it won’t be the UFC on basic cable, it will be boxing after PBC goes down the toilet which it clearly is.
I never said it wouldn’t do 3m. I said it wouldn’t do 4 million and it didn’t. You are getting your information from the promoters who lie about numbers to inflate the fight’s success. I also find it amusing that an idiot like you who has been wrong nearly every time you post a statistic or make a prediction would attempt to call anyone out on anything.
It’s going to be really funny when Mayweather retires in the Fall and the Apocalypse happens to boxing’s ppv industry. It is going to take a nose dive 10x worse than mma(which only lasted 1 year accompanying tons of injuries) when Silva/GSP didn’t fight/semi retired.
Joe Rogan was right you idiot. When he gave that interview 7/8 years ago, he was correct, the guys who were stars then are still the only stars now in boxing. Boxing has senior citizens for fans and fighters. There only 2 ppv stars are 36 & 39-both set to retire shortly. Klitschko, who is one of their top 5 stars who can’t even sell a ppv, is 39. Cotto is 34. Who else is a big drawing star who wasn’t around then? Canelo? He can only do 300k buys on his own and he is extremely overrated. GGG? He is a great fighter but at 33 years old, how much time does he have to develop into a ppv star? Broner?? His ppv’s get scrapped and he loses to tune up fighters. Ward? In his 30s and still hasn’t sold 1 ppv buy.
The writing is on the wall. Boxing got killed in the press and by the public after this fight. It was great for Pac and Mayweather because they made a ton of money, but horrible for the sport because so many people saw what boxing has become- a point fighting sport where it is more boring than watching CSPAN. Boxing is for the P55 crowd. Also, your delusions are growing if you think that fight will spawn a network deal for PBC. The only thing that will get PBC a deal is ratings and they haven’t gotten them yet. PBC will be over in 1-2 years after losing hundreds of millions. The UFC’s contract with FOX will be extended because of their domination of the 18-49 demo over boxing. Al Haymon is being sued for 300 million and PBC is a disaster heading for an iceberg.
LOL. According the the article below. The average UFC audience that watched UFC on FOX 15 is 41. LOL. (old audience)
Roid head Rogan said “after Delahoya and Hopkins there will be no more stars”. Is Pac or Mayweather delahoya or hopkins you fuckin idiot. he said it was over. You will never be satisfied. 5 million ppv buys wont quench your hate. 35k tickets sold to watch Canelo on saturday wont clear you stupid. 18k to watch Klitscko fight a bum. (facepalm) your just a sore loser. BAHAHA. its over for mma. over
Jason, any idea what Top Rank Tru TV show did?
Mma is far from over. Its just not the fantasy dana and the girls promised or jerked everyone off about . Boxing is boxing. Except it or stfU. If the ufc weren’t such douche fucks maybe mma would be better.
Boxing is a sport with rich history, the ufc is a sport with TUF reruns bahahaha bahahahha
The median age of the boxing crowd is 65!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! Far older than a UFC. That’s why the UFC outdraws them in the 18-49 demo even when they put on low profile cars that do less than big PBC cards. HAHAHA!!! Senior citizen sport = boxing!
No, you are taking his quotes out of context and lying. Rogan said all the stars at that time were all they were going to have. Their stars were aging and fading and he was right. Where are these other stars? Mayweather and Pacquaio were stars at the time. Nice try you retard. You have to lie to come up with a bullshit argument. Basically all of boxing’s stars are in their mid to late 30s. Deal with reality, Rogan was right.
35k tickets sold for Canelo? What was the gate? How many ppv buys? Oh yeah NONE! Demetrious Johnson sold more this year than Canelo. HAHAHA!! You facefuck yourself every time you comment you retard. Boxing is in the grave. Senior citizen sport for old people and fading fast.
Boxing is a sport with history and that’s all it is at this point, plain history. No future like the lucrative one in mma. HAHAHA!!
Yes the UFC has a future and her name is Rousey baahahhaha bahahahah
Ronda Rousey! is the top paid, top ppv draw, top promoted, top sponsored, Hollywood star and is the biggest thing in all of mma right now!! HOW FUCKING PATHETIC! only a bunch of fuck sticks would salute a sport with no depth.
Big fight sat night, boxing is moving on quick and strong. The UFC still hasn’t gotten over ufc 182 and Jon Jones yet, they are still putting along, out of gas!
Numbers down everywhere the only people that the UFC is lucrative for are the arenas that take rent money from them haha Oh boy Boxing sure made history last weekend, and the UFC had tuf bahahahha how was that night in canada?, yea they made history for being down 700% bahahaha
D- I didnt know Beyonce and Justin Beiber were 65. Both were at the fight on saturday. you truly are a dumb soul. look at you trying to buld an argument that Boxing is dead when it could very well pull in 5 million ppv buys for this fight. so sad. You say Boxing has no one else. thats a talent pool problem not a deman problem. the dry humping league has a far more concerning problem and thats a demnd problem. when you can txclear 1 million ppv buys even when you match stars together thats a demand problem. heaven forbid they get 1.5 million ppv buys. its over D- I have 4 desires and 1 of them was fulfilled on saturday night:
prove to mma fans that boxing is not dead: that issue can never be brought up again after saturdays number. no matter how hard you try.
prove that mma’s dead. thats almost hapening but will be fulfilled in 5 years when despite trying the sport wont be able to crack 800k ppv buys
prove that mma is factually the scrub league not the tough league. people are already seeing that and it will sink in within 5 years.
have them die as a sport
Dont worry FB Rousey to the rescue baahha bahhahaha bahaha oops suck here too D
Cm punk is the future hahahahaha
d- who does boxing have on the decks. GGG, Canelo, Terrance Crawford, Felix Verderjo. but more importnatly who the fuck does the dry humping league have on the decks? wasnt anthony pettis suppose to be the new lightweight savior? dude just lossed. jon jones is a crackhead. bahaha its over
Hahaha, Fagbusiness’ takes two celebs who only watch boxing at most once a year and claims those are its fans. Take Mayweather out of the equation and they aren’t only not showing up to a boxing match, but they also aren’t even aware it exists.
That fight won’t bring in anywhere near 5m, again, you are getting your information from the promoters who are lying. And again, that fight isn’t reflective of boxing, because that fight and those numbers will never ever happen again. Not even close. And boxing’s aging stars will be retired shortly. Considering boxing is a star driven sport, I would say that is a problem for boxing when they can’t do big ppvs.
The UFC has a demand problem? Right, that’s why they destroyed boxing in ppv revenue in 7 out of the last 8 years, they got a network tv deal where they’ve done way better ratings than boxing has with PBC on NBC, they have huge merchandising deals, etc. No demand issue at all. The standup dry humping and necking league has the demand issue seeing how they can’t even secure a network deal without paying for it and their ratings stink.
” I have 4 desires and 1 of them was fulfilled on saturday night:”
Yeah and the other 3 involve your homosexual escapades with professional boxers you little queen.
“prove that mma’s dead. thats almost hapening but will be fulfilled in 5 years when despite trying the sport wont be able to crack 800k ppv buys”
Again, you are confusing mma with where boxing will be.
The truth of the matter again is this fight did serious damage to boxing. They are getting killed in the media for how horrible it was and most are mocking the overall sport for it. This was great for Mayweather/Pac, etc, bad for the sport.
Good luck in 5 years when boxing can’t even sell a ppv.
“who does boxing have on the decks”
Haha. You idiot. It is “who does boxing have ON DECK”! Learn English you retard.
“GGG, Canelo, Terrance Crawford, Felix Verderjo.”
GGG, is a great but he is 33 and no one will still fight him. He probably won’t be on ppv until he is 35. Kind of hard to turn into a superstar within that age and if he does he will be very short lived on top- that style of fighting doesn’t last as long as Gayweather with his dry humping style.
Canelo is horribly overrated and is only a draw if he fights another huge name. Crawford is shit and Verderjo is shit. No draws here. Canelo would be the closing thing to it, but he isn’t good enough. He will probably peak at somewhere like Cotto has. Solid B fighter, but certainly no Mayweather or Pac.
The UFC has tons of stars- far more than boxing ever has or will. You continue to ignore that they can sell big ppvs with tons of fighters. Boxing can’t. Boxing is more star demanding.
Much brighter future in mma than boxing. The writing is on the wall. Everyone understands this other than the fossils obsessed with boxing. Gonna be funny when Gayweather retires in the Fall. Watch those ppv numbers disappear. HAHAHAHA!!
Sal ranting like the incoherent moron he is again. No one takes this crazy geriatric seriously.
D- can you believe this retards logic. this is why i stopped addressing you several months ago. “If Mayweather wasnt there Beyonce and Beiber wouldnt be also” Holy shit and if Ali wasnt fighting Frazier celebrities wouldnt have been there also YOU FUCKIN DUMMY!!! but he was there. “If Michael Jordan wasnt on the Bulls no one would come” who gives a flying fuck he was on the bulls and mayweather was in the ring. (face in my pillow in disbelief)
ufc can succeed because it can throw a whole bunh of stars on one card. are you listenig to yourself? your acknowledging they have no stars. thats why they need 4 good people on a card. boxing can do the same moron but they dont need to.
“Its not going to do 5 million” holy shit even if it does 4.5 it still SHATTERED the fuckin record. It doesnt need to do 5 million 4.5 WOULD STILL BE MASSIVE YOU FUCKIN DUNCE!!!! You also said it couldnt do over 3 million so like donna white no one hould ever listen to you. i’m very serious about this. Dont waste my time if your going to make moronic claims
GGG can do 600k ppv buys right now and if he beats just one star (cotto, canelo, etc) its 900k ppv buys from there on out and he loves fighting at least 3 times a year. thats about 3 million pv buys annually just off of him.
verderjo is shit. dude he’s an up and comer thats doing great. in 2 years everyone will know him. the UFC has tons of starts LOLOLOL. Fuckin name them faggot. Name them faggot. give me two names right now who one there own can do 1 million ppv buys?
they have a tv deal. who cares so do the Kardashians. They’ll never do 5 million ppv buys again. oh so your acknowledging it did do 5 million ppv buys. WHO CARES if they dont do that again. its a fuckin record you dummy. The UFC cant do 1.5 million ppv buys again. please tell me when was the last time the UFC did 1.5 million ppv buys by the way they did that once with a stacked card. its soo sad. they can break 1.2 million ppv buys. they did it once. numbers dont lie.
i meant cant in the last sentence. all the “stars” and they cant get 1.2 million ppv buys. the last time they did it was a stacked ppv card. its over. mma is dead. no one cares.
You are so dumb it is unreal. You just acknowledged my point which was that Mayweather was the reason for those celebs being there. You used those two as an example of young people who watch boxing which is absurd for about 1000 reasons. Most notably because those two could give a shit less about the sport of boxing. They don’t watch it. They only will go watch when Mayweather fights. When Gayweather retires, are they going to be watching boxing? Maybe if Jay Z makes Beyonce. After he loses millions investing money into the sport.
Michael Jordan is no longer on the Bulls- did people still watch the Bulls after Jordan left? FUCK YEAH! They won’t with boxing. More like, your face is biting a pillow from taking a dick in your ass, you little faggot.
The UFC has stars, more stars than boxing does. They don’t need multiple stars on the cards, they don’t flood the promotions with tens of millions of dollars 99% of the time and when they do, they hit over a million buys. The UFC gets virtually no coverage from the main stream media like boxing does, and they still outdraw them and landed a legitimate network tv deal unlike PBC.
You can’t read you retard- that fight will do nowhere near 4.5m either. They are lying you stupid fag, retard. You are getting information from people who literally just fabricated numbers. Those numbers aren’t tallied for a week, yet the brain Iole just takes Arum at his word prior to the numbers being released to even the promotion. Haha. I never said it couldn’t do over 3 million, you are making shit up because you are pathetically attempting to win this failed argument of yours.
GGG can’t do 600k buys right now unless he fights a big named opponent, or else he would be fighting on ppv. Your delusional math is insane and you are proving you have zero concept of how boxing promotions and ppv work. Even if you had GGG fight 3 times per year, do you think he is going to land multiple fights in one year with Canelo/Cotto, etc. They already tried to get Cotto- he passed. These guys are dodging him like the plague because it is a high risk, low reward fight. GGG doesn’t have star power yet and is the best boxer out there. GGG probably won’t fight on ppv until late 2016. You are brain dead and delusional.
Verderjo can’t sell anything. No one knows him. No one cares about him. If that’s the best you can come up with, you are just proving my point again.
Name 1 boxer who can do 1m buys on their own. You can’t you fucking idiot. Not even Mayweather could. He was hovering around 900k buys for his fights against Maidana and Guerrero. And Pacquaio did under 400k buys against Algieri. HAHA! Those were also much more expensive promotions turdface.
Who cares??? Apparently Al Haymon which is why he is attempting to do the same thing they are.
You can’t fucking read you retard. I never said that fight did 5m you complete fucking idiot. I said ” That fight won’t bring in anywhere near 5m, again, you are getting your information from the promoters who are lying. And again, that fight isn’t reflective of boxing, because that fight and those numbers will never ever happen again.” Referring to the ACTUAL numbers, not the Arum bullshit numbers.
The UFC will be doing ppv numbers bigger than 1.5m in the future, not to mention -who cares, they spread out their ppv buys over the course of the year as opposed to boxing which just concentrates on a few. Let me know when boxing can bring in 8 or 9m buys in a year. That will NEVER happen for boxing.
Thanks for acknowledging they can break 1.2m buys. HAHA!! You are right, the numbers don’t lie- the UFC has an actual network tv contract with better ratings than PBC’s who have to foot the bill and the UFC has had more ppv buys and revenue in 7 out of the last 8 years. True story.
Boxing is dead. No one is going to watch it after Gayweather retires. PBC will fold in 1-2 years. MMA fans don’t go to boxing sites and troll, boxing fans do on mma sites because they know the reality of the situation. Just the fact that we are having this argument proves that point. RIP Boxing Fall of 2015! HAHAHAHAHA!!
Hey D can you count sucker? hahahah Rip the UFC right now, oh wait we got a big Rousey fight coming up bahahahahahha
Dumb Ass D wrote “The UFC will be doing ppv numbers bigger than 1.5m in the future, not to mention -who cares, they spread out their ppv buys over the course of the year as opposed to boxing which just concentrates on a few. Let me know when boxing can bring in 8 or 9m buys in a year. That will NEVER happen for boxing”
Shows he has no fucking clue about production expenses and promotion. Spreading it out worked for them years ago, its failing miserably! TV deal is a joke! numbers way way down D never mentions TUF in his medicated dribble!! The UFC will be lucky to be around to finish the Fox deal. I see them selling or going belly up within 2-3 years!
Nice night of boxing on HBO tonight for people that have jobs, buy HBO and buy PPV’s. Lets see what the MayPac replay does. How are those TUF re runs doing?? hahahah. Boxing has a nice plan for the next few years even without Maypac2, the UFC has Rousey ohhhhhh boyyyyyy hahahaha MayPac number are epic!!!!!!!!!
Ufc numbers are so far down from their high Dana is drinking cough medicine like a trooper!!
d- the ufc never did 8 million ONCE when lesnar was there. those numbers are long gone. If Pac werent hurt this year Boxing could have done 9 million this year. a rematach with mayweather in sept (yes hater it would have happened) and canelo vs cotto. thats 8 million righ there if not fuckin 10 million. boxing won th ppv battle last year and the xcuse was “fighters were hurt” bahahah. it was only on pace to do 4.5 million this year. now that jones is gone it will do 4 million. no one cares about mma gay. dude your the one trolling. by the way this is not exclusively an mma site. they focus on boxing also. you troll more than we do faggot. Kevin iola is a very good source. I have no idea what you are talking about. speaking of sources no one can confirm the ufc’s ppv numbers but you dont acknowledge that faggot. “the ufc will do 1.5 million ppv buys in the future”. bitch please they couldnt do that shit ever unless gsp fought anderson 5 years ago. mayweather can 1 million right now vs khan, GGG, cotto, thurman, or ridiculously canelo. boxing will win the ppv battle for the second year in a row this year. get ready for your new nickname. “i love ding ding” BAHAHA
d- the ufc never did 8 million ONCE when lesnar was there. those numbers are long gone. If Pac werent hurt this year Boxing could have done 9 million this year. a rematach with mayweather in sept (yes hater it would have happened) and canelo vs cotto. thats 8 million righ there if not fuckin 10 million. boxing won th ppv battle last year and the xcuse was “fighters were hurt” bahahah. it was only on pace to do 4.5 million this year. now that jones is gone it will do 4 million. no one cares about mma gay. dude your the one trolling. by the way this is not exclusively an mma site. they focus on boxing also. you troll more than we do faggot. Kevin iola is a very good source. I have no idea what you are talking about. speaking of sources no one can confirm the ufc’s ppv numbers but you dont acknowledge that faggot. “the ufc will do 1.5 million ppv buys in the future”. bitch please they couldnt do that shit ever unless gsp fought anderson 5 years ago. mayweather can 1 million right now vs khan, GGG, cotto, thurman, or ridiculously canelo. boxing will win the ppv battle for the second year in a row this year. get ready for your new nickname. “i love ding ding” BAHAHA
Fagbusiness, the UFC did over 8m buys in 2009- the did a total of 8.02m buys. In 2010, they did 8.98m ppv buys. Have you once checked on any of the statistics you attempt to throw out there, you fucking idiot?
You are such a fucking retard it is unreal. Like everything you say is completely ass backwards and delusional. Boxing won’t even break 5m buys this year probaby. This fight most likely only did somewhere in the 3-3.5m range despite what retlard Iole is reporting. Mayweather’s second fight will probably be against someone no one gives a shit about and will wind up doing around 850k buys like his other low profile fights. Canelo-Cotto hasn’t been signed and is highly questionable.
“it was only on pace to do 4.5 million this year. now that jones is gone it will do 4 million”
Again, what pace was that? The pace that you are once again pulling out of your ass? Complete idiot. They are on pace to do close to 7m buys you stupid shit. After July they will be well over 4m. My God you are dumb.
Right no one cares about mma, that is why you are on this website in fag mode defending the gay honor of your tranny promoters and homo boxers. Hahaha. This is called MMA PAYOUT!!!! 90% of the articles are mma related. If it was called BOXING PAYOUT, and 90% of the articles were boxing related, you would have a point. But you don’t because you are again, a fucking idiot.
I love this quote: “Kevin iola is a very good source.” Yeah, you really know your shit when you can’t even spell the person’s name you are defending as a reputable source. HAHAHA! Iole posted numbers given to him by Bob Arum. That would be like trusting Dana White on ppv numbers. Iole reported that UFC 100 did 2.6m ppv buys- but I’m guessing you would dismiss those numbers, huh? Idiot.
Dave Meltzer is the one who has contacts within the ppv cable industry and is very reputable. Dana White doesn’t like him very much because he calls out Kevin Iole on his bullshit ufc ppv numbers that are fed to Iole from White. Kevin Iole is a two bit hack Vegas writer who is about as informed as Howard Cosell was. He’s a fucking moron and anyone who listens to him is equally dumb.
Mayweather will not fight Cotto or Canelo ever again. Khan wouldn’t do 1m buys nor would Thurman and he is likely to face one of those two.
This website is also a troll magnet for insecure boxing fans who obsess about the fact that their sport got devoured by MMA. They also hate the fact that this is closer to real fighting than boxing is. That’s why freaks like fagbusiness and saldaqueer troll nonstop on here.
FAGBUSINESS coming the fall of 2015!! HAHAHA!!
Sal has become so insane at this point, to even attempt to comprehend his ramblings would be like trying to get a rationale answer from someone in Bellvue’s mental ward. We are gradually watching his mental health deteriorate. Bob Arum needs a new minion.
D ! Slow down! Take a deep breath and count to 5 million or more! Bahahahha
d- they are on pace to do 7 million this year? dude seriously what the fuck are you talking about? they have an estimated 2.3 million ppv buys thus far. they have an outside shot of hitting 4.5 million ppv’s. this year. Mayweathers last fight against anyone will do over 1 million ppv buys and you better pray he doesnt go for 50 and 0 because that will do 1.5 million. mma fighters punch like women
“boxing wont even break 5 million ppv buys. the mayweather fight only did about 3.5 million ppv buys” are you fuckin serious. are you fuckin serious. arum says the numbers are “breath taking” we’ll find out next week. you’re going to look so fuckin dumb when those numbers come in. boxing will do over 6 million this year and thats simply because pac is not fighting twice if he were it would do 7. boxing will be ppv king for the second year in a row. BAHAHAH
dan rafael is reporting mediocre fighter Kirkland made 1.3 million against Canelo tonight. and Canelo made about 3.5 million. he will make 15 million fighting Cotto. BUT BUT only pac and mayweather make money in boxing Fight Business. LOL. this shit is getting too easy. what am i debating with D about again? MMA= Easy work
attendance tonight at the canelo fight: . 31,500. but i’m sure everyon in the crowd was over 60. BAHAHAHA oscar says he will fight in texas at least once a year. holy shit i can see an 80k fight in the wings.
Fagbusiness, they hit 2.3m in the first 4 ppvs, your math is as insane as Sal’s. That was 1 qtr. They hit 2m in the first qtr. If we go by that rate, they will hit 8m buys fuck face. With their two biggest ppv’s coming up at the end of May and in July, they are going to hit probably close to 4.5 by July. Seriously, how stupid are you, ya freak?
Mayweather’s last fight in September will go under 1m. He will take a safe fight and retire. Bruce Jenner punches harder than Gayweather. Boxers would get destroyed in an mma fight. They would literally get murdered in the cage if they fought. Boxer’s can’t fight, they can box with 8-10 oz. They can’t even kick box. Go check out how Botha did out in K1. How was his boxing there? 4-11 record. HAHAHA!
Bob Arum said the numbers are breath taking? Yeah, sounds like more homo boxing talk. Truth is Arum lies about all of his numbers. Richard Schaefer has even called him out on it a million times. His predictions are always exaggerated as well. We probably won’t find out next week at all unless someone with credibility comes out and says their contacts within the cable industry released them. You already look so dumb saying Kevin Iola(hahaha) has credibility and claiming his numbers were legit. Now you are saying we will wait. HAHAHA! Thanks for realizing he is full of shit and the numbers you are getting are from Arum, etc. who lie.
Boxing won’t do over 5m this year.
UFC PPV>>>>>>Boxing PPV
Wow, big attendance numbers for Canelo. How much was the gate? How many ppv buys? HAHAHAHAHA!!! Overrated bullshit. The UFC just did a gate for 800k between Hunt/Miocic. No titles, not heavily promoted, lower profile card.
Sal take that 5 and subtract 2. That’s the real number. HAHAHAHA!! Mayweather retiring in the Fall!! Boxing done in the Fall. HAHAHA!!
“they hit 2.3m in the first 4 ppvs, your math is as insane as Sal’s. That was 1 qtr. They hit 2m in the first qtr. If we go by that rate, they will hit 8m buys fuck face. With their two biggest ppv’s coming up at the end of May and in July”
Boxing did over that with one ppv.
Thats petty shit.
If that’s pretty shit, then boxing ppvs other than their last fight which will never happen again are pretty shit. And again, the UFC can do a number of good ppvs per year, while boxing will probably only do 3 at most this year.