The UFC 185 Prelims on FX drew an average viewership of slightly over 1 million viewers with 1,003,000. The event which featured Ross Pearson versus Sam Stout peaked at 1,147,000 total viewers in the 9:30pm-9:45pm ET quarter hour.
It’s the fourth straight UFC Prelims which drew over 1 million viewers. The 185 Prelims were up 28% from the UFC 174 Prelims, the last time it was on FX (1,003,000 vs. 784,000). It was also up 36% in the A18-49 (532,000 vs. 390,000) since the last time it was on FX. The ratings are Live + Same Day viewership per Nielsen.
Payout Perspective:
Notably, all of the fights on the UFC 185 Prelims ended in stoppages. The trend of viewership topping over 1 million is a good sign for the UFC. Perhaps this was even a better accomplishment considering the prelims were moved to FX due to college basketball. The ratings reflect the fact that the audience actively recognized the change and decided to watch. FX does have more viewers than FS1, yet one might assume that most tuning in wanted to watch the fights.
Ross Pearson-Sam Stout equals Pascal-Kovalev. HAHAHAHA!
Stout-Pearson was lower actually.
Math can be your friend if you want it to be
1 million customers watching the perlims then 750k don’t buy the ppv, The UFC had better ppv numbers when there wasn’t any perlims!! OOOPS. Comparing something for free to something you actually have to pay for is ignorant.
What sports D?? please I want to laugh at your bullshit! WE all want to hear you lies!!
the prelims do better than fight nights. odd
Hey Gayest, no shit moron, but the numbers were nearly identical. Nice straw grasp idiot.
Saldaqueef, every sport and everything. I’m literally better at everything in this world than you are.
It’s really funny watching you attempt to spin everything when the numbers just continue to rise for mma and boxing’s numbers dwindle.
You are also lying again, making up pure fabrications like you always do seeing how the ppv numbers didn’t come in yet. You don’t know anything at all about this business, you are just a pathetic boxing welfare to work troll. Stop acting like you know anything you fag.
Fightbusiness, it must really kill you to see the mma numbers for a d level fight be on par with a big named headliner on HBO. HAHAHA!!!!
I hope you are getting ready for your new nickname in the fall. HAHAHA!
Bhahaha D its so obvious you never played any sports, thats ok i’m sure you were and still are a total dork! Just dont lie, it really doesn’t matter, you have a bright future as a lying sack of shit paid blogger. hahah
d:AKA ” I love Ding Ding” You better get ready for your new nick name. I love Ding Ding prays May 2nd doesnt hit 4 million views!!! He’s praying it will only do 3 miliion. BAHAHA. Canleo vs may did 2.2 million ppv buys and no one knew Canelo outside of Boxing circles. How the fuck does may 2nd only do 3 million? UFC is copying Boxings touring press confences today. they are piggy backing with Rhonda again. What Aldo vs mcgregor cant sell on its own? BAHAHAHA.
kovalov ratings dont kill me because it was on a premium channel and dry humping prelims were on basic cable.. I already said Fight Nights do less ratings than Dry Humping prelim fights. Thats odd. NBC does a 4.2 million peak BAHAHA. Gustaffason did 3.6. garcia vs peterson sucks ass and will still peak at 4 million. lol
It’s not useful to compare FX to HBO. Both the UFC and boxing did well this past weekend. Neither hit it out of the park.
The UFC has had very solid viewership so far this year. Hopefully they’ve turned the corner on the injury bug – I think other than Weidman-Belfort no major matchups have been scrapped. Let’s see how they keep this momentum going. Rousey’s next fight is not exactly giving me goosebumps and I’m disappointed that Pettis lost, but Bones-Rumble, Brown Pride-Vai Cavalo and Brazil-Ireland are can’t miss as far as I’m concerned.
Unfortunately I am not one of the people who recognized the change from FS1 to FX. I had set my DVR and wound up getting back home to disappointment.
Good points Diego!
Sal, you smell like shit and I’ve played tons of sports. I’ve also cross trained for years in gjj, wrestling in kickboxing. Played baseball, football, basketball competitively on a much higher level than you would have ever dreamed of. You wouldn’t even know what an mma gym looks like.
No surprises here, just another day in the life of Saldaqueef, fag minion of crusty Bob Arum.
“d:AKA ” I love Ding Ding” You better get ready for your new nick name. I love Ding Ding prays May 2nd doesnt hit 4 million views!!! He’s praying it will only do 3 miliion. BAHAHA. Canleo vs may did 2.2 million ppv buys and no one knew Canelo outside of Boxing circles. How the fuck does may 2nd only do 3 million? UFC is copying Boxings touring press confences today. they are piggy backing with Rhonda again. What Aldo vs mcgregor cant sell on its own? BAHAHAHA.”
Nice try fag business, but you are forgetting what this bet is about moron. It is whether or not the ufc hits 5m ppvs. By April, they will already be more than half way there fag business. As a matter of fact, I changed my mind, that is what your new nickname will be- fag business.
Also, you have no idea of what you are talking about. 3 million buys is an astronomical number. No one should ever say only 3m. Not that any of this matters, because the truth is, I could care less if this fight did 10m really because this is the end of the super fight in boxing. Their ppv numbers are going to drop massively after Mayweather retires and they know it.
More like you better pray that Aldo vs McGregor, MacDonald- Lawlor doesn’t get out of control with buys, because it looks like that is going to be real big. Then followed by Johnson/Weidman title fights and Velasquez. You could literally have your new nickname by August at this rate. HAHAHA!!!
“kovalov ratings dont kill me because it was on a premium channel and dry humping prelims were on basic cable.. I already said Fight Nights do less ratings than Dry Humping prelim fights. Thats odd. NBC does a 4.2 million peak BAHAHA. Gustaffason did 3.6. garcia vs peterson sucks ass and will still peak at 4 million. lol”
Yeah, but the ratings don’t seem to go up much for boxing once they hit regular cable. By the way, you are confused, once again boxing is dry humping. They don’t call him Floyd Gayweather for nothing. HAHAHAHA!!! NBC has a disastrous debut, the UFC’s first two shows destroyed that number with half of the overhead and they didn’t have pay to get a deal, they had a bidding war! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Hay D did you cycle on and off ped’s while you played all those sprorts?? bahahahha we should call you Boe Jackson hahha. Another internet sports star behind a key board. Sure you did D Hahaha
I never called myself a sports star, but without question I competed at a higher level than you did with everything I did. You’ve been wheelchair bound since you were a child, you diaper shitting retard.
Don’t act like you have any clue how peds work. You don’t. You just ramble on and expose yourself idiot.
hahaha D is an internet athlete, hey D playing fantasy football doesn’t make you an athlete in the real world. hahahah I didn’t know they had those sports in dirty India bahahahahha
Sal, you keep convincing yourself that your appearance at the special olympics makes you an olympian.
Did Uncle Bobbi send you to India, is that where you got this fetish from, you freak weirdo?”