Its the second episode of Show Money with Bloody Elbow’s John Nash and Paul Gift. In this episode we talk the hurdles to the UFC’s implementation of its proposed drug policy, Premier Boxing and the latest from the Zuffa Antitrust lawsuit.
I apologize ahead of time for any audio problems on my end as I had issues with my internet.
Haymon’s long term goal to turn PBC into a tv property…….with 3m viewers on debut with big names? HAHAHAHA!!!
He’s losing other people’s millions. This is doomed.
bahahah even D turns a UFC topic into a boxing thread hahahaha
The truth is Sal’s enemy. Hahaha.
Even Tyson gets it:—go-to-mma-213833350.html;_ylt=AwrBT8kmWwRVd8EAUmVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–
You only have to look as far as pro cycling to realise that, at present, doping technology far outstrips the anti-doping technology. No one spends more money on anti-PEDs enforcement than the UCI, but no sport is more rife with doping. The old adage, “You can’t fail the drug test without first failing the IQ test” still holds true. Cycling even went so far as to commit regicide, killing the legend of its king, but failed to make any significant inroads to stopping the cheating. It’s still the best doper who wins, always.
The entire world of sports “benefited” from Pharmstrong’s development of the world’s most sophisticated PEDs program. I don’t think there’s any doubt but that Anderson Silva’s positives were the result of failing to strictly adhere to the program. So Dana can spend all the piles of cash he wants, but there’ll be very little return on his investment.
Bahaha Tyson is a moron always was always will be. If he said the sky was blue I would go outside and look. Plus hes trying to get a deal as a commentator with any mma promotion he can right now. D is as stupid as tyson bahhahhaah
Hahahaha!!! SAL hates the truth!!! Sal’s just an old, dirty, fuck!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Juristriction really isnt that complicated.
If USADA conduct the testing on behalf of UFC they have the power to issue a temporary suspension from WADA affiliated sports. UFC can affiliate with WADA and therefore follow those bans.
Would just go the athletic commissions for ratification,
And yes, there is artbitration service.
USADA use AAA (American arbitration service) for all their disciplinary appeals.