The Nevada State Athletic Commission has released the purses for tonight’s inaugural Premier Boxing Champions broadcast on NBC. Its boxing’s return to prime time on network television and the purses reflect the big fight feel for the event.
Keith Thurman – $1.5 million vs. Roberto Guerrero – $1.225 million
Adrien Broner – $1.25 million vs. John Milina – $450,000
Abner Mares – $500,00 vs. Arturo Santos Reyes – $20,000
(h/t: Bad Left Hook)
Payout Perspective:
Guerrero made $3 million in his fight against Floyd Mayweather in May 2013. He made $1 million in his last fight, a slugfest against Yoshihiro Kamegai. Keith Thurman made $500,000 this past December. Notably, he turned down an offer from Roc Nation Sports which would have earned him $2 million per fight according to ESPN’s Dan Rafael.
It will be a big night for boxing and it will be interesting to see how the ratings will do.
Big money for a non ppv fight…..hahahaha…boxing is where the money’ s at…payout article worth reading and discussing. Hahaha
Hahahaha!! What happened to Broner’s $40m contract?? Could it be that it was a load of shit, just like what his career is going to turn into? HAHAHA!!!
We notice also that they are conveniently leaving out what the prelim fighters are making for the fight which are typically significantly lower than what even Bellator fighters are paid.
This will eventually flop and boxing will have to scramble to come up with another idea for keeping the sport afloat when Mayweather retires.–mma.html
MMA coming to New York!
Ha ufc coming to ny and they have to use Brock. What a joke! Another great night for boxing! Tremendous year for boxing, Broner’s pay is more then An entire Ufc show. Boxing still knows how to do it, we are still trying to figure out what the ufc knows how to do.
D is in panic mode.
D stop stalking people.
By the way, Broner TURNED DOWN a 40m contract from Jay Zs Roc Nations Sports.
All the payout numbers you see are for every fight that happened on the card tonight. With Thurman-Guerrero being your top fight. Know what your talking about before you speak d. If you want to bring up what lower level boxers make why don’t you explain the whole landscape in MMA as a whole. UFC pay is bad and then other MMA outfits are even worse.
Hahaha…loan due cant pay fighters big money hahaha
Hahaha! Toilet year for boxing Sal other than 1 fight. NBC fights were snooze fests that just lost the sport more fans. Broner makes as much as Rousey…a woman! Hahaha!!
THE GAYEST!!! He keeps stalking me!!! Haha!! What a weird fruitcake!!!
Yeah, Broner turned down a 40m dollar contract so he could fight for a little over a million per fight. Haha. Maybe in the world of The Gayest economics that would make sense, but in reality, the deal never existed.
Oh D, so sad, he keeps grasping for straws that don’t even exit. Broner makes more than almost all the UFC fighters and Rousey makes more then 99% of the men UFC fighters, wow that sucks for any man ufc fighter bahahahahahah!!!
Boxing only gains fans UFC keeps losing them hahahha 5 mil ppv coming haha
Broner makes more than almost all of the boxers, what is your point? He is their savior and loses tune up fights! HAHAHA!!! Boxing heading for an iceberg after Mayweather-Pac. Boxing continues to lose fans with their snooze fest fights. 5m ppv buys? You are growing more delusional as the days go by.
I wonder how the ratings will do.
A lot of ppl I know who never watch boxing were watching these fights and a good number enjoyed them.
D was watching.
He hates on boxing yet watches all the fights.
I rarely watch a UFC fight.
Wonder why that is D, you little cunt.
Hahahaha. I didn’t watch that shit. I would never watch that boring bullshit. The only boxer worth watching these days is GGG. I read the write up just to confirm how boring the fight was and I was right. Hahahaha!!!!
By the way, how are those Super Bowl wins coming along for Manning in Denver? HAHAHAHAHA!!!
FUCKIN HYSTERICAL!!!!!! Rhonda Rousey is a “huge” star heavily promoted and makes 1 million at best a fight. She cant make more than a barely known top 5 welterweight. Abner mares a fucking 125 pounder makes more than Machida. HAHAHA. “Only pac and mayweather get paid lmiliions”. Really MMA faggot seems to me Thurman and Guerrero are clearing 7 figures. Keith Thurman makes more than everyone except 3 UFC fighters. he’ll make more than every UFC fighter from here on out.
Famous Dana Whie quote- “We saw eveything Boxing was doing and knew we had to do the opposite.” You sure did dana, You sure did. mara a FUCKIN 125 pounder made 500k BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ronda Rousey is not a huge star. Her biggest ppv draw was 450k buys. There are more than 6 active ufc fighters with bigger draws than that.
There are much more than 3 ufc fighters making more than Thurman. You do realize that only ppv stars in boxing make multiple millions other than the charity case Klitschko. And seeing how there are only 4 boxers that fight as an A on ppv, and 3 of them are on there way to retirement very soon, boxing is in some trouble. Haha. Thurman will never make any more than he is making unless he fights on ppv and that ain’t happening any time soon.
Fightbusiness can’t take the fact that he is an idiot and his sport is being taken over by mma. HAHAHA!!!
500k isn’t some sort of astronomical figure you idiot.
Boxing shits the bed on their big opening night! Just wait until those investors drop out when the ratings continue to tank. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
D- Its an atronomical amount if you weigh 125 pounds and are fighting a no name. LOL. That means if there were alot of 125 pound stars he’d be making over 1 million a fight easy. Prince Nasim once made 3 million in a fight and that was 20 years ago. lol. How much is Demetrius Johnson making? LOL. Thurman will make over 2 million a fight minimum from here on out and he will be a B side on ppv by next year. Canelo vs Thurman is completely premature but would do 350k right now. Rhonda is not a huge star? Are you fuckin kidding me? She’s the organization’s 3rd biggest star behind Jones & cain who never fights. There are not “much more” UFC fighters making more than Thurman. stop it with your lies and the ones that are making more are accomplished fighters Thurman became a star last night. by the way Cotto was offered 10.5 million to fight Canelo not including his ppv upside. He has several losses and makes more than Jones and Silva. LOLOL Dana white- “We saw what Boxing did and said to ourselves we need to do the opposite.” You couldnt be more right Dana you frustrated Boxer. You couldnt be more right.
I have no doubt that Broner was offered a 40mi contract, its not what people think. Just like the 100 mil ufc fox deal, Morons who know nothing about business and contracts in sports and entertainment think that Broner just gets handed a check for 40 mil, that is so far from the truth it makes me laugh and it just shows how stupid D and other like him are. Its pointless to try to explain, you cant fix stupid!! And morons believe what they want anyhow.
WOW here we are comparing Rousey to pro Boxers bahahah that’s all the UFC has, a fraud women’s division hahaha. D likes to compare 100,000 boxers world wide to 500 ufc fighters, what a pathetic dork! Anyhow Broner will make more in his career than every UFC champion fighting now combined!! Fuckin sad but true!
FIghtbusiness you are a professional retard. You lie about everything. Nothing you ever say makes any logic. The very fact that you troll this website proves the opposite of what you are trying to prove that boxing is more popular. You don’t see mma fans trolling bad left hook and the reason is because they don’t care about boxing, you do care about mma. HAHAHA!! Fucking idiot!!
HAHAHAHA!! Rousey and Velasquez are not 2 and 3. Weidman, Jones, Silva, McGregor, and possibly a few others are bigger than those 2.
Cotto owns his own promotional company, and would lose money on the promotional side of the fight. He wouldn’t make more than 10 and that is only because he is an established star in his 30s. He’s on his way out. Thurman ain’t going to be his replacement. HAHAHAHA!!!
Seems like the frustrated ones are the boxing fans because their sport is getting swallowed like Rogan said. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Saldaqueef’s math 1.25m> 40m. HAHAHAHAHA!! He can’t count!!! What a mutant!
This just in: Roc Nation signed Cotto to a 3 fight 50 million deal. LOLOL. “But that cant be right FightBusiness, Only Pac & Floyd make money in Boxing. BAHAHAHA
Bahahah Cotto!!! suck on that D hey D can you even count? hahaha Once again D is wrong wrong wrong and has no fucking clue. D= a very desperate Dude!! hahaha Broner’s training costs more then what 99% of UFC fighters make.
D cant wrap is small brain around the possibility of Broner having a career erning of over 50 million! Add up any Current UFC champ and its a joke in comparison! Even Brock who was a champion didnt come close! Ass head!
Boxing is for senior citizens!!! The only fighters who get paid are the 4 who are in their mid to late 30s and will be retired soon. I can’t wait to hear from Fightbusiness when Mayweather retires in the fall. He’s gonna be squirmin’. HAHAHA!
Saldaretard, in what world do you live in that Adrien Broner will ever make anywhere near that figure you fucking idiot? Broner’s purses are barely over a million and his stock is declining every fight because his fights are boring, and he can’t sell shit, not to mention when he actually fights a tough opponent, he loses. GSP Has made 10x more in career earnings than Broner.
Broner…the poor man’s Mayweather aka Saldaqueef’s last prayer!! HAHAHA!!!
Personally I’m not a fan of Broner so I dont care one way or another, It just shows how completely clueless you are D . GSP lol old news You can try to live off of one fighter name hahahahah Fact is that there are dozens and dozens of boxers that have career earning in the 10s of millions, and there is maybe one or 2 ufc fighters that ever have!!! D cant handle that Boxing is a much more established sport with real money and sponsors bahahahah oh wait Cm punk is coming and maybe maybe Brock will come back hahaha what a joke!!! WWE with a different name that’s all it is haha
HAHAHAHAHA!!! SALDAQUEEF!!! His savior Adrien Broner!!! The next Mayweather!!
I honestly don’t see how Roc Nation can offer Broner and Cotto so much money. Broner was $40M for 8 fights I believe ($5M per fight) and now Cotto more than $10M per fight. I don’t get it. I don’t think those guys move the needle to that degree, but good for them if someone is willing to pay them that much. What I can comprehend even less than Roc Nation making Broner such a ridiculous offer is Broner turning it down.
There’s a lot about these Roc Nation deals that doesn’t make sense to me. I hesitate to question Jay-Z because that dude makes money on everything he touches, but I don’t see how he is going to make money paying these guys like that.
Does anyone know how much Adre Ward is getting paid? I like Ward, I think he’s one of the best boxers in the world, but he’s a boring fighter and I can’t see him becoming a big PPV star.
It has to be a long term investment to gain exposure. These two fighters don’t generate that type of money. Cotto is still a draw to some extent, especially in NY, but as for a big ppv attraction, not really. Broner is even lower profile where he can’t sell much despite his best efforts. He is still a relatively bigger name in boxing and it seems like Jay Z is just trying to get the word out there for future big name boxers to sign with them. There really is no other explanation.
40 million for 8 fights does not mean they pay a fighter 5 million a fight! There are so many variables and entities getting paid out of that number that by the time the boxer gets paid its the same 1.2 million. 40 million makes headlines and is approximately what the entire deal with all costs from A to Z. Even the guy who cuts Broner’ss hair is figured in that number lol All costs to promote and produce the fights comes out of the 40 million. Don King use to pay his daughter a consulting fee out of every big fight, same thing here and with all promoters. So total expenses is a bout 5 million a fight, not paying the fighter 5 million. Oh and D is a desperate dude hahahah Boxing has huge multi world wide promoters, with serious money and sponsors, look at the UFC’s low rent sponsors and look at boxings. D has no clue about what Roc nation or anyone in business is doing. A google yahoo idiot. Just think without the internet D would have no knowledge about anything bahahahahah
Hahaha. Sal is a professional retard who can’t comprehend basic math. He is a glorified usher who once worked at a high school venue that thinks he knows how this business works, yet can’t even comprehend what a corporation is.
This event lost millions and Saldaqueef is too stupid to either realize it or he is being paid in food stamps to deny it.
Yea D knows one way or another if the event made or lost lol Idiot, NBC”s sponsors paid for most of the cost, and MGM blew the NBC exs to have the fight there.. And he thinks a corporation, no matter what its called and how its set up doesn’t pay taxes, D lives in a google fantasy world of star track and X box bahahha same old D with nothing to say worth a shit.. the UFC must be tired of such a know nothing loser getting free fight pass for posting retarded statements. And I told you I was the bathroom attendant when your uncle took your stool hole and made it bigger!
Enjoy your fight pass while it last hahahah retard
I know what the fucking payouts were you cocksucker. I know the gate didn’t do shit and there were tons of tickets still available right up until the moment the fight happened(MGM could care less about a bullshit card like this that didn’t attract anyone there). I know Haymon had to pay millions to buy time, and NBC paid for the production-they didn’t pay for the total promotion. I know this event didn’t have big int’l tv contracts and in no way, shape or form, made a profit, you fucking idiot. This took a massive loss.
HAHAHA!!! You didn’t know what a corporation was, and when I exposed you for the fucking idiot you were, you tried to spin it the best you could like you are now you fucking idiot. Any high schooler who took an economics class knows the difference between a sole proprietorship, partnership and a corporation, you pathetic, fucking idiot! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Sal, you live in a fantasy of your parent’s basement in your 50s while convincing yourself you are an insider, despite the fact you don’t even know entry level information on basic business practices. HAHAHA!!!
Bob Arum’s really got you working overdrive while paying your fag ass in food stamps. Stop sucking his cock you little homo.