The New York Times reports that boxing impresario Al Haymon has brokered a multiyear deal with NBC Sports Group to air boxing on NBC and NBC Sports Network with its debut on March 7th. NBC is expected to carry five cards in prime time and six on Saturday afternoons per a source in the article.
Al Michaels will host NBC prime-time bouts and Sugar Ray Leonard will serve as analyst for some of the cards.
The deal, which is a time buy by Haymon has been in the works for some time. Haymon, who serves as adviser to some of the top boxing stars in the sport will feature many fighters previously on Showtime and HBO including Adrien Broner, John Molina, Robert Guerrero, Danny Garcia and Lamont Peterson. Although Haymon advises Floyd Mayweather, he will not fight on any of the shows.
Payout Perspective:
You may recall that WSOF originally appeared on NBCSN and NBC via time buy although it has since signed a 3 year deal with the network in February 2013. This deal promises to be much bigger and could change the landscape of the sport as it promises to bring boxing back to prime time network television. It will also offer shows on Saturday afternoons on NBC which has been done the past couple years to mild success. We will see how this deal will work out in terms of ratings and appeal for the network.
HAHAHAHA!!! Boxing has to pay to get on a network. What a joke. This is basically the same deal as WSOF!! Haha. Major boxing promoters are the equivalent to minor league mma promoters. Pathetic. Wait for the boxing troll morons to attempt to spin this. Hahahaha.
D is soo desperate! pathetic, one day he will wake, up, grow up and realize what a fool he actually is.
Boxing has the money, the names and the real sponsors for this is be successful, unlike mma on network tv Sugar Ray baby can you get any bigger?
HAHAHAHA!! Sal the boxing paid spin doctor is pathetically trying to angle this. It didn’t take him long.
Boxing=have to pay for a network deal
MMA=get paid over 100m per year for a network deal
Do the math fag boy for Arum.
He’s paying $20 to get back $50 from brands…
Real real simple…
“Haymon is backed by CVC Capital Partners and Waddell & Reed—two investment firms and primary equity owners in the Formula One Group, which controls the rights and licensing of the world’s richest auto racing series.”
Exactly pink! Douche bags that have no clue will argue with the reality of this deal, boxing and how big it is!!
F1 = over $1.5 billion in revenue.
There is a biz model in play I believe… LOL
Boxing is going to be on NBC, which is hands down a bigger and more respected channel than FOX.
You got to spend money to make money and boxing is going to kill on there especially if they put some notable names like Adrien Broner and Danny Garcia.
Also D tried to compare the UFC against Al Haymon.
Al Haymon is just one man while the UFC is an actual business.
Also factor in that the FOX is really regretting their deal with the UFC and I see no way that they re up on that.
They barely bring in 2m viewers.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Look at the trolls squirm. They hate the fact that boxing sucks dick for air time. HAHAHA!!!
Haymon couldn’t get a deal so he said he would blow them and pay them for air time. When they lose millions it will be real funny.
Boxing NBC contract = WSOF NBC contract
UFC FOX contract = 100m per year.
Suck that shit boxing fags!! HAHAHAHA!!
Hey look it is the GAYEST! He doesn’t know what a promoter is. Haha.
First card on NBC, March 7th, 9pm Eastern
Keith Thurman (24-0 21KOS) vs Roberto Guerrero (32-2-1, 18 KOs)
Adrien Broner (29-1, 22 KOs) vs John Molina (27-5, 22 KOs)
Thurman has alot of buzz around him and is facing Guerrero who faced Mayweather about 2 years ago.
Broner is facing a solid fighter in Molina. This is part of Broners redemption tour since being beaten by Maidana.
Good card, it should bring some decent viewership but if they had Broner facing Danny Garcia, that would bring big time views.
April 11th so far is slated for Danny Garcia vs Lamont Peterson
All headliners are slated to make 7 figures or more according to ESPN.
Al Haymon manages or advises 150 fighters with almost all of them being up for option for NBC fights with the exception of Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Al Michaels calling play by play.
Yea I think this deal is bigger and better than the UFCs.
“While HBO and Showtime pay millions for their top fights, NBC is not paying a rights fee for the bouts. Multiple sources have told that Haymon’s organization, backed by big-money investment firms, has purchased the time on the networks for at least $20 million a year with millions more earmarked for promotion and marketing.
The headline fighters are expected to earn seven-figure purses — even greater than what they had earned on Showtime and HBO.”
Yea explain to me D how UFC gets money to be on FOX and pay their fighters in food stamps while Boxing fighters are getting 7 figures?
But boxings dying right?
He doesn’t comprehend the contract. HAHAHAHA!!
Haymon is sucking NBC’s dick for this deal that he has to pay for. FOX won a bidding war paying the UFC over 100m per year. HAHAHA!! Difference between night and day.
Oh, by the way, you wanted to know how they can pay the headliners more money than with HBO/Showtime? It is called an investment risk. Someone gives them money up front, hoping that they will make money on the back end. The problem with this though is that their expectations are at an unreasonable level and they think this is going to be the next big thing or else they wouldn’t invest in it. The fact that they are going to invest millions into this without getting a dime upfront from NBC unlike the contracts with Showtime/HBO or the UFC deal with FOX goes to show someone is going to take an ugly financial loss because no one is going to go crazy over non championship level boxing.
What this proves is that NBC wants nothing to do with the risk and is allowing them to buy time only. Shows how much confidence they have in this working. This means Haymon went to them initially and pitched the deal, when they said we aren’t interested, he said, “I’ll give you 20 million a year”. So, they were all for it. Haha. This is the only way boxing can get a network deal. Now the risk is on whoever is backing him. They are gonna be real mad at Uncle Al when these fights generate mediocre viewership and they were expecting 10m viewers. Haha. How’s “The Contender” doing? HAHAHAHA!
D going off assumptions now?
I like how you said Haymon went to them and pitched a deal and they said no.
That never happened.
Why would the NBC even get into boxing if they didnt think it would sell.
Everyone knows its going to sell.
Boxing gets over 1mil views on Showtime and HBO and NBC carries up to 4 more times the viewers and there is alot of people who would watch boxing if they put it on prime tv.
If UFC was on Showtime they would average 330k viewers tops. No ones subscribing for the UFC. For fucks sakes they barely pull 2m viewers on FOX
Haha. You are such a stupid fucking idiot. That isn’t an assumption, it is an overwhelmingly obvious fact. Why the hell wouldn’t he pitch the deal for them to pay them just like HBO/Showtime pay? Why would NBC not pay them if they were fully committed? Again, this is a time buy deal. It is very clear, they said, we will take no risk involved in this. They are being paid to produce it. NBC is very leery if it is going to sell, despite your delusions.
All of your fabricated statistics only exist in your mind. They aren’t real, nor are the voices you are hearing.
Al Haymon and the firm that backs him put up $20million for 20 cards this year with at least 5 on NBC and the others on NBC Sports.
They get paid through Ads and all that other stuff.
But I mean, I would expect Al Haymon, a man who studied economics at Harvard, to know what hes doing over D, a guy who has no job and constantly post ridiculous frantic rhetoric on forums.
HAHAHA!!! Yeah, what would I know, a guy who has an established business that makes money and pays taxes so some mental patient named “The Gayest” can rant and rave like the lunatic he is stalking people online.
You still don’t grasp the concept of who is assuming the risk in this process and why it is a totally different model than what the UFC is doing with FOX or what HBO/Showtime do with boxing. This is a major risk for an investor. Haymon is staking his career on this, and when it doesn’t work, he is going to be finished unless Mayweather takes him back, because Floyd will be the only investor from here on out willing to give this idiot a dime. By the way, that 20 million is just to buy the ad time, it does not at all cover the purses, taxes, licenses, promotional costs, etc. which is a massive sum seeing how they are planning to overpay for their fighters.
Its not a risk for Haymon, a man in control of over 150 fighters and thats including Mayweather.
You see D, you dont know shit about boxing.
Its not a risk for Haymon, a man in control of over 150 fighters and thats including Mayweather.
You see D, you dont know shit about boxing.
Haymon and boxing was criticized for their matchup selection last year.
As it comes out Haymons been in talks with NBC to put alot of good cards together and didnt want to risk that by having key fighters lose this past year.
Paying $20mil a year for the time slot. Not the ads, not commmercials none of that.
So he basically had to pay $1million a card since their will be 20 cards. And the Ads and commercial revenue and all of the little intricate payouts all go back to him. NBC doesnt get that money, only the $20mil, and I would know this since I have family that works for NBC.
So yes this is a great “risk” if you want to call it that even though they will out view the UFC with ease.
What did the last UFC on FOX get, 2.27mil?
Yea boxing almost gets that with a Julio Cesar Jr card on HBO.
By the way JCCjr is a Haymon fighter.
And dont ever compare your mom and pop shop to the business and power of Al Haymon, you idiot.
Hahaha. You are retarded. You can’t even fucking read. I pointed out how this was a career risk for Haymon, but not a financial risk(normally assumed by the network), because he has gotten investors to dump a ton of money into this turd burger that is going to bomb relative to how much money they are going to drown into it.
The NBC deal for boxing is going to have to generate viewership in the 8-10m range in order avoid hitting the iceberg that is inevitable.
Also, I didn’t compare my business to Al Haymon. I compared it to your welfare checks, you peasant.
You’re right.
A financial risk would be dumping 100mil a year to a clearly niche sport and is fading fast, i.e, FOX and the UFC.
I bet these fights do good to decent numbers. Itll pick up more steam when people start knowing about it.
Boxing on NBC, NBCSports, ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN Deportes, ESPN 3, HDTV, ROOT SPORTS, FS1, HBO, SHOWTIME, all the spanish channels.
Boxing is starting to become all over the place while the UFC will not be on FOX after their deal.
Here is a good bet. Which happens first?
The UFC gets through their 7 year deal or the UFC is disbanded and sold to the WWE before the deal is finished?
Also, here is what Haymon has waiting for him-
“Duva admits that the shows she’s put on NBC recently don’t measure to some of the offerings she’s had in the past, and it’s with good reason.
“Absolutely. Did you think I was going to go into my pocket and lose money on fights when I knew my contract was about to expire. The last time I made a fight thinking the deal was still in place was the fight between Steve Cunningham and Amir Mansour and Curtis and Tureano Johnson. Those were great fights AND I DIDN’T MAKE A PROFIT”–82757
When the ratings after the honeymoon period end and drop royally, I wonder who Haymon will go to, to bleed dry after his last round of investors drop out? Maybe Floyd will attempt to accelerate his status on the next documentary of “Broke”. Haha.
D why are you putting up articles from 4 months ago?
And why are you taking quotes out of context?
Duva was saying that they put up showcase fights, when instead they shouldve been putting up exciting fights.
Duva works for Main Events, and Main Events has NO WHERE near the fights that Haymon has.
Haymon has the best and biggest cash cows in the sport, with the exception of Pacquiao and a couple others.
So when you put up Cunningham and Mansour, you shouldn’t be expecting to much kick back on that.
They simply didnt have the roster to draw in the big views. They do have Kovalev though and he is their one big star, but thats it.
By the way Cunningham vs Adamek II on NBC did 3.2million viewers a couple years ago.
Im sure Thurman-Guerrero with Broner on the same card can easily beat that.
Why are you a complete fucking idiot that can’t comprehend anything??
That is not what Duva was saying. She was saying her deal was ending and she knew she didn’t want to throw away more money. The last big fight she put money into she didn’t make a profit. It is as clear as day there to anyone who is smarter than a 5th grader. Adult children like you don’t read as well.
The principle is still the same. Haymon may have bigger named fighters, but it is still a horrible business model to follow for boxing. It doesn’t work. You have to pay those fighters tons of money, the overhead is unreal. Not to mention of course you are paying to put the fights on. Plus, these aren’t top level drawing fighters like Cotto, Pac, Mayweather, GGG, Ward, etc. All he has is the poor man’s Mayweather(Broner) who loses tune up fights and a few other decent named fighters who cost more money than they are worth.
Yeah and that 3.2m viewer show probably didn’t make money. Good luck in obscurity Haymon, your career is on the line and will be non existent in a few years.
Broner loses tune up fights?
What tune up fight has he lost you idiot?
He lost to Maidana. But that was more of a style matchup more than anything, and also due to Broner thinking he has the power and frame to jump up weight classes.
Danny Garcia is a name and so is Broner.
Are they big like Floyd and Pac? Of course not but they are big time.
Garcia and Broner make more than any UFC fighter does, and if Garcia faces Broner later in the year, you bet your ass that brings in a shit ton of viewers.
You’ve got a boner for Broner, thus making you simply THE GAYEST!!!
Broner wishes he made what Jones just made for that fight. You are delusional.
Last card that Broner was on.
Viewership was over 1mil.
Broner brings the views.
Adrien Broner $1M vs Emmanuel Taylor 100k,
Lucas Matthysse 370k,vs Roberto Ortiz 139k,
Andre Berto 400k vs Steve Upsher Chambers 45k .
Broner made over 1.5mil before that and was just offered $40mil for a 5 year deal to sign with Roc Nation.
He said no and then claimed that he makes over 8mil a year so why sign then?
Jones doesnt make over 8mil a year you clown.
Broner’s biggest payout to date was 1.5m, Jones made way more than that for his last fight. You are delusional.
How much did Jones make for his last two fights?
Add it up and then add what Broner made his two last fights.
Broner wins.
Jones never made over 1.5mil no matter how much you try to claim he did.
THE GAYEST!!!!!!!!!
Jon Jones made $400,000 for his fight on UFC 172.
It sold 350k ppvs.
So don’t tell me Jones made over $1.5mil because no way in hell was he making coin off that lackluster ppv.
F1 > Fertita nonsense
Arab Oil Money> F1 hillbillies