The UFC announced that a German court has ruled a broadcast ban imposed by the Bavarian State Media Authority (BLM) on UFC events is “illegitimate” and therefor annulled. The Administrative Court in Munich, Germany declared the UFC “a plausible sport.”
The initial ban arose in 2010 out of what BLM believed to be “undesirable” programming which may influence youth. Zuffa filed a lawsuit against BLM in 2010. The court ruled on October 9, 2014 that “UFC content is generally suitable for broadcast” and that the BLM could not impose the ban based on its own point of view. The court also found MMA a “plausible sport.”
Prior to the ban, Germans could watch UFC events on TV Channel Sport1/DSF.
Payout Perspective:
Lifting the ban is an obvious win for Zuffa as it will now be able to negotiate with networks in the region to air UFC programming. It also helps with the potential to return to the country for fight cards. The episode reflects the issues the UFC faces when entering new markets and/or dealing with existing international regions.
Nobody likes the UFC in Germany
Nobody has money in Germany.
Klitschkos, Abraham, Sturm, and a few other Germans make more than Jon Jones… rather easily.
Oh boy zuffa wins a case but for what? haha
German boxing money
LOL… 11 million viewers watched boxing on RTL… LOL
Nobody wants or cares about caca UFC in Germany
Dw’s global domination hahahahahahahaha
wow you guys ever quit? all you clowns work at taco bell and pink pig is the manager? bitter bitter bitter towards UFC im surprised you losers are not part of the lawsuit against UFC.
Abraham and Sturm don’t make more money than referees in either sport let alone Jon Jones. Klitschko has made less than Jones in the past. He can’t even sell a ppv. Has to rely on billionaire Russians overpaying for his purse.
Jon was making more than both of his brothers. He makes several million per fight and with his new contract is making possibly as much as 4m per fight depending on the buy rate of the fight.
Boxing trolls think the sky is yellow.
11 million viewers in Germany. Wow. Impressive. Of course no one pays didly dick for anything in Germany they are a fucking welfare state. Klitschko has to rely on charity purses to make any type of decent money. Go find the tv contracts idiot.
AAhahahahahahahahaha… a brother is now being used as a credible source and proof? Ahahahahahah
I can’t stop lol’ing…
11 million viewers in RTL… diddly dick?
Didn’t RTL pay $4 million per each Klitschko fight?
Diddly dick RTL German boxing money > Zuffa’s entire European revenue combined since 2000
Stieglitz made $2.3 million against Abraham???
LOL… no US TV money involved?
Jon Jones makes how much per fight? 500k?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah, his brother just randomly lied about that. Also, that would mean UFC fighters in the past who have claimed they made that type of money like Ortiz and Jackson who made those statements when they HATED the ufc are also lying. It also means that Randy Couture’s contract that was disclosed in court was fiction. Maybe it is a grand conspiracy that some cocksucker named Sampson has uncovered. Hahahaha.
You stupid fucking idiot!
HAHAHAHA!! Klitschko has to fight in a welfare state because he can’t sell ppvs in the US where the money is at.
Jones makes millions per fight because his fights generate money. Klitschko makes millions because of charitable donations! How are his gates? Free attendance?? Hahahaha!
RTL paid an average of around 3-3.5m per fight for Klitschko. The UFC gets paid more than that probably to have Demetrious Johnson 125lb title fights on FOX. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Pretty impressive for boxing’s stars.
Stieglitz, made 2.3 million in a fight that probably lost the promoter money, not to mention the fact that he doesn’t make anywhere near this in any other fight he’s had. And of course that is considerably less than what Jones makes.
“LOL… no US TV money involved?”
People can over pay for purses. It happens all the time. Let’s see some actual figures of when was generated from the fight seeing how no one pays to watch this bullshit. The promoter probably took a massive hit.
*RTL paid the Klitschkos 3.87m per fight*
This was also partly because they were banking on a fight between Haye and Vitali Klitschko that never happened and you conveniently left out of your argument.
Hahaha. You see how overpaying works?
wow desperate typing by D hahaha what a fool! So the best MMA fighter in history makes a decent amount. Its comparable to the best bowler in the world hahaha
HAHAHAHA!!! Sal is a moron that sucks dick. Bob Arum is paying him welfare money to troll.
Jones isn’t the best fighter in history at all. He got his ass kicked when he fought Gus and will so again. But Jones does make more than any boxer that doesn’t promote their own fights. He also makes more than nearly every boxer, despite that. His fights generate more money than any boxer’s does other than the top 2 who will retire shortly.
Sal’s odors are affecting his mind. He is brain dead. Hahaha.
According to the uFC he is the bast pfp in history fuck stick hahaha don’t get desperate D hahah D stand sfor desperation!! boxing practically doubled in 14 and will double in 15 hahaha D is funny when he gets desperate and has to keep explaining himself with bullshit and half truths is comical hahaha
Sal’s ramblings are that of a smelly, retarded, wheel chair bound diabetic on the welfare to work fag program for Arum. He can’t spell. His sentences are coherent 1 out of every 10 post, and he has yet to provide a statistic that wasn’t a blatant exaggeration or flat out lie. He still can’t do math which is why he continues to spew this boxing doubled the ufc in ppv in 2014 which isn’t even remotely true despite the fact that nearly every major ufc ppv had an injury replacement or cancellation.
This guy needs a bath and a serious aggressive regiment of meds.
actually boxing did more then double if you add there Froch fight bahahhah suck on that D hahaha do the math on that one retard. AAA D a loser payed poster with his meal ticket almost punched, must be sad sad to be you! Maybe in 2016 when the ufc is sold it will come back hahaha
Actually boxing didn’t do anywhere near double. You are attempting to include a ppv that sold at less than half of what a ufc sells for not to mention it still wouldn’t double the number you stupid fucking idiot. It wouldn’t even come close. The ppv didn’t do as good as you are claiming. Your source is the fucking promoter you smelly geriatric.
It is obvious you are an Arum paid welfare to work troll, you diaper wearing, wheel chair bound, old fuck.
Froch-Groves 2 = more revenue than Zuffa’s entire European revenue combined since the beginning of UFC.
Klitschko-Povetkin =more revenue than Zuffa’s entire European revenue combined since the beginning of UFC.
Hahaha. Froch-Groves II was the fight of the century in the UK and still couldn’t gross half of what a big ufc can.
Klitschko-Povetkin didn’t gross shit, lost millions because the Russian billionaire wanted to sponsor the fight. Klitschko relies on charity purses. He can’t sell a ppv. Hahaha!
UFC in Europe = Failure
Pure Failure like Dana White’s pink, ugly face
Pink Pig =Sampson’s 50th failed alias.
Complete moron who exaggerates and lies about statistics to win trivial arguments.