The UFC and Fathom Events are teaming up once again to show UFC’s PPVs in movie theaters. A joint press release announced that UFC 181 will be the latest to be shown in theaters with additional PPV events in 2015 to be jointly shown via PPV and also in nearly 500 select movie theaters across the U.S.
UFC 182: Jones vs. Cormier, UFC 183: Silva vs. Diaz and UFC 184: Weidman vs. Belfort will also appear in local theaters. The latest PPVs to movie theaters were announced at the UFC’s #TheTimeisNow launch.

It appears that the move, which restarted with UFC 180, will be a constant throughout the first two months of 2015.
Payout Perspective:
Here, there are at least 6 movie theaters within the Seattle area that will be showing it. Tickets are $15. The latest move appears to be a way for eyes to see its events and also an attempt to garner some additional revenue from sagging PPV buy rates. Based on the latest S&P move to downgrade Zuffa’s outlook to negative, it looks like the UFC is trying to turn around its financial outlook any way it can in the first quarter of 2015 to avoid another credit downgrade. It would seem that putting the PPVs in theaters siphons away potential PPV buyers. Then again, with the downward trend in UFC PPVs, this is an option for fans on the fence of buying an event.
I was watching yesterday’s episode of the MMA Beat and one of the journalist was saying that he went into a theatre to watch UFC 180. He was late so he was afraid there’d be no seats left and as he got in there was only ONE person sitting in theatre! By the time the main event had started, two more joined in so that four people were sitting in the room!
That’s crazy!
More empty theaters?
just lower the dam ppv price you fuck sticks!
pink pig and sal got it on in the empty theater
My name is Dana.
I’m back…..and gayer than ever!
Or Sampson, or MMAFAG or any other one of your gay aliases.
D & Anti Troll always show up together hmmmm.
**At UFC 178 beside 90 empty seats***
AT: What do you want to eat D?
D: Smoked sausage
Smoked Sausage!!! or FRIED pig tail?
Tie up with theaters? More desperate hype by dw….40% down hahahahahahaha…now its the perfect time for fighters to demand more pay
July 21st 10:09 pm
“So what if I am gay?”
Right in the archives.
Sampson, are you enjoying talking to yourself with your multiple aliases?
U fucks have never seen pussy. Diss ufc but read anything ufc
Straight up haters fucking bitches
Pathetic = sal, tops, pink shit
Fuck this tired of seeing shit fuck anti ufc post on every ufc post. You stupid shits wouldnt even know of mma if it wasnt for ufc.
Peace fuck bags
Remember thats 40% down from 2013 its really like 99% down from 2008 hahahahahah
Anti troll is losing it!! Hahahahaha just like his master DW hahaha…
So if its 40% from 2013 and 99% from 2008 can it now be called the fastest declining sport?? Hahahaha
*****Anti troll and D jump on a horse with a rainbow saddle and ride into sunset. They talk about the good ol days when Brock was around, DW laughed at WMMA and smallist weightclass was 155. They head across the border to start a mariachi band.
AT: What is your favorite fruit?
D: I like them all.
Ahahahahahaha. I like them all. AhahahahahahahHa
Especially the pineapple!
MMA butt nugget aka truth when did I ever say anything about brock or good ol days? Dumbass I get tired of people talking shit about ufc but spend all day researching numbers about ufc. Also you stupid fucks dont know shit.
Haha. Sampson talking to himself again. Mental illness floating all over the place there.
MMATruth aka Sampson: “I would like to suck Bob Arum’s dick”
-April 14th, 2014
MMAPayout Archives.
$15.00 a ticket isnt bad. Mayweather fights in the theater are actually about $25.00. and they sell well. UFC ripped this marketing idea off of Boxing as well as having traveling press conferences. dana said he was impressed with the Mayweather vs canelo travelling press conferences. yet meathead Donna White says Boxing needs to follow MMA’s marketing lead.