MMA Payout has learned via a Nielsen source that Wednesday night’s 9th episode of TUF 20 drew a rating of 381,000 viewers. The rating represents the lowest-rated episode of the season.
In the fight of the episode, Randa Markos defeated Felice Herrig via armbar.
Last season’s TUF 19 had two episodes below 400Kviewers. Wednesday night’s episode represents a new low.
UPDATED: According to Nielsen source, the late night replay airing 10pm/1am drew an additional 122,000 viewers for the episode.
Payout Perspective:
The actual show started 8 or so minutes late as there was overrun from college basketball (Oklahoma-Creighton). It was the coach’s challenge episode which usually is very entertaining. This time around was not as good since the UFC decided to hold off on a physical challenge due to Anthony Pettis’ knee injury. The episode was the lowest of the season and brought down the season average to 509,000 viewers.
No wonder “TRUTHspitter” has been so quiet lately. UFC ratings bad. Bellator having surprisingly good ratings. UFC future financial outlook horrible according to people who see their books.
I almost miss TRUTHspitter’s nonsense criticism of Jason and laughing at things he never bothers to explain…almost.
Indeed where is TruthSpitter now calling Jason an ASS? Oh wait he tucked his tail and ran knowing full well he can’t defend his irrational bullshit.
The only one left is DforDefeated which is coming soon. D will likely show up saying injuries are the cause of every single minuscule problem in the UFC. Zzzzz
TRUTHspitter also doesn’t realize that ads are usually pre-sold to companies based on an expected rating. Declining ratings, even if they are better than everything else on the network are not good because the network then has to refund advertising revenue it has already sold. It is called the “upfront network”.
This is why tv shows get canceled even though their ratings are not horrible, even good, just not great. The networks don’t like giving money back so if the show doesn’t meet expectations but is still considered good, the network still does not value it. I am pretty sure FOX was expecting SPIKE-like ratings for UFC on FS1, so not good even if they are the best FS1 has week after week.
Haha. Leon the gay Schmo, attempts to win arguments by fabricating shit straight out of his delusional mind. Must have been sucking Richard Schaefer’s dick too long to realize the reality of the situation.
Slow day for the boxing paid trolls.
Wow D your on a rampage, trolling on steriods I see. Did you forget to take your ritalin today?
How much do you charge the UFC to rant like that? Oh well, looks like a raise is out of the question right now.
This is good stuff
wow numbers back in the fucking toilet. They can’t seem to get anything consistently good. Yet again another injury excuse.
I haven’t been watching this season. Or frankly the last 10+ seasons. Is there a reason why this week would be so much lower than last week? Bad fight match-up? It’s a little odd that the show would follow one of the highest rated weeks in the season with such a poor performance.
Maybe TRUTHSpitter can fabricate some stats for us showing how this week is actually a record for FS1.
Leon the Schmo, how much does Schaefer pay you to troll after you suck his dick? Every comment section has you on a rampage, you little queen.
Ahahahahahahaha Denise has her panties red with tears!!!
Sometimes I call my self Pink Pig, sometimes I call myself Sampson, plus I’ve got 100 other aliases on here. But my nickname to all my friends is homo.
Is your boyfriend aware that you are using his computer?
Every post by D is about gay people. He’s definitely a closet queer. DforDrag.
Bahaha. Bahahahahah D for drag hahah
Every post Leon makes is autistic in nature. But yes he is gay too.
Saldaqueef smells like turds.
Sampson, you finally came out of the closet. Congrats.