ESPN reports that Manny Pacquiao has signed a two year extension with Top Rank Boxing. The deal will go through December 2016 and likely ends talk of a possible Pacquiao-Mayweather fight.
Top Rank Promoter Bob Arum indicated that the financial terms were not disclosed due to a confidentiality agreement. The deal also extends MP Promotions which co-promotes Pacquiao along with Top Rank. Mayweather is halfway through a six fight deal with Showtime.
Payout Perspective:
The new deal apparently closes the door on the biggest fight in boxing that never happened. Let’s face it, the fight everyone wanted to see went away years ago. Pacquiao will be 38 when this contract ends and it would be prudent for him to retire at that point. Mayweather has expressed interest to walk away as well after his Showtime contract is up. While Arum has stated that there still may be a chance for a Pacquiao-Mayweather fight, its unlikely we would want to see it at the end of their respective careers.
Its a boxing year….good that mmapayout reports a lot of boxing these days because nothing to talk about in the ufc with low pay and decline hahaha….boxing is where the money’s at
Too bad Pac blew all his money and is broke wtf, 4 fights wont solve his problems, never does. Couldn’t have happened to a better scumbag. Stay out of American politics you POS. Bob Arum makes Dana White look like a school girl that never left the library and he still pays his fighters a fair share. No wonder he has been around promoting fights for decades.
Ladies and gentleman, I give boxing trolls: saldaqueef and smell E!
She is so mad. It makes me smile!
Funny ever since i said that d tactics is to write long essays in hopes to get everybody bored with discussions…he has shortened his reply’s hahaha…truly a paid ufc shille
Shill i mean…
You can feel her pent up frustration at how weak MMA as a whole has become.
UFC somehow contracted faster than most can comprehend
Smell E, Samantha, SalDaQueef, keep up the good welfare to work boxing trolling.
Hahaha…desperation…no big ufc fight insight..momentum is gone..
Smell E, desperation? Then why are you on an mma website trolling hardcore? They must have some momentum.
Yeah she reeks of despair. So mad…
It will be sad soon enough
D in tears right now hahaha…write in essays again
Smell E every time you troll on this website, you reinforce my point. So troll on.
Samantha, when are you going to be post op?
“For once, I would like to read an article where I didn’t have to read some twat at the bottom of the column saying how mma isn’t shit, doesn’t have a future, is a fad, etc.” – Dianne
The funny thing about women is that they can’t see the simple solutions to life’s problems. How about… Stop reading the bottom of the way column? Ahahahahahahahahahahaha
By the way fight fans… Did you know that two 115 pound women drew a television audience of 40 million viewers in Mexico. Absolutely annihilating the viewership of UFC heavyweight champion who happens to be Mexican. From what I heard UFC does LESS then 15% of what boxing generates in Mexico on television. It will likely stay that way forever.
Where is the essay d? Strategy did not work? Hahahaha..
“From what I’ve heard” also known as a delusion created in Samantha’s mind.
40 million viewers in Mexico….wow. How many Mexicans paid to watch it? How many paid to watch Cain? Speaking of women, when was the last time a woman in boxing drew a ppv like Rousey? Has it ever happened?
Hahaha. Samantha, I love it how you are digging up my old posts all the while calling me the stalker. You must be post op.
Smell E, how does it feel to dedicate your life to trolling mma websites?
What happened, did you get your ass kicked by an mma fighter? Or is this just Samantha’s alias pseudonym?
Rousey is ufc savior hahaha…
Smell E, ladies and gentleman, Smell E………
Ahahahahaha! Rousey. This is HILARIOUS.
Rousey… that is hilarious. This is beyond amusing.
MMA looks SO pathetic with this lil person frothing at the mouth. Rousey has done exactly how many PPV buys yet she is the “BIGGEST STAR THE UFC HAS EVER SEEN”!!!!!
Everybody we need to email this site to ban simple sampson
I’m here to stay and speak about what’s really going on beyond Dana White’s drool. He keeps using boxing to promote his shitty organization “Mayweather vs Rousey” perfect example.
Boxing continues to dominate with the biggest most lucrative events world wide. The proof is in the numbers… it’s that simple. Small-minded know nothings point to one or two events in a country as somehow proof that the UFC is popular in those markets when it bears absolutely no comparison to boxing when there are hundreds of boxing events big and small within these same countries. It’s akin to comparing a tiny micobrew beer brand (UFC) to Coca Cola(boxing). Only in the tiny minds of the microbrew fanatics is their product “bigger” than Coke.
Sampson=Adam Lanza.
Women s boxing is pathetic, women s mma is actually entertaining but I dont want the sport to be dominated by it, Its a shame that it almost dominates the UFC, goes to show how thin their fan base is, how unsettled mma is as a sport. It wasnt too long ago when Dana said there was no place for women in the UFC, wow what a 180 on that. I doubt Rousey has an over 400k ppv in her future. Maybe she could fight that trans gender mma fighter, UFC needs another novelty, seriously what do they have planned for 2014 rousey cyborg is the biggest fight they could come up with period! Not good but it would sell but greatly discount the brand.
Most real fight fans don’t follow women combat. The fact that the UFC is desparately tryin to shove loudmouth Rousey down their inbred fan base’s throats just shows how weak MMA is.
It’s the truth.
Of the 457 fighters under contract, 22 are women. Of the past 40 live ufc events, 1 was headlined by a woman.
I’m not surprised you two think women’s mma is dominating the sport.
D is trying hard to rally people here to become like him a dw diciple…hahaha…
Smell E has dedicated his life to become a boxing disciple, he is truly pathetic.
Ufc has been to japan what? 5 times in 20 years? Of course people would watch it live or they may have to wait years or it may never come back at all hahaha….now d is bragging they would. Sell out the 2 events this year…global truly global haha
Idiot. They’ve been there a lot more than 5x. Not to mention Pride owned the market in Japan way more so than any boxing promotion did. It is really laughable to compare boxing in Japan to mma there. Seeing how you are a derelict though, your irrational tirades don’t surprise me.
Angry d hahaha
K1 was the big show in japan…..btw wheres pride? wheres k1? In japan….oh it folded up…hey theres a weekly boxing show in japan…in theyre wowow channel.which is also shownin diff asian countries..hosted by boxing manager joe koizumi..check it out d. They use to show the ufc during its peak but now they dont…no more stars?hahaha.
No, pride was the big show in Japan dummy. K1 was also big, just not quite as big. Sometimes they did cross promote though.
There is a weekly boxing show in Japan that no one cares about.
The UFC will do bigger shows this year than any Japanese boxing promotion.
Does Bob Arum ever allow you to take his balls out of your mouth?
No one cares about? Hahaha……how about martial combat? and legend fc in china? Mma promotion are they still around? The biggest one so they claim onefc….6x a year for the whole of asia? hahaha..
How about the olympics? Is mma there yet?
There are a minimum of 6 fight promotion in a month in japan…..boxing
Yeah and those 6 promotions do smaller numbers than the mma ones do. There are never any major boxing fights in Japan comparative to that of the UFC. The UFC will have the two biggest combat sports shows in Japan this year. Even when boxing has a rare title fight there, the figures do not compare to that of mma.
That is minimum monthly…theres months when there is more than 10 promotions in a month….doing this consistently for more than 20 years of ufc existence….
Minimum monthly, yeah, and they fight out of high school gyms and no one cares. The UFC will have the 2 biggest shows in Japan this year. MMA much bigger in Japan than boxing.
6 promotions x 12 x 20 = 1540 promotions minimu. In 20 years….ufc 5 promotions in 20 years hahaha….
Boxing sells out high school gyms in Japan, mma sells out the Tokyo Dome, you do the math.
You are an idiot also, the UFC by the end of the year will have had 14 events in Japan. Big events, not high school gym fights. Of course you are also ignoring the past Pride, k1, Dream, Pancrase events and Shooto of course.