MMA Payout has learned from a Nielsen source that Saturday’s ratings for Glory 15: Instanbul received an average viewership of 354,000. The peak almost doubled the average viewership with 720,000 viewers.
Glory Ratings on Spike TV:
Glory 11: 381,000 viewers
Glory 12: 476,000 viewers
Glory 13: 659,000 viewers
Glory 14: 495,000 viewers
Glory 15: 354,000 viewers
The show was seen on tape delay for most of us on Spike TV and will be remembered for the unfortunate leg injury suffered by Tyrone Spong in the finals of the Light Heavyweight Championship tournament.
Payout Perspective:
The ratings have taken a dip despite the peak viewership hitting 720,000 viewers. We don’t have the information on this but one might suppose the peak occurred during the main event which would have been the Spong injury. Spike TV is supporting Glory with shoulder programming and we might expect more of this aid as it announced a PPV in Los Angeles this June. But, perhaps the tape delay of the fights hurt ratings and/or the Pacquiao-Bradley PPV (although you could have watched both easily). Still, the ratings are down for the second straight event.
disaster, no other way to spin it, the viewership numbers would have been strong AHEAD of Spong and they weren’t. SPIKE should drop this joke of a promotion
354,000 is a complete and utter disaster, noway around it. GLORY threw its best together and got less views than the LINDSAY LOHAN show, hahaha, that is pathetic.
Oh, and moderator, if all you are going to do is post positive comments you really aren’t moderating, just cheerleading.
And replace it with what Jaymes? More re-runs of Bar Rescue? You moron! Ever think the fact that it was an 8hour tape delay and all the results came out already and/or you could have streamed it live online?? I’ll watch a Glory event anyday over a UFC event where 2 people lay on each other for 15-25 minutes.
Couple of bellator staff in the comments section here I see ^