MMA Payout has learned through Nielsen sources that Saturday night’s Glory 12 from New York on Spike TV scored an average viewership of 476,000 viewers which is up 25% from last month’s event. The highest quarter hour received 665,000 viewers.
Glory 11 grabbed 381,000 viewers in October. It showed double digit gains in its key demographics. It was up 52% in males 18-49 and up 33% overall in the age demo.
Payout Perspective:
The ratings were good considering it competed with College Football and Pacquiao-Rios on Saturday night. The event received some indirect publicity from Ronda Rousey tweeting about the show and Floyd Mayweather in attendance. This bodes well as Rousey and Mayweather could influence their fans to check out the kickboxing organization. The promotion could do a little more promotion in the weeks before an event to garner some more interest.
Glory is boldly going where no post-Semaphor UFC has gone before. Dana White can suck on that.