Kickboxing promotion Glory’s televised event, Glory 11 from Chicago on Spike TV on Saturday night drew an average audience of 381,000 viewers with a peak of 782,000.
According to The MMA Report, the peak viewership of 782,000 occurred during the first quarter hour of the show. The lead-in for Glory was a re-run of Cops which not surprisingly receives a healthy viewership. Thus, it appears that viewers stayed to watch Glory but that viewership tapered off as the show went on.
Payout Perspective:
There were a lot of good reviews from social media about the show on Saturday night. However, it does appear that while viewers got a taste of it, they left the show. It may be due to the time placement which occurred during College Football and the Bradley/Marquez PPV Saturday night. While these may not be perfect detractors as reasons why people strayed from the show, kickboxing fans would hope that Spike TV gives its ample chance for people to get accustomed to the sport.
refs were very bad specially on saki s fight
From my experience the only people who watch cops are rednecks who have very little interest in anything else. Not surprised the Cops demo left Glory like rats from a ship. Typical Spike stupidity. They would have been better off pairing it with TNA or Bellator. At least there was good ratings as a lead in. Better than nothing. I would hate to see these numbers with a lower rated lead in. Not only would they not have that peak to boost the overall numbers. But they would have lost some people who stayed around the entire show. Maybe under 200k viewers.
I used to be a big fan of K-1. But the promotion/sport went no where. They never developed many fighters. Same old guys forever. No sign the sport ever evolved and it actually seemed like fighters got worse. Because the rules are different from any other style there is few people who use the rules or trained in those rules. So there isn’t even enough competition to call it a sport. It can be fun to watch a fe matches but there is no real reason to follow them event to event. No belts, no contenders, just a end of year GP winner means there is no reason to follow it as a sport. Like all Japanese promotions it was poorly ran and built on gimmicks and never evolved away from gimmicks. As much as I hate Boxings model. K-1 could have done wonders even following that route. It would have at least give people reason to follow it with champs and people working their way to the belt.
Bs: the rules are close to thai boxing. You are way off base. Tons of people train those rules.
no surprise the dutch where the best at it. thai people just weren’t big enough. Except for buakaw por. pramuk of course at 154lbs w/ k1max. K1 was also the richest prize fighting outside of boxing up until recently. Fyi it was a japanese thing it never really caught on in thr us although i have fond memories of watching k1 on espn in the late 90’s.
It is close to everything. That’s the problem. It is still very much different with no clinching and elbows. Also the rounds and time limits are vastly different. That was mainly what I was talking about. Guys who compete in karate or Thai cant just jump over seamlessly.
I have great memories of K-1 during that time as well. I actually think the rules are great and create a more realistic and exciting fight compared to other styles of striking. But the problem they had, besides the rules and rounds, is the weight classes. The HW division was for the longest time the only division they ran. Because of the short number of rounds(and likely steroids). Fighters got huge when they switched to K-1 from their regular style. As their careers advanced every guy put on over 20 lbs. It put an emphasis on power past the point of Thai or even Karate. Adding more weight classes world have done them wonders in bringing in talent.
But because there was little talent coming in and aging fighters on their way out, few weight class, unique structure of K-1, no belts to make each fight through the year meaningful. K-1 was doomed. In the end their downfall was the same as Prides. Both had their issues that lead to problems. But those problems could have been survived or avoided if they ever made a commitment to expanding their brand past Japan. Pride threatened for years to come to the US and didn’t until it was to late. K-1 would have a cheese show once or twice a year with low level talent with no meaningful tv deal. They made so much money in Japan they didn’t care and got complacent.
K-1 with MMA weight classes, Belts, honest recruiting, with their year end Grand Prix would be a force as a sport. But K-1 was always treated as a spectacle. They put on big single events. But there was never a sporting aspect. 1 event had very little to do with the next.
Clearly you haven’t seen k1 as there is plenty of clinching. in fact you can even trip from the clinch and its perfectly legal. Watch manheof vs bonjasky for a perfect example of tjis. for gods sake you can clinch in boxing. bs is tarded haha.
“One had little to do with the next” dude. they had all the mini tournaments to determine who gets a spot in the final sixteen, minus the final eight from the year before. they had plenty to do with each other.
The rounds where fine. 3×3 minute rounds led to very fast paced fights. i tell people who piss and moan about boring ufc fights to watch k1. its showtime is weak cuz they don’t allow spinning attacks.
Brainsmasher only watches the UFC so it’s not surprising everything he said about K-1 is wrong.
I miss the It’s Showtime announcer and the events AXS TV was showing. They were a lot more consistent as far as getting their events televised than GLORY has been. GLORY was supposed to have a regular tv deal with AXS TV when they combined, but apparently that went nowhere. Maybe now with Spike GLORY will be televised on a more regular basis. I just don’t think Spike is in it for the long term.
Brainsmasher only watches the UFC so it’s not surprising everything he said about K-1 is wrong.
I miss the It’s Showtime announcer and the events AXS TV was showing. They were a lot more consistent as far as getting their events televised than GLORY has been. GLORY was supposed to have a regular tv deal with AXS TV when they combined, but apparently that went nowhere. Maybe now with Spike GLORY will be televised on a more regular basis. I just don’t think Spike is in it for the long term.
Apparently neither of you fools can read. I said I like the rounds for the Same reason you mentioned. But it is different from other styles. For everyoe already in or out the fights were meaningless. It was a retarded structure. And no you can not keep someone in the clinch In K-1 or boxing. I think you are allowed to clinch to throw a single move in K-1. Boxing gives you a few seconds sometimes to fight out of it or the ref breaks it. Neither have clinch lime Thai boxing does. You can’t pull Down on the head and unload a ton of knees in K-1.
Refs will let you work from the clinch for a bit in pro is a pro fight, maybe in amatuer they will break em immediately. gotta let em is a fool.
GLORY will not survive, SPIKE is a 3rd rate network, look how they lost the UFC. GLORY needs the U.S. audience and nobody in the States cares about kikckboxing. Sorry, truth hurts. 381k viewers is a joke.
its an ugly story , them nonesence gLORY fights.
if a so called athlete cant learn to clench effrectively in a thai fight they start politicking the sport and make rule changes to suite them self.
tEeL, me some more that clinching is boaring and slows down the fight , i like that lie .
the disintegration of muay thai is upon us and the hoary , glory people are pushing it.
lets put back them nice rubber boots. ouuuuuuussssss !!!