Who will replace the UFC when it leaves for the Fox Family? Fight Club OC promoter Roy Englebrecht recently announced that he will be pursuing Spike TV in pitching his company to replace the UFC on the channel.
Via Fight Club OC:
In all due respect to Bellator and Bjorn Rebney, ProElite, and Shark Fights, my company is also interested in approaching Spike TV with our Fight Club OC concept, should Spike TV want to continue in the mixed martial arts business after their relationship with the UFC ends. The UFC on Spike TV has done more to make MMA more mainstream than any other promotion ever created, and while no entity can replace the UFC on Spike TV, any promoter worth his salt would like the challenge of trying.
What Roy Englebrecht Promotions and our Fight Club OC concept has going for us is that we have created a new fight promotions business model that has not lost money on one single show that we have promoted over the past six years, certainly a rarity outside of the UFC.
One only has to visit our www.fightcluboc.com website to see how we do our business and the fact that we have sold out all four Fight Club OC shows in 2011.
We have already registered the Fight Club name in a large number of US markets so to be able to deliver a new Fight Club series to Spike TV from across the nation would not be difficult.
We are currently working on a presentation to deliver to Spike TV executives in the near future.
I’d rather see Bellator or Pro Elite get it.