Rumors floating around today involved a Strikeforce sale within the next couple of weeks. Those rumors started swirling yesterday, when Greg Jamison stepped down from his position as CEO and president of Silicon Valley Sports & Entertainment. Strikeforce is a joint promotional venture between Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker’s West Coast Productions and Silicon Valley Sports & Entertainment, who operates the HP Pavilion and is the parent company of the NHL’s San Jose Sharks.
MMARising was the first to quell the rumors, as Strikeforce president Scott Coker stated that there was no truth behind the sale of the company. MMAPayout contacted the former SVSE CEO and president regarding his resignation and whether the move would impact Strikeforce or any other SVS&E entities in any way.
“As is the case with all properties owned and operated by Silicon Valley Sports & Entertainment, Strikeforce [a joint venture between SVS&E and WCP] is not for sale and the day-to-day operations of Strikeforce will continue under the direction of President Scott Coker,” said outgoing SVS&E President Greg Jamison.
In the midst of the rumors floating around, Paul Heyman’s name came up as a potential buyer, most likely due to the fact that Scott Coker recently mentioned that Heyman may be involved with the company in some capacity in the near future and that a potential announcement could be made in the following weeks. Heyman also told MMAFighting that he and some financial backers almost purchased Strikeforce a few years ago, and only last minute changes to the contracts resulted in the deal to fall through. An official announcement regarding Heyman has yet to be issued by either party and is all speculation at this point.
I can’t believe the MMA blogosphere felt the need to dispel an unsourced rumor started by a guy name ‘Bloodstain’ who has been banned from just about every MMA forum in cyberspace for rampant trolling.
This is almost as bad as people picking up the ‘Kimo is dead’ or ‘Luke Cummo suspended for coffee enema’ hoaxes.
I hear you, but you know as well as I do that these things can take a life of their own and can spread if not proven wrong ASAP. The timing of the SVS&E CEO stepping down and the rumor definitely made it interesting and enough to at least provide some research.

P.S. The Kimo is Dead and Strikeforce Going to Australia stories were much much worse IMO. Oh, and yes, I completely get your point about “Bloodstain” haha.
This is so ridiculous. How does Jamison leaving SVSE in any way mean that Strikeforce is up for sale? I agree with Steve. Its a shame that this dumb rumor even needs to be dispelled in the first place, but I’m glad they’re doing it to not give it any credence or sense of legitimacy.
“As is the case with all properties owned and operated by Silicon Valley Sports & Entertainment, Strikeforce is not for sale and the day-to-day operations of Strikeforce will continue under the direction of President Scott Coker,”
So wait… SVS&E owns Strikeforce?
What ever happened to Tra Telligman?… Lol.
>”So wait… SVS&E owns Strikeforce?”
My understanding is that SF is half owned by SVSE and half owned by Scott Cokers company West Coast Productions.
Machiel Van, jv:
I updated the article to clarify.