The extended demographic ratings are in and Spike TV is claiming victory, at least where the M18-34 category is concerned.
Spike’s UFC 110 replay that aired last Saturday night earned a 1.0 HH rating off an average audience of 1.4 million. It also drew a 1.4 in the M18-34 and 1.2 in M18-49 in the key demographics. By contrast, Strikeforce earned a 1.0 HH rating with 2.9 million viewers (total), but only a 1.26 in the M18-34 and 1.5 in M18-49 demographics.
Payout Perspective:
Spike is usually pretty quick to distribute a release if there’s some way they can spin the results in their favor. However, I’m not sure anyone is going to argue that Strikeforce’s ratings aren’t poor. There’s not much spin here.
Yet, there is some bright side to Strikeforce’s ratings disappointment in the sense that its M18-34 ratings surpassed the average rating that CBS usually garners from its Saturday night primetime slot (1.26 is better than the .7). But is it enough?
It seems pretty likely that CBS will be inclined to cut the cord, here. The 1.26 isn’t that much greater than a .7, and the backlash/risk associated with Strikeforce’s brand of MMA probably isn’t worth the trade-off.
i think they will be back.
It is a slim chance but there might be one more event on CBS based on EA Sports buying a fat slice of the advertising to help kick off their game. But like I said it is a slim chance. St. Louis putting up really good numbers would help their chances.
A key factor into whether they get back on CBS would be if they could guarantee Fedor as the main event, who has been a proven draw. If they could deliver say Fedor v.s. Overeem (stars lining up and a few miracles along the way), than I’m sure they will either go PPV or CBS. I’m not holding my breath, but I would never say never as Coker seems to be the type of guy that is easy to do business with. Long term, I do not believe MMA would survive on any of the major networks.
Curious, has the final numbers been released from Saturday including the overruns?
Guru, I slightly disagree with you in the fact that is a proven draw… is he a better draw than what was on Saturday? Absolutely, but again, Overeem is basically an unknown quantity in the U.S. and Showtime is not enough of a platform to promote him. Fedor has not proven to be a huge PPV draw and he did better on CBS, but his first event wasn’t gangbusters. I think he can be a part of a nice CBS card, but if they are on CBS again I see Lashlye, Walker or Carano being another featured fighter. I do agree that I think EA may guarantee CBS a huge chunk of change and we will see another CBS Strikeforce show.
Let me flesh out my Fedor argument a little better. Basically it depends on what CBS wants, if they want a crazy rating then Fedor isn’t the sole answer IMO, if they want similar numbers to the November card than I think Fedor is a “proven draw” to that extent. However, I believe as it stands now they Have Fedor for 2 more fights and a few more months, depending on the exact wording of the 3 fight one year deal he reportedly signed in August of ’09.
Again, depending on the affiliate fallout with the last show, I think they may give Strikeforce one last show in the fall with some promotion during NFL games and having Gina, Lashley or Walker on the card as well.
Sherdog has different numbers. It seems to look much much better for SF if these are accurate.
“Saturday’s broadcast of Strikeforce “Nashville” garnered 2.9 million viewers with a 1.8 household rating, according to figures released by the network on Tuesday.”
“CBS’s numbers also surpassed a head-to-head re-airing of UFC 110 on Spike TV across all major demographics, including the Male 18-34 category, according to the data collected by CBS edged out the cable network’s 1.1 rating with a 1.3 share in males 18-34, while the entire Spike broadcast averaged a .09 rating for 1.4 million viewers.”
A 1.8 isn’t great, but it’s better than anything else CBS is going to put on in that slot. It was also a tough night for sports, I believe the NBA playoffs were on, the NHL playoffs were on and a 20 inning once-in-a-blue-moon of a baseball game was on. I’m feeling more positive – if these numbers are correct.
Agreed, the intent of my post is that the only way CBS will take another Strikeforce card is if Fedor is on there. It would definitely help if Gina or Hershal were co-headlining.
On a side note, new numbers were released by CBS (sherdog) and it appears they did win the key demographics after all.
“CBS’s numbers also surpassed a head-to-head re-airing of UFC 110 on Spike TV across all major demographics, including the Male 18-34 category, according to the data collected by CBS edged out the cable network’s 1.1 rating with a 1.3 share in males 18-34, while the entire Spike broadcast averaged a .09 rating for 1.4 million viewers. Spike TV is available in 98 million homes, while CBS reaches approximately 114 million homes.”
Just to add to the confusion, MMAJunkie is reporting that Spike did win the 18-34 with a 1.4 to SFs 1.26, however SF had a 1.5 for males 18-49.
Diego and mma guru,
Thanks for pointing that out… I was wondering the same thing regarding Sherdog and MMAJunkie rating #’s.
well it looks like at best Strikeforce may have edged the UFC in some key demos, but I would imagine they were looking than more than that from a live network show, promoted during the NCAA tournament, with the big FA they signed against a taped UFC show on basic cable…
again, as a gut feeling I am leaning towards CBS giving them another shot with a few names on it as long as they don’t have to cover much, if any of the bill.
Hey Guys! Quick question,
Before CBS cut the cord with Strikeforce,Dosnt CBS take into concideration what it would cost to produce a show that it would replace it with?
or Do they just put re-runs on?
I thought I remember reading somewhere that it was cheaper and easier to produce & put on an MMA show VS producing a whole new series or some sorta tv show filler? Can someone give me some insight? Thanks!
Its time for Strikeforce to go. As an MMA fan it sucks seeing ESPN and all their programs bash MMA because of SF and there irresponsible decisions. Around the horn had all their journalist bashing MMA and Marriotti(sp) talked about how mma fans tell him how beautiful the sport is and this is what happens. Called MMA a bucnh of thugs. Another reported said he dont care how popular it is its trash.
This is what happens when some promotion comes out of nowhere with nothing invested in MMA. They will risk everything including the sport itself to build their promotion to line their pockets. The UFC has invested the time and money and will not take risks that jepordize the sport.
Its one thing to have a brawl in front of MMA fans. They understand its not an everyday thing. But this happened in front of thousands of people who already dont like this kind of sport and they witness it. I felt the brawl was scripted which is worse IMO. But ether way they need to go. Their match making sucks which is why the fights all went the distance. They have poor management which is why their events always run over their alotted time. The cage looks like a boxing match with 40 people piled in it. Boxers have total control and noone can keep their”peeps” out of the ring. But Strikeforce is in charge they have control over this and choose to not be responsible.
That is true. Most programs like sitcoms require writers to write th shows. Thats just one of the things that makes reality shows and sports programs a cheaper alternative. BUt that isnt going to save SF. As the ratings showed SF got beat by reruns of “Law and Order”. So CBS would be able to maintain their credibility, replace SF ratings, have a product they control, and have it end when it is supposed to and not ruin other programs.
Its important for CBS to not alienate their core demo. CBS has a much older demo. They are not Spike TV whos core demo is younger males. Since CBS isnt going to change all their programs to go after the younger demo. It wouldnt be wise to lose you older demo which is there 24 hours a day for a younger demo 2 hours every couple months. Thats important to remember too. SF isnt a weekly event. They run about 3 events per year. It would be easy for CBS to through a “Cops” show on or a “Wildest police chases” show. I dont think CBS took the risk on MMA to get what SF is delievering. They thought they maybe getting the next big thing. It didnt pan out and i dont see them sticking with SF. SF has nothing to offer CBS.
“As an MMA fan…”
Are you an MMA fan or a UFC fan? There’s a difference.
Strikeforce has been around a long time, for you to say that they are “some promotion comes out of nowhere with nothing invested in MMA” is wrong.
And please flesh out their “irresponsible decisions” for me. As far as I can see they are trying to run a business and doing a fairly good job in the MMA world.
“Their match making sucks which is why the fights all went the distance.” So any fight that goes the distance is poor matchmaking? Like BJ Penn’s, GSP’s and A. Silva’s last fights? I disagree, sometimes when fights go the distance it’s because they are competitive, or the fighters are tough guys who won’t quit.
“They have poor management which is why their events always run over their alotted time.” Again I disagree – CBS is in charge of production, not SF. The guys at CBS need to work on that. SF has very little control of the production aspect, which is one of the reasons the UFC never signed with a major network – they didn’t want to give up control of production.
“The cage looks like a boxing match with 40 people piled in it. Boxers have total control and noone can keep their”peeps” out of the ring. But Strikeforce is in charge they have control over this and choose to not be responsible.” Mayhem managed to slip in to the cage and the Diaz brothers, as they are wont do, overreacted and started throwing punches. Christ it’s not the end of the world.
And if you’re an MMA fan then you should want fighters to have more than one option when it comes to promotions and you should be rooting for SF to make it rather than taking every opportunity to call for their disbandment.
“I thought I remember reading somewhere that it was cheaper and easier to produce & put on an MMA show VS producing a whole new series or some sorta tv show filler? Can someone give me some insight? Thanks!”
Charlee Sheen make more per episode for a half hour of 2 1/2 men than Showtime pays per 2 -3 hour Strikeforce event. If he gets what he is asking for to resign then he will make more than CBS pays per event. On the programming side you then have to add in the cost of the rest of the cast the producers, director, lighting etc, etc. And that is just a half hour.
On the event side you have to roll an HD truck which is expensive but not prohibitively so. The truck includes the cameras, cables mixers etc. The lighting is already covered by the event. It takes a lot smaller crew to produce a fight than say a sitcom. They can afford to roll a truck for the challengers shows for example.
I thought one of the things driving the dates CBS picks was the availability of their trucks but it looks like CBS doesn’t own their own they just rent them. If you want to know more about the trucks there is a great thread here. With a list of trucks on the last page.
The cost to bounce the signal off of a satellite because it is live is ridiculously expensive, but again they can make it work for the challengers shows and HDNet can do it for MFC and KotC.
So ya, it is a fraction of what a scripted program costs. That is why reality shows became all the rage. Playing reruns may or may not be cheap. If they are replaying what they showed Weds night then it will be cheap. If the went out and bought some thing that was in syndication then it can go from near free to bloody expensive. Most shows loose money in their original run and their profits come from syndication.
Not counting the cost of production does any one know how much the networks pay per game for hockey, basketball and baseball which were the competition?
“Its important for CBS to not alienate their core demo. CBS has a much older demo”
This is true
“SF has nothing to offer CBS.”
This is not.
The problem for CBS is that their audience skews older. This is a blessing in that the older viewers tend to watch more TV. The down side is that for the most part older viewers have mostly bought their houses, filled them with the things they need, own cars etc. Younger viewers tend to own almost nothing and become spending machines for the early parts of their lives. As well the older viewers are dieing off. All bad.
CBS needs a bigger piece of the younger demographic for long term survival. That is why they were willing to take a chance on Strikeforce. And if they didn’t have the affiliates whining and complaining I am very sure there would be a long term contract in place right now. Unlike scripted and reality shows they don’t have a stack of new sports sitting on their desk that they can just grab the next one off the top. The potential reward is very big if they can make Strikeforce work. It just looks like they won’t get the chance to do it.
My guess and it is just a guess is that you may see them continue to build things up over on Showtime and then some where down the road take another shot at network. MMA fans tend to have a memory that totally ends after a week. You can have a record of 30 -0 and if you loose then next fight your a bum. This event went fairly bad. But over the last year Strikeforce has made a lot of great moves.
What worries me far worse than CBS is that I have read articles or heard interviews in the last few days where all of the Gracie fighters have said they want to leave Strikeforce. It looks like there is some kind of war going on between the Gracie camp and Strikeforce. They can be replaced as long as Strikeforce staggers their fights so they don’t all go at once.
I hadn’t heard about the Gracie fighters wanting to leave. I can’t imagine Nick wanting to head back to the UFC. It didn’t seem like he left on good terms. That will be devastating for SF; Gil, Nick and Jake are more than half of the total champions SF has.
Can you post links to the articles?
Nick D here. Go to around 4:30
Still trying to find the Melendez one. It was a post fight interview I think with Helwani.