The UFC is changing its logo but you will have to look hard to see the difference. In an effort to revamp the look and feel of the presentation of the brand, the company will unveil subtle changes this weekend.
According to an AP story, the UFC hired creative directors at Troika to redesign the logo. Essentially, the “C” in UFC no longer looks like a wrench and takes on a more “fluid, more balanced, more professional” look. White approved of the new logo. In addition to the logo, the UFC will unveil several changes to its visual presentation this weekend at UFC 189. This includes tweaking the telecast visuals such as the fight clock on the screen.
The creative directors at Troika believe that the design changes will make the UFC “more fun to watch for hardcore enthusiasts and less confusing for casual fans.” Approximately 30 people worked on revamping the UFC image over the last 6 months and we shall see these changes at the biggest weekend of the year for the UFC.
With the elimination of third-party sponsors and implementation of the Reebok uniforms, the visual in the octagon will be different. This was an opportune time to include additional visual changes.
Payout Perspective:
I understand that many people will not understand why the UFC would hire a firm to make subtle tweaks to its logo and presentation. Certainly hiring Troika was not cheap. But like many companies, the UFC believes in its branding and image. It knew that UFC 189 was going to be the biggest event of the year and if there was a time that casual viewers would purchase a PPV, it would be this one. Unveiling its new, albeit subtle, logo and other visual elements probably was due for the company as it enters a new era with its partnership with Reebok.
As the city burns Dana plays the fiddle!
Nut job.
Hahaha…easy money for troika….wtf? they paid big money to change the C hahaha..30 people worked on it for 6 months hahahahaha…and they pay peanut’s to fighters….the logo change would make them global truly global…franchise of ufc gyms is off the charts,merchandise just ran out!! Hahahaha…..the brand is declining logo changes wont solve the decline
When zuffa took over…Dw became the visionary and promised so many things and people believed and follow him…but he came up short…
.ufc soccer—-impossible
global– not yet approved in ny up to now
,boxing is dead—it only got stronger and more money….
My comment went right over d s head! And why an article on something so stupid and not the last 3 shit ppv buys? Has mma payout been drinking the cool aid too????? Like what a waste of an article!!!
Never comment on how anything went over anyone’s head Mr. “Cool Aid”.
bahahah D wont comment on the shit ppv! whats the matter d hahah
What ppv? You are completely insane.
186 187 188 shit for brains!
what flops!!!
You are such an idiot. Do you even follow anything that you are ever saying. My God you are nuts. You are 50 years old you freak.