The Wrestling Observer indicates that UFC 184 drew an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 PPV buys. The preliminary report underscores the great start the UFC has had this year as well as the drawing power of Ronda Rousey.
UPDATED: In its 3/12 podcast, Meltzer indicated that the numbers reflect that UFC 184 will do more PPV buys than UFC 183.
Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez first discussed the initial numbers during their March 5, 2015 podcast (subscription recommended).
It appears that the estimate is based on anecdotal information from DirecTV as well Google trend searches.
If the initial buys for UFC 184 which featured Ronda Rousey versus Cat Zingano in the main event, the UFC will have one of the best starts of a year in PPV.
UFC 182: 800,000 PPV buys
UFC 183: ~600,000-700,000 PPV buys
UFC 184: ~500,000-600,000 PPV buys
The average for 2015 at this point is around 684,000 PPV buys which far exceeds what the UFC has been seeing. Last year it averaged just 256,000 PPV buys and in 2013 it averaged 468,000. Realistically, the UFC cannot keep producing these buys throughout the year. But, it’s built up three good buy rates for 2015. Added the fact it PPVs are now at $60, the UFC is making up PPV revenue from 2014’s atrocious numbers.
Whether it’s the booking or promotion, the 2015 PPV strategy for the UFC is holding up despite the drug problems. Also, UFC 184 initially included Vitor Belfort- Chris Weidman as the co-main event.
The other part of the news is that the UFC Prelims have had much higher ratings this year in comparison to where it was last year.
UFC 182 Prelims – 1.03M viewers
UFC 183 Prelims – 1.546M viewers
UFC 184 Prelims – 1.205M viewers
Meltzer speculated that Rousey was one of the reasons why the UFC 184 Prelims drew the high ratings. This argument may also support the fact that women’s MMA is generally accepted and may be on a roll as of late. Note, Miesha Tate’s fight against Sarah Kaufman at the UFC 183 Prelims almost drew 2 million viewers on FS1. This was a boon for Tate’s sponsors as she actually lobbied that she be on FS1 rather than on the PPV card.
Payout Perspective:
UFC 184 was all Ronda Rousey and it’s a good sign for the UFC ast the organization has found another PPV star. The card under Rousey-Zingano was not strong considering that Belfort-Weidman dropped out. Thus, the entire buzz was based on Rousey. After her quick fight on Saturday, many mainstream sports outlets picked up on Rousey and gravitated toward the comparisons to Mike Tyson in his prime. The potential bad news here is that there are not many interesting fights for Rousey coming up (unless Cyborg is able to make weight). Also, Rousey’s star power outside of the Octagon is gaining momentum. She is already taking time away from the Octagon to do a movie and the more offers she receives from Hollywood, the more we may not see her in the Octagon.
Can the UFC continue its momentum this Saturday with UFC 185? We shall see.
Yup, just as I predicted, the UFC is back to where they were prior to the fluke 2014 numbers. The UFC has bounced back with big ppv numbers- already at roughly 2m thus far and the tv ratings are increasing. The sport just needs the proper matchups and to avoid a ton of injuries and it will continue to blow up and expand. With arguably the two biggest fight cards coming up in May and July, a potential mega card at MSG in December, they are poised for a big year in ppv buys.
Eat that boxing turds.
@ D I disagree that 2014’s numbers were flukes, the cards sucked, even I stopped caring. Since the beginning of the year however, we’ve had stacked cards worthy of a PPV, even at $60. I’m not surprised people are paying for them.
The cards sucked partly because of the injuries and all of the makeshift replacements. There are more stars developing now and less injuries.
I call BS. 184 was a garbage lineup. Or, at least the final product was. I smell manipulation to keep a reason to continue to shove Princess Rhonda down our throats.
The movies and commercials are helping Rhonda’s PPV Buys not hurting. Her great looks make her an average PPV star. If she looked like Cyborg no one would care. Her numbers are good though but far from mainstream. The UFC’s ceiling is 800k. and they’ll hit that twice a year at best. One of those events will be piggy backing two fights. As you will se on May 2nd Boxing’s ceiling is 4 million. Fuckin Ridiculous. When Pac and Floyd leave it will be 1.5 million with this network deal and GGG ready to explode on the mainstream stage. 19 straight KO’s. last guy to do that was TYSON. Cant wait to hear MMA guys say “after GGG there will be no more stars”. By the way Jones and Weidman on a card is piggy backing. If they dont do at least 1 million thats a fail. Could you imagine Mayweather & Cotto on the same card?
Haha. The UFC’s ceiling is 800k? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! History and their statistics disagree with you. Also, the two biggest ppvs of the year have yet to come. You are going to be in for a world of wrong if there aren’t any big injuries coming up.
Boxing’s ceiling is not 4m. Even if for some absurd reason this ppv does hit 4m which I highly doubt it does, it would have zero reflection on the entire sport and that would never, ever happen again. This will be the biggest fight in the history of boxing and will never be eclipsed because the sport is losing it’s marketshare very gradually over the past near decade to mma. GGG is not ever going to replace Mayweather. He may be able to hit Pacquaio numbers, not Mayweather though. Boxing is going to take a massive hit once those two go.
“By the way Jones and Weidman on a card is piggy backing. If they dont do at least 1 million thats a fail. ”
HAHAHAHA!!! Retarded comment of the week for Fightbusiness which speaks volumes. I thought the UFC had a ceiling of 800k. Haha. Idiot. Enjoy your new nickname at the end of 2015.
Also, keep in mind that GGG is 32 years old and hasn’t headlined a ppv yet. He’s a great boxer, no question who is very exciting, but how long can he fight for? His run probably won’t be more than another 5-6 years and considering he won’t headline a ppv for at least another year and everyone is avoiding him, it would be hard to see him turning into the star that even Pacqauio is.
You never told me what that nickname would be by the way. although you can always change it. 4 million buys wont reflect on Boxing. Are you freakin kidding me. Do you know all the press they will get when ppv numbers come in and final fighter salaries? Both fighters will be on Forbes list making a mockery of what other athletes make. mayweather can very easily make 150 million this year and Pac 90. THATS FUCKIN INSANE!!!! and the sports world will see it. Boxing on NBC.
It will never be eclipsed. Dude shut the fuck up. numbers were made to be broken. They just broke the record in 07′ and will shit on it this year. Do you know how huge Boxers will be because if these network deal? They wont even be able to walk down the fuckin street. UFC stars need sponsors to make 800k a year . BAHAHA
I never said GGG would replace Mayweather you idiot. I said his cap would be 1.5 million. Mayweather has done over 2 million soon to be three times. Is that replacing mayweather?
The UFC does have a ceiling of 800k which sucks. If they dont do 1 million with Jones and Weidman thats fuckin pathetic. Could you imagine Pac and Cotto on the same card in seperate fights? what are the two majical ppv’s that you say the UFC will have? I hope your not talking about Aldo vs Mcgregor. The guy on the street doesnt know aldo and they barely knows Mcgregor. Aldo got a gift a against Edga anyway so his mystique isnt that great. He’s great but not a huge star.
Its losing market share? Dumb ass may the 2nd you’ll see how much market share it lost. I already told you the UFC was built by a disenfranchised white male demo. Once whites stop being champ that demo will plummet. Boxing got a 1.2 in the 18-34 demo. Very respectable.
Your nickname will be fightbusiness professional retard.
Your estimations of the salaries of Mayweather/Paquaio are greatly exaggerated and Forbes does no investigative research, they just ask guys like Mayweather what they make or what their managers claim they make. Regardless though, what does this have anything to do with what I said? My point was that this fight which will literally be the biggest fight in the history of boxing, is not reflective of the rest of boxing. No other fight in the past or future will come even close to 3m buys like this will. So enjoy it while you can.
“It will never be eclipsed. Dude shut the fuck up. numbers were made to be broken.”
HAHAHAHA!!! Fucking retard!! It is RECORDS were made to be broken you stupid fuck. HAHAHA!!! And that is in reference to sports that aren’t headed for the toilet and are overtaken by another.
Those network deals are going to be gone after they can’t hit their expected viewership. I know you and the boxing trolls are in denial, but that figure they put up was a colossal failure. They better pray something monumental changes, which doesn’t appear to be on the horizon. The long term play is to get a legit deal from NBC, or else this will be scrapped. And they won’t get a deal with that type of overhead and those ratings.
” UFC stars need sponsors to make 800k a year . BAHAHA”
A woman in the UFC just made more money than almost every professional boxer. HAHAHAHA!!!
So by admitting GGG won’t hit Mayweather star status, then you are admitting that Mayweather will not be replaced and thus boxing’s ppv numbers and interest will go down. Not to mention GGG will most likely never hit 1.5m ppv buys. The truth is, he probably won’t even headline a ppv until he is around 34 years old. It’s bullshit for him, but that is the reality of the situation and he won’t have a long career fighting on ppv.
The UFC has a ceiling of 1.5m ppv buys so far. Again, I understand you are retarded and either do not know what a ceiling is or are still too stupid to look up at the tab on this website that has the ppv numbers which proves this. Pacquaio and Cotto’s last two ppvs did 310k buys and 350k buys individually, now that is pathetic! HAHAHAHA!
“what are the two majical ppv’s that you say the UFC will have? I hope your not talking about Aldo vs Mcgregor. The guy on the street doesnt know aldo and they barely knows Mcgregor. Aldo got a gift a against Edga anyway so his mystique isnt that great. He’s great but not a huge star.”
This is like shooting fish in the barrel. I love this- “majical” is spelled magical. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow. And don’t say that was a typo, because you clearly just didn’t know how to spell the word. Retard.
Also, you’ve acknowledged the first card- Jones/Weidman. Also, McGregor-Aldo/Lawler-MacDonald. Both of those fights will exceed 750k buys. The Jones-Weidman fight could hit a very big number well over that.
The rest of your ramblings about Aldo are retarded and McGregor is known by tons of people who do not even follow the sport. Naseem Hamed even acknowledged his star power and he is a boxer.
Again, yes, it is losing its market share. You still can’t grasp this concept that one fight is not reflective of the sport. Again, 7 out of the last 8 years mma has had more ppv buys and revenue than boxing and the only reason boxing had more last year was because of the injuries. The UFC also has a major network tv deal taht pays them 100m plus per year while boxing has to pay to get on network tv.
Your ramblings about the white demo are retarded and racist. There will always be white champions and even if there weren’t, white people would still pay to watch it, like they do with football and basketball which have a majority of black athletes.
Also, there are tons of articles every where you turn pointing out how boxing’s audience is predominantly 55 and up and the 18-49 demo is clearly in favor of mma.
500k for 14 seconds lol She has one more fight maybe 2 hahahaha
How will 185 do?? great fighters and no one will care, shows the thin depth of mma fans. Plenty of seats available, even the 300 level hahahah
Oh Lord Your one of those. Everything is racist people. No you just love lying about people you gossip. How is making a market observation racist? BAHAHA. Did I say white people are bad? Its no secret stars attract people of their race. Remember Linsanity? Asian people came out of nowhere to watch him play. The Rockets specifically got him because of this you lying gossip. The UFC was buit on a white male demo you dumbass. Chuck Liddell, Brock Lesnar, Matt Hughes, Randy Cortoure, Rich Franklin thats why they had a huge young white demo. Fighting will always be the sport of the poor which sadly means latinos and Blacks, therefore its just a matter of time before they dominate. They just never did thus far because it wasnt a part of their culture. The more it becomes part of the culture the less white fighters there will be and the demo which built them will plummet. I didnt say go away completely you fuckin gossip. I’m sorry the truth hurts you so. BAHAHAHA. The white demo will soon drop because they will only have a few stars. they built the UFC. BAHAHAHA
By the way you made some stupid comment the other day “how many wrestlers are minorities” wrestling isnt fighting and there is no money in it so why would a poor kid do it? Wrestling doesnt have striking either. so tough kids view it as soft.
Hispanics and Blacks will never pick MMA over Boxing so dont think they will when they start dominating. The history with Boxing is to long and most view ground fighting as soft. I agree BAHAHA. Truth hurts D’s feelings. 31% of the NFL is white. 90 percent of coaches are white. 100% of owners. thats why they still have a considerable fwhite following. The players wear masks also. So race is less of an issue. Remember Linsanity. manny Pacquioau. Asians love him. Race matters in fighting. Blacks dont watch baseball. UFC’s young demo will plummet in 5 years. gustafasson doubled this demo on Fox recently it wasmuch lower prior to that. Whites felt disenfranchised sio they marketed dry humping fighting and white bought it because they were the only ones in it. Gentrification means mediocrity for UFC. BAHAHA. D hates market anaylisis.
I think the UFC is finally focusing on MMA in the US again. I said this many times before. They UFC knew starting a new network with FS! was going to be very hard to get ratings regardless of what they did. These lack of ratings was going to hit PPV numbers because they cant reach anyone to promote them. So they focused on Brazil and other countries and rode the hardcore fanbase in the US for a while and cut back on promoting towards the US fan base or even setting up fights to appeal to them. Now we are a couple years in and the UFC is now set its sights on the US. With their time is now campaign and fights that appeal to this country rather than Brazil. Because of this focus change you feel it in the marketing, the hype, and see it in the match ups. which is also now showing up in the ratings and the PPV buys.
I expect they will focus on the US for a couple years then go back and focus on Brazil and other countries. They cant promote fighters from all countries at the same time. Cards and match ups and fighters themselves are made and promoted to appeal to curtain audiences.
Fight Business you are a fool. People are attracted to stars of their race when they have no fucking stars to choose from. Asians jumped on Linsanity because their athletes suck balls. That’s also why Canadians jump on GSP and why Croatians jumped on Crocop. Whites have plenty of Stars to the point they for the most part don’t jump on anyone because they are white. Blacks don’t follow white stars because they are brainwashed at a young age to see racism and use it as a crutch. SO they always are hating “whitey”. Do you really think the 10% that is the black population makes the NBA as big and profitable as it is? Those are white people buying those tickets, those jerseys and watching those games of those black people. Whites imo are the least racist of any group. The only difference is whites are not allowed to say anything while other races can discriminate all they want and even openly and it is accepted.
whites from urban areas are not generally racist. Many whites from the south are racist. I stayed in Texas for 7 months and saw it. I know there are black racists also. I agree with many blacks being professional victims. Whites have plenty of role models but not in combat sports and it fuckin kills them. Because there is no sport more masculine than fighting and they hate the fact they get destroyed by minorities. I remember white kids being cocky and a Hispanic would step up and remove the chip off there shoulder and it fuckin killed them. Fighting is the ultimate tough guy sport and that demo felt disenfranchised and built the UFC. Poverty creates fighters nothing else. There are some tough english and irishman but they are poor and the exception. In my opinion the white demo will decline in the ufc. they put all that money into it.. Chuck Lidell played a huge part in their marketing. White kids said “that dude kind of looks like me”. What is this mma thing.
China jumping on the bandwagon.
UFC is killing it so far this year, fight night ratings are up, PPV prelims all over a million, post fight show ratings are up. 13 mill in gates in Jan, McGregor fight night did huge numbers on FS1, Ronda is a super star.
Next two shows are good but wont do big buys but May/June/July look amazing. That May card is so stacked, plus Manny/Floyd in may, gonna be maybe the best fight month ever.
Saldaqueef still hasn’t comprehended the gate is nothing compared to ppv revenue. Haha.
“The UFC was buit on a white male demo you dumbass. ”
Right because Royce Gracie is a real WASP you fucking retard.
You, Tops, Sampson and Sal are the four horseman of retard. You sorry band of losers just manufacture bullshit in your delusional brains and spew out whatever runs through it without any filter.
” Fighting will always be the sport of the poor which sadly means latinos and Blacks, therefore its just a matter of time before they dominate. They just never did thus far because it wasnt a part of their culture. The more it becomes part of the culture the less white fighters there will be and the demo which built them will plummet. I didnt say go away completely you fuckin gossip. I’m sorry the truth hurts you so. BAHAHAHA. The white demo will soon drop because they will only have a few stars. they built the UFC. BAHAHAHA
By the way you made some stupid comment the other day “how many wrestlers are minorities” wrestling isnt fighting and there is no money in it so why would a poor kid do it? Wrestling doesnt have striking either. so tough kids view it as soft.”
No, boxing may always be the sport of the poor, but mma fighting is certainly not. There is literally no evidence to support your bullshit theory. Look at the best fighters- they typically all come from middle class backgrounds including the minorities because the Americans(- as I pointed out and like the retard you are, you ignored) almost all have decorated wrestling backgrounds. Also, wrestling is a major aspect of fighting. I know you are a moron, who can’t see this but this is the reality. Your argument is senseless. Tough kids view it as soft? Okay, so tell that to the following fighters: Cain Velasquez, Brock Lesnar, Jon Jones, Matt Hughes, Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell, Chris Weidman, Kevin Randleman, Anthony Johnson, Johny Hendricks, Robbie Lawler, Mark Coleman, Dan Severn, Josh Barnett, Ricco Rodriguez, Tito Ortiz, Quinton Jackson and I could go on for ever. Those are a number of ufc champions with wrestling backgrounds. Last time I checked they all wrestled on a high level.
Your retarded delusions are spreading to the level of Saldaqueef. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
” Whites have plenty of role models but not in combat sports and it fuckin kills them. Because there is no sport more masculine than fighting and they hate the fact they get destroyed by minorities.”
Like seriously, what world do you live in? Are you aware of your surroundings? There have been more white champions in REAL FIGHTING which is what mma is than any other ethnicity. Right now as we speak there are 9 ufc titles and 4 of them are owned by white people. There are only 2 black champions, there are 2 hispanic champions, there is 1 ethnic Brazilian. Go to the top ten of every weight class and the majority of the fighters are white. The greatest fighter that ever lived was Fedor and he was white. It sounds like you hate mma because it has been dominated by white fighters.
You are seriously delusional. Do you actually believe your own bullshit?
*Ortiz & Jackson* weren’t middle class, but both did have decorated wrestling backgrounds.
D- The middle class guys are champs because the poor guys see no money in it you dumbass. “You dont like seeing white guys” Why would i give a fuck what color the dude is. I just see a bunch of tomatoe cans calling themselves tough because the tough poor minorities arent in it. The white demo deludes themselves into thinking these are the tough guys but there actually the D league rejects. BAHAHA. Almost Every fighter that makes a million a fight is a minority. D cant comprehend the mindset of a great fighter. LOL.
Start cutting 1.5 million dollar checks per fight and 90% of those fighters will be black and Hispanic. The white dudes are champs because they and the Brazilians were the only ones involved at first in large numbers. Thats all. Why would a poor kid pick dry humping for 35k a fight when he can make 350k in Boxing within 5 years.? if the UFc starts paying up minorities will run to the sport but that will never happen because the UFC is doesnt have a major cash influx. Thats why only 50% of champs are minorities. I’m shattering D’s “white boys can be tough too” illussions. No they cant. Not unless there poor like the guys from England or a few American Irishman. BAHAHA. Events without white fighters equals average young demo’s. BAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah, I’m sure the poor guys see no money in it, that is why they are not getting involved. You are such an idiot.
You obviously do have a problem with their color, you are the one continually bringing this up and making irrational claims that are clearly unsubstantiated. You see a bunch of “tomatoe” cans? You are retarded. You have no idea what the skill level involved in this sport is. Go down to a local mma gym and see how unskilled, these cans are and tell them that. You will be in for a rude awakening. There are poor minorities in the US who have tried it, they just don’t succeed because they don’t have the wrestling background. By the way, there are plenty of poor minorities from Brazil who fight, why aren’t they wearing all the titles right now? Or is it a national thing? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Fucking idiot.
First off, there are less than 15 boxers in the world who make 1.5m per fight. Do not act as if the millions are raining everywhere within the sport. Second, there are a number of mma fighters who make that much.
“The white dudes are champs because they and the Brazilians were the only ones involved at first in large numbers. Thats all. ”
HAHAHA!!! You have to realize you make yourself look completely retarded, right? First off, there have been black fighters involved in mma since the onset. As a matter of fact, at UFC 1, 3 of the fighters were black, 1 was ethnic Brazilian, 1 was ethnic Hawaiian and 3 were white. From that point on, there were always black fighters involved- mostly with amateur wrestling backgrounds. Wrestling is the best background to get started within mma because of the ability to dictate where the fight goes. Why would a poor kid pick dry humping for 35k a fight? Yeah, you are right, they prefer to dry hump for $1000 per fight with Mayweather on his prelims. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The white Americans have always dominated the sport. It may change slightly at some point in time, but I would think the shift would be minorities with wrestling backgrounds, not just poor kids who run down to a gym randomly and pick up fighting. The UFC has more money than every boxing promotion combined. They have Dubai oil barons who bankroll anything they want.
” I’m shattering D’s “white boys can be tough too” illussions.” Na, you are just declaring your ignorant “DELUSIONS” you idiot. HAHAHAHAHA!!! You must be really insecure that the white fighters have dominated in mma. This is why you are trolling on a mma website. You can’t stand the fact that mma is more like real fighting than boxing is and white fighters have always dominated in it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
D- yeah real fighting. where where are there shoes you idiot? What are they fighting on the beach. BAHAHA. “we’re hard core we g down to the ground”. Yeah because your a pussie who cant fight like a man so you keep changing the rules. Your taking away all of the tools from the striker that would get your ass up a lot more. Kicks to the face. No picking up and slamming, No judo throws, no knees to the face, no biting. These are all the tools that would be used to get these dry humpers off the floor. But they dont want to stand up and fight like men thats why they change the rules up. Wrestlers dominate because they are fighting o a mat. and cant be kicked.
UFC = D league. D calls everything racist. He’s the white Al Sharpton. He cant handle the truth. BAHAHAHa. I wont even acknowledge your other stupid coments. i’m done with this post.
Hahahaha. You are such a retard. You spell about as well as a 10 year old.
More like you are a pussy, who hates what real fighting is like.
You just like dry humpers in a standing position. HAHAHA!!
UFC = real fighting, boxing = only stand up punching with 10oz gloves covering the entire hand.
HAHAHA!! Fightbusiness is just some racist minority who is insecure over the fact that white fighters dominate real fighting.
You really should go back to middle school, you are on the education level of a 4th grader. Your spelling, comprehension, logic and thought process are on par with a child.
D- corrects spelling on the internet. A forum in which people type with their index finger while eating a sandwich. He wants you to write as serious on the internet as you do on a college essay. LOL. Real fights happen with shoes on concreate. BAHAHAHA. D leaves conveniantly that out. Real fights have weapons and multiple attackers which makes dry humping the worst thing you can do. Ax Murdered Silva pulled out of his fight with Sonnen after he pulled guard on concreate and hurt his back. BAHAHAHA. What happened to you real fighting. UFC head head stomps and slamming after matt Hughes Dropped carlos Newton. LOL. Thos are the tools you use to end dry humping. UFC fighters just changed up the rules because they suck at striking. D’s racists always making every racial observation bad. BAHAHA. He’s the white Al Sharpton. Sart marching D. LOLOL
Boxers with no gloves on would shatter people’s faces and break there teeth. they only have gloves on preserve there hands so they can have a career. See you on another post scrub. AKA ” I love Ding Ding”
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I thought you were done with this argument?
You didn’t just misspell a word. It is constantly misspelling basic words that show a reflection of how much of an idiot you are.
Nice try to spin this, but anyone who knows anything about what an actually hand to hand street fight knows mma is much closer to that than dry humping boxers are from a standing position with 10oz gloves.
Head stomps were banned in 1997, not 2002 in mma, and again how many boxers know how to do any of that. You are backing up my argument.
Haha. You are such an idiot.
Boxers with no gloves on would get killed by someone who knows how to knee and kick standing, let alone against a decorated wrestler who who drop them on their head.
Fightbusiness hates the fact that white champions dominate have dominated real fighting. That’s why he is so obsessed with this race issue and constantly brings it up. There may be tons of racism in the boxing world, but there really isn’t any in the mma world. Go to any gym and you won’t run into that crap.
Get ready for your new nickname. I wouldn’t be surprised if you receive it by October.
Minorities and other poor people are not into Mma as much because it isn’t a cheap sport to start. Being poor isn’t exclusive to minorities. There is more poor whites as a whole than any other race. But it goes beyond expense. With poverty comes lower education and intelligence. This is why poor people choose boxing and choose to follow boxing as fans. It’s a simple single dimension sport that requires no thought. The same slugging it out you see in the ghetto is the same way the rednecks fight. A minority getting some white guy trainer to teach them a little technique doesn’t make boxing anymore sophisticated.
To be good at BJJ you have to be a thinker and to mix styles for a Mma fight properly you also have to be a thinker. Which is why with all the high priced training Kimbo Slice had it didn’t help him at all. You either have it or you don’t and it was never in his nature to fight with the mindset it took to use those skills or the mind set to even learn them. Boxing fans calling boxing the sweet science is just a way to polish the turd of a sport it is and hide the fact it is two broke dumbass’ playing rockem sockem robots.
Brain Smasher’s screen name should be: My Brains Smashed.
600 k buys isn’t all that impressive when you consider that Ronda Rousey is by far the most popular fighter in the UFC. That’s not an opinion that’s an irrefutable fact proven by a simple Google Trends analysis.
For any UFC card to do better numbers they would need to be super stacked or have an incredibly compelling matchup. 800k does indeed appear to be their current ceiling.
The argument that white people are better fighters is completely preposterous. White people are at least 70% of the UFC fighters but they only have less than half of the titles. That same trend holds true on the women’s side. This mythical priviledged, white, athletic phenom is simply non-existent in the UFC. Just look at the p4p rankings and the only white guys on there are Chris Weidman and Dillashaw. Weidman who has won his two biggest fights on a fluke and he’s also beat a faded Machida. None of his wins required to much mental capabilities. Dillashaw only has one win against elite level fighters and his other two elite level opponents, who were non-white, were both losses.
D doesn’t realize that over all numbers, yes all numbers matter, IDIOT! HAHA then why does the UFC lie like hell about gate numbers and any other number they can manipulate if it doesn’t matter. Shows D is an amateur retard. D is a desperate dude bahahahah Keep typing D no one cares what you say and you are the only one that reads your crap hahah
I like how the UFC stopped announcing comps hahahahahah proves everything I say!!
Saldaqueef isn’t aware of any numbers, which is why he is a retard and constantly embarrasses himself with his ignorant, idiotic comments. What the hell does the ufc care about gate numbers when they do a ppv with a woman that hits over 500k ppv buys? Shows Sal is retarded and a glorified usher at a high school gym who thinks he knows what he is talking about, but doesn’t have the intelligence to look at the statistics provided that prove his dumbass wrong. He is still in denial about the ppv revenue coming in for these events.
Gambino, you are an idiot. Rousey is not the most popular fighter in the UFC, never was, never will be. She is probably number 5. Silva, Weidman, Jones, McGregor, are all bigger draws than she is and will do bigger numbers than her ppv wise consistently. Your google trend indisputable facts is a ridiculous analogy seeing how google trends don’t equal ppv buys necessarily and there is evidence that proves she is not anywhere near the top. Where do you get your math from? The ufc has done 3 ppvs this year so far and the lowest buyrate was Rousey against a big named opponent who people thought had a legit chance of beating her for the first time. Jones-Cormier was not a stacked card, nor was Silva- Diaz and they both outdrew Rousey. If you honestly think the ceiling is 800k, with two massive ppvs coming up that are far more stacked than the Jones- Cormier fight which hit 800k, you are delusional.
“The argument that white people are better fighters is completely preposterous. White people are at least 70% of the UFC fighters but they only have less than half of the titles. That same trend holds true on the women’s side. This mythical priviledged, white, athletic phenom is simply non-existent in the UFC. Just look at the p4p rankings and the only white guys on there are Chris Weidman and Dillashaw. Weidman who has won his two biggest fights on a fluke and he’s also beat a faded Machida. None of his wins required to much mental capabilities. Dillashaw only has one win against elite level fighters and his other two elite level opponents, who were non-white, were both losses.”
Just the very fact that 70% of the fighters in the UFC are white goes to show you they are better fighters, wouldn’t it? If they weren’t better fighters, wouldn’t the majority be minorities like in boxing? By the way, there are more white champions than any other ethnicity.
Same holds true on the women’s side? What???? There is only 1 title in the ufc so far for women, and it is a white girl with it who is beating people in 14 seconds.
So you hit full blown retard status here claiming Weidman won by fluke and you just proved you know nothing about mma. Weidman is a better fighter than Anderson Silva and proved it 2x. He dropped him like a bag of dirt in both fights. Silva always tries to bait his opponents to drop their gameplan of getting the fight to the ground by taunting them, it just didn’t work this time. He sold out on the takedowns because he didn’t think Weidman could hurt him with his hands. You don’t comprehend the thinking that is involved with this process which is why you are unaware. And if that was a fluke, then why did Weidman drop him again in the rematch when Silva wasn’t taunting? Where is the fluke idiot? Weidman dominated both fights. He then beat Silva’s training partner who everyone claimed would beat Chris and gave him a beating that NO ONE ever did. Oh and one other little thing you are ignoring- SILVA WAS JUICING!! Weidman is clean! HAHA!
Also, historically the p4p list is dominated by white fighters. Not to mention of course the rankings you provided are absurd seeing how they have Dominick Cruz there who hasn’t fought anyone in years. Most p4p lists have Weidman, Lawler, Dillashaw, Hendricks. By the way, when Miocic fights Velasquez you are going to add him to that list too. There are more white fighters there than any other ethnicity. If you go through the divisional rankings there isn’t one division that has more minorities than whites.
The truth is the majority of high level fighters in mma are going to be fighters with decorated wrestling backgrounds. Look at all of the top ten ranked fighters who wrestled in college. It is literally half of the fighters on those lists. Amateur wrestling isn’t a ghetto or low income thing. Deal with it.
” There is only 1 title in the ufc so far for women, and it is a white girl with it who is beating people in 14 seconds.” – dickhead
Too many egregious comments to correct from Dickhead, that’s just an example. 2nd women’s championship belt fight is this weekend.
Hahahahaha…d with looooong paragraphs again probably because of watching the PAC/may press con …a red carpet event with global media…hahaha….
500k for the biggest star in the UFC?
Thats not good at all.
Realistically it probably did 400-450k.
Nothing is funnier than watching D argue.
Anytime he argues he always tries to discount Mayweather and Pacquiao as not reflective of boxing as if were not allowed to use them in our arguments.
What a faggot.
By the way Dan Rafael is reporting that the gate is going to exceed $50million.
How many UFC shows does it take make that much? 20? 25?
Reports are saying Adrien Broner vs Amir Khan June 6th on NBC.
Other reports are saying that Danny Garcia, who fights April 11th on NBC, might face Marcos Maidana on NBC later this year.
This is why Al Haymon is elevating boxing.
MMA can sell ppv’s with multiple stars and their women literally outsell every boxer other than Pacquaio and Mayweather!! That’s embarrassing!
Funny watching the gayest argue, he claims Art Jimmerson lost UFC 1 because he didn’t know the rules. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You’ve got one fight left. Enjoy it. Boxing has a bunch of senior citizens as their stars. HAHAHA!!
Al Haymon is destroying his investors money realistically. Their debut bombed royally.
here is a fact, you fuck tard, gate attendance shows that people are interested or not. If someone is willing to get off their ass, buy a ticket and go to show it shows a lot you moron. Clicking a button at home and no one at the arena says a lot about an event. When the venue is sold out and there is a good ppv then you have a strong product. you wouldn’t know about a strong product because the UFC hasnt been strong in years and that was short lived. Boxing has had it for a century look ay Maypac bahahah strong numbers froma to z. D wouldn’t know what a fight is unless its him fighting off his uncle from ass banging him! Keep typing D! you look like a desperate moron loser fuck stick haha Lets see how the Wheaties kid does, I mean he’s on the box there should be millions of fans bahahahahahahah
Its funny that D says boxing is for senior citizens when hes the oldest one on this forum.
D youve already told me you’re in your mid 40s while im in my 20’s, moron.
Your women, or woman, outsell all of the men MMA fighters.
I even know a few ppl that never pay attention to MMA unless Rouseys fighting.
Its because its a chick, and for some reason ppl like that.
Regardless your chick is selling 300-400k ppvs.
That last one didnt sell 600k, you can blow that shit out of your ass.
SAL STILL DOESN’T GET IT !!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! This retard thinks the gate is where the largest revenue stream comes from because he was an usher at a high school gym!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Everyone knows the ppv buys are the most relevant stream. HAHAHAHAHA!!! SALDAQUEEF!
What’s funny is you get embarrassed every time you talk and then you make up lies to appear to save face.
First off, I am nowhere near 40. The guy however you are agreeing with here is nearly 50 (Saldaqueef). HAHAHA!!!
Rousey was the lowest draw of the year for the ufc, so obviously she can’t outsell the ufc men. She can only outdraw every boxer other than the top 2. HAHAHA!
It’s funny how retarded you are. These numbers presented that show this ppv did 500k-600k buys are from Dave Meltzer you retard. He has contacts within the cable industry and he does not get along with Dana White. Yet, when a boxing promoter clearly lies about his numbers and someone like Rafael calls him out on his bullshit, you side with the promoter, because you are a fucking idiot.
By the way, Mike Tyson gets it-
When asked what advice he would give to aspiring boxers, Tyson said: “Go to mma”. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!—go-to-mma-213833350.html;_ylt=AwrBT8kmWwRVd8EAUmVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–
We all know the gate isnt the large revenue. its an indicator that we can see and count. Fighters dont like fighting to half empty arenas with thousand of comps. D is new to the bussiness wold. He likes to type and no one reads bahahah. Everyone knows even Dana that all numbers are impotant. Look at it this way. First they stop coming then they stop buying ppv. Then they stop watching for free. D wouldnt know these indicators because he is a google researcher and a shit one at that. Hahahha look at all the ufc numbers across the board. No sell outs. Tuf down ppv down free tv down. Hahahah.
Saldaqueef doesn’t understand basic math, logic and reason, let alone the business of combat sports. He doesn’t even realize that the numbers being released are not Dana White’s numbers, they are Dave Meltzer’s numbers, who no one would confuse as a White sympathizer. The only one who would assume this is an idiot that doesn’t know anything about mma like Saldaqueef. Sal is just mad his ppv predictions and predictions for the ufc overall are going very well this year and are they are going to have a big year which proves that Sal was just a high school usher that doesn’t know shit.
After 3 events this year, the ufc has 2m ppv buys after increasing their ppv cost. Boxing has 1 fight, that’s it. They can’t sell ppvs with multiple stars. The stars they do have are aging and are nearly all in their mid 30s. Their biggest star will be retired after his fight in the fall and the rest are closing in on retirement as well. Their debut with big names on network tv which they had to pay for bombed royally. The overwhelming majority of their fans are over 55. The writing is on the wall. Sal is one of these geriatrics who just hate the fact that the more entertaining sport and more popular sport is mma. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Its hard to believe they are selling as many ppvs as they claim they are when they cant even give away tickets to Jones-Cormier.
What did they claim for that ppv? Like 700k? Yet it had a visibly empty crowd.
You never see that shit in boxing.
Boxing is a bigger sport. It just is, and not only in America but globally.
What mma fighter makes as much as Klitschko in Europe?
What mma fighter is as big in China as Zou Shiming?
What mma fighter is as popular in Mexico as Canelo Alvarez?
What mma fighter is as famous as Miguel Cotto in Puerto Rico?
Any mma fighter have the presence of Pacquiao globally?
Can any two mma fighters sell 80,000 seats in Wembley Stadium in England?
If the UFC was what you claim it is then you should be able to answer those questions.
Any thing the UFC can do, boxing already did.
Can any UFC ppv hit 2m buys? How bout 2.2m? How bout 2.4m?
Brock vs Fedor wouldnt of hit 2m.
Silva vs GSP wouldnt of hit 2m.
His delusions are growing. No surprises coming from a guy who said Art Jimmerson lost at ufc 1 because he didn’t know the rules. The Gayest also claimed it was a good strategy to where that 1 glove. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Idiot!! HAHA!!!
Never said that at all.
Art did say that he put on a glove because he felt that he would hurt Gracie.
When he told them, they said he could wear two (their way of trying to get as much advantages as they could)
What Art also said was that he didnt really know what was really going on
He thought it was more of a bare knuckle fight.
Art gave his respects to Gracie for winning but when the interviewer asked would he beat Gracie in a rematch Art said Hell yea. He said he just didnt know what Gracie did but if they ever fought again he would KO him.
Also nice Pettis vs Aldo superfight you claimed that would happen at the end of the year.
HAHAHAHA Mr Wheaties blows it.
Who wants to bet that PBC replaces UFC on Fox.
d If anyone is incapable of understanding basic math, reason, and logic it is you.
d claims that whites dominate “real” fighting yet on the UFC’s own rankings only 3 of 15 top p4p fighters are white.
Minorities don’t even care about MMA and they barely even participate in the sport but they are still the best fighters in the UFC.
d claims that boxing is gay and brags about how Mike Tyson endorses mma by using a clip from the Nightly Show. If you had bothered to watch the full show they also spent a couple of minutes comparing mma fighting to gay sex.
d claims that mma is more popular than boxing in Japan.
Japan just had 4 New Year’s boxing cards. 3 of them got 10 million viewers and the fourth got 7 million.
Naoya Inoue japanese flyweight boxer is more popular than every MMA fighter combined.
d claims that Google Trends don’t reflect popularity and aren’t a good indicator of ppv buys.
This very website and many other mma websites claim the complete opposite.
d claims the UFC only has one female champion.
Carla Esparza their 2nd champion just fought tonight.
d claims boxing has an age problem.
There’s at least 20 blue chip prospects in boxing under the age of 25. UFC has none that I can find.
What a delusional fucking idiot! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Gambino is a moron and clearly one of the boxing troll aliases here.
I could really care less who dominates in mma, white, black, hispanic, etc. I think it is good to see a variety of different ethnicities and nationalities as champs. I was responding to an idiot(probably the same moron here just using an alias) who claimed that minorities are dominating the sport and will continue to grow which was clearly false. What’s funny is are delusional if you think minorities are the best fighters. The greatest fighter of all time is white: Fedor. The overwhelming majority of champions have been white. The top ten of nearly every weight class right now and historically have been white. If you take the top 50 fighters in mma, at least half of them are white. Your logic makes no sense and has no statistical merit.
“d claims that boxing is gay and brags about how Mike Tyson endorses mma by using a clip from the Nightly Show. If you had bothered to watch the full show they also spent a couple of minutes comparing mma fighting to gay sex.”
Tyson still endorsed it. The other idiots are just angry that real fighting involves grappling. By the way, boxing involves openly gay fighters dry humping each other from a standing position and caressing each other in the clinch.
“d claims that mma is more popular than boxing in Japan.
Japan just had 4 New Year’s boxing cards. 3 of them got 10 million viewers and the fourth got 7 million.
Naoya Inoue japanese flyweight boxer is more popular than every MMA fighter combined.”
HAHAHA!! Let me know when boxing can sell a stadium show in Japan where they have over 90k in attendance. Boxing is no where near as popular in Japan as mma. Pride used to sell out every type of venue imaginable. The ratings were through the roof. The attendance for even the low profile ufc shows are better than the bullshit attendance for boxing cards. Idiot. Haha.
“d claims that Google Trends don’t reflect popularity and aren’t a good indicator of ppv buys.
This very website and many other mma websites claim the complete opposite.”
Your argument was literally statistically proven to be wrong. What’s funny is you are still pursuing this. You claimed that Rousey was the most popular fighter based on google trends, yet STATISTICALLY, her ppv buys are NOT even close to the number one draw. She has only had 1 ppv break 500k buys. They’ve only had 3 ppv results so far this year and her buy rate was the lowest.
Gambino claims Carla Esparza is the 2nd female champion, yet she possesses no belt as we speak.
“d claims boxing has an age problem.
There’s at least 20 blue chip prospects in boxing under the age of 25. UFC has none that I can find.”
Ass backwards delusions. There are zero blue chip prospects in boxing under the age of 25, not to mention I was also talking about their audience which is the 55 and up class. Oh, I forgot Adrien Broner is the savior of boxing. HAHAHA!! Moron. They haven’t had an A fighter in boxing break 500k ppvs other than Pacquaio and Mayweather(2 fighters who will be retired very shortly) since De La Hoya back in ’08. 7 years. Wow. Talk about those blue chip fighters. The UFC has done that number with literally at least 10 different fighters during that time. The UFC has had 3 A fighters in the last 3 ppvs hit that number. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! How bad is that for boxing? You are going to be very upset with the future of ppv and network boxing after that Mayweather fight and when PBC settles in and their numbers drop. They are going down the toilet.
“Also nice Pettis vs Aldo superfight you claimed that would happen at the end of the year.
HAHAHAHA Mr Wheaties blows it.
Who wants to bet that PBC replaces UFC on Fox.
HAHAHAHA!!! You stupid idiot. The bigger fight was already scheduled with McGregor-Aldo. That will be the biggest 145lb fight ever by far. Probably going to do around 800k buys.
Who wants to bet that PBC is non existent in 2 years and Al Haymon never receives a dime from an investor again not named Floyd Mayweather?
D, I caught myself reading some of the comments from these sub-human boxing fans. I had a difficult time figuring out which one of them is the most pathetic, it has to be FightBusiness, and I agree that he has an alias to make it seem like he has supporters, “pobrecito”. He is clearly a racist Hispanic in need of a thumping. His dad (if he ever had one) never gave him one, which is why he is so ignorant, disrespectful, and ill disciplined. Not to mention, he has a 2nd grade education like most boxers and boxing fans. Most fighters in the UFC are college educated, which is why they do not participate in a one dimensional form of hand to hand combat such as boxing. There abilities are too complex, it would bore them. You are a fairly young guy and a bit rough around the edges but you a intelligent, you will mature. These idiots won’t. You defended yourself well against these thugs. Also, thugs don’t fight one on one because they are too weak and cowardly. They need to attack in numbers due to their insecurity and inferiority complex.
FightBusiness, I apologize, I nearly forgot about you. I hate to engage in a battle of races, especially regarding sports, and as you stated masculine sports. I had four amateur mma fights and won all of them but I was not at the right age to pursue sport. I am, however, a world class powerlifter, and I can assure you, no form of hand to hand combat is the most masculine sport. The most masculine sport would be the one that requires the most testosterone, which is powerlifting (not to be mistaken for bodybuilding). In regards race and fight IQ and ability, screw your head on strait. The pfp ranking are voted on by journalists who have never fought and have very little knowledge of the sport. 2/3 of the UFC is white, and that is not counting the several Caucasians that are Latin American or Brazilian. Many of them such as Shogun and Chad Mendez are clearly Caucasian. The UFC has been promoting the hell out of Blacks and Hispanics for the last four years, while oppressing the white fighters. How often do you see a white lose a decision that they so decisively won. Typically in title eliminator fights. Two years ago, GSP was the only white champion in the UFC, yet 70% of the UFC was white. That is too much of a statistical anomaly for me to accept. As always the law of natural selection will prevail over human agenda. There are now ten champions, five White, two Black, two Brazilians, and one Hispanic. Whites will never drop below 60 percent in this sport because they are too dominant in wrestling and wrestling is the most dominant, multidimensional, and toughest form of hand to hand combat, excluding MMA. One more thing Mr. FightBusiness, I will predict that in a few years, UFC will be between 75 and 90 percent White because Eastern Europeans/Russians who have as good or better wrestling backgrounds as Americans and starting to get discovered. The next lightweight champion with be Russian, sometime towards the end of the year. Until then, I recommend that you seek counseling to learn to cope with your racial insecurities.
Pardon me, I would like to point out that I misspelled strait. It should be straight. I wouldn’t want anyone to accuse me of being as uneducated as FightBusiness.
FightBusiness, I left one thing out. The undisputed world powerlifting record holders of every single lift, and every single weight class, and both genders are White. That displays and overwhelming level of testosterone and masculinity coming from White people, wouldn’t you say?
Although Rousey can produce fairly good pay per view numbers, she is still well behind several other fighters such as Jones, Silva, and the statistical pay per view king, Chris Weidman. Yes, many people like to attempt to degrade Weidman at every opportunity (including the UFC), probably because he completely outclassed their hero, Silva. Weidman still produces the larges pay per view numbers. Obviously, people like to watch him fight. He is probably the least promoted champion in the UFC, yet anyone than knows how to breakdown fights and abilities of fighters is well aware that Weidman is the best fighter in the UFC. He clearly has the highest fight IQ of any fighter. The official/nonofficial numbers for UFC 184 have not been displayed yet, how can anyone say that Rousey has more drawing power than fighters with much higher pay per view numbers. Also, if the numbers are displayed and they are an outrageous amount, I wouldn’t believe them, Dana with his agenda will have fudged the numbers. Dana needs to learn to let the UFC function naturally, his is trying to control too many things as if he is running the WWE. If Dana does not discontinue with his pathetic agenda, he will destroy this sport that so many people enjoy. Rousey is severely over promoted by Dana and the UFC, yet she is not even promotable. She has a horrible, nasty attitude, she is a poor sport, she is blatantly disrespectful, and frankly, she does not have much of a personality. Not to mention she conducts herself like a cocky 14 year old boy. There is not much to like about her. Dana and the UFC can do what they want but the thing that bothers me the most is when they say that she can beat all of these male fighters. Lets be realistic, there is not a single male fighter in the UFC at any weight class, including 135lbs. and 125lbs. that would not only defeat her, but defeat her with ease.