Sports Illustrated reports that the Floyd Mayweather-Marcos Maidana fight on May 3rd received 900,000 PPV buys. According to the Chris Mannix article, the PPV buy rate is from multiple industry sources.
ESPN Dan Rafael had previously reported that the fight sold between 800-900K PPV buys. Thus, the estimate was right on track. The SI article points to the lack of promotion for “The Moment” as opposed to “The One,” the September 2013 fight with Canelo Alvarez which drew 2.2 million PPV buys. This time around, there was no press tour which was due in part to the fact that Maidana was not a known boxing name for the casual viewer. If a rematch were to happen this September, we could expect more promotion surrounding a second fight now that fans know of Maidana and his style.
Payout Perspective:
900,000 PPV buys is nothing to be upset about but Mayweather fights have an expectation of lofty PPV buys. It could be the lack of known opponents that is hurting the Mayweather PPVs. Canelo Alvarez is a widely popular star in Mexico and thus his drawing power plus the promotion for their September 2013 fight equated to the huge buy rate. So, the question is who out there is a big enough star that fans would pay $75 to see fight Mayweather.
Mayweather & boxing = sinking ship
couldn’t agree more Jason! People are getting bored with 12 round decisions off lesser opponents at 75 bucks. Boxing has been a sinking ship for 200 years lol
So if pac and mayweather fought twice this year each…thats around 3.4 m ppv for 2014…but that would be eclipsed by famous and mainstream ronda rousey hahahaha….abandon ship!
Just goes to show you the entire ppv industry is down. 2 out of his last 3 don’t go over 900k. Of course he did have the monster number with Canelo, so it shows there will still be a very big show once a year, but not consistently.
The boxing PPV is getting spread around in 2014.
Canelo will have 3 PPV’s looking at 350k average.
Cotto-Martinez is projected at 500,000.
Pacquiao will hover around 800,000 to 1 million.
Mayweather will range from 900,000 to 1 million.
Froch-Groves 2 this weekend is projected to hit 1 million buys in the UK at $30 a pop.
Chavez Jr. will likely fight on PPV that hits 500,000.
The dollars are spreading out in boxing for sure.
Sampson, you seem to out delusion yourself every time you make a new post.
First off, Froch-Groves is $25 per ppv buy, not $30. The only one making that projection was the promoter also.
Chavez Jr doesn’t even have a scheduled ppv fight yet, Canelo is not guaranteed to have a 3rd ppv this year. Pac is no guarantee anymore of an 800k+ ppv.
Stop listening to the voices.
Although i’m a huge boxing fan, D made the phony boxing fan Sampson look like a huge moron.
Is it 25 British pounds? or Euro’s or US? makes somewhat of a difference. Pac could easily do a mil with the right opponent but Chavez ? LOL maybe 300k but he seems to have a following so who knows.
Good year fr.boxing.dela hoya vs schafer rift has positive aspects to it…delahoya faction would deal with top rank and schafer and haymon would team up with mayweather promotions…giving fans more competitive fights.
Froch-Groves retails at $30 US dollars. So its projected to generate $30 million on UK TV + a $10 million gate. Who knows how much HBO paid for US rights and all the other international rights.
Nonito Donaire is headlining in Macau, China this Saturday as well. He will likely produce absurd ratings in the Phillippines as usual.
Very well produced countdown show for next week’s Cotto vs. Martinez which will sell out Madison Square Garden!
The fight retails at $28 which was up from their last fight.
The only person making those projections also was the promoter who is saying very clearly the range they expect to gross is between 15-20m lbs which is 25-33 million in US dollars. Just for example, Silva-Weidman II grossed approx. 62.5m before we even talk about sponsorship, tv rights, merchandise, etc.
Considering the high end figure is going to shatter every record imaginable in UK boxing history, it just goes to show you how minor the UK market is.
Nearly everything you say is a lie Samantha.
Also, to clarify that high end figure of 33 million includes everything: gate/ppv/sponsorship/merchandise/international tv rights, etc.
Boxing is global…many promotions around the world
Not a single promotion claiming to be global…while sinking hahaha
I think saying the UK market is minor is very misleading. Is it minor in football/soccer? I think not. Grossing 30 million or so for a fight is hardly minor, selling 60k or more in seats at Wembley is a feat any promoter would cut their own nuts off for. I said it before, at this time I doubt any fight in the US could sell 60k plus in a stadium, Pac and Floyed had their window and blew it imo. Pac at his peak sold 30k in Dallas. Many a Brit would say they are not part of Europe but are British, there is a difference between the UK and mainland Europe. Anything new in Europe is tough tough to make big or popular. Other than a very few countries the UFC is wasting its time, effort and money. Money could be be better saved and invested in the USA market. How bout developing fighters other than some teenage reality show. Hold smaller local live events along with the big ones. Stop wasting time in shit markets with the big shows. Have a super fight with a champion from another promotion. Co promote with other smaller promotions. Give it a try before you go piss all your resources away in shit land foreign countries. Just my take.
Top Rank co-producing a WEEKLY show in China. That’s how you establish yourself in a market!–78420
Each country has several boxing promotions….all aiming to create world champs…so the us promoter can just buy out the contract or have a co promotion deal with these local promotions…advantage of this is that boxers before would already have a fan base in theyre country ex…pacman nd canelo..
The only ones that think boxing is a sinking ship are mma fans. Boxing ppv fights continue to out perform those of the UFC. Mayweather just did 900k and it’s a disappointment. Not bad for a sinking ship.
Lefthook, each of the last 7 years the UFC has generated more ppv revenue and buys. I’d hardly say boxing is outperforming mma in ppv. Mayweather is the only boxer that can draw those numbers these days consistently and he is going to retire 3 fights from now.
D, don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good mma fight but just because the UFC has a ppv fight every week does not mean they get more buys. The buzz is just not there like it was just 2 or 3 years ago.
Lefthook, yes it does. They sell more ppvs, they generate more revenue. Those are facts. The UFC can sell ppvs with lesser known stars and still generate decent buy rates. Look at how thrilled Arum was when Marquez-Bradley did 375k buys. The ufc can do that with a lot of fighters, let alone two big names like those two.
The buzz isn’t there like it was 2 or 3 years ago? Well, why did they do a ppv last year that did 950k buys and another that did over a million buys? Also, if the UFC just loaded up 4 or 5 cards per year they would be generating just as much revenue per event with the exception of only the Canelo-Mayweather fight-as a whole though it would still be the same. They make more money though by spacing things out because they can sell with a variety of different headliners. Boxers sell themselves more than the big promoters do, it is the opposite in mma.
Since we don’t know the exact expenses on any events all the PPV numbers mean little. The UFC has more events on PPV then boxing so of course they are going to have more buys. But so far this year boxing has more PPV buys so hmmmm I guess your facts are incorrect. Why don’t we average the number of buys Hmmm Boxing comes out ahead, now add TV but wait UFC doesn’t have any paid TV events and boxing does HBO/Showtime so who are we kidding to say UFC has better numbers. You really can’t compare the 2 the same. Just another spin of Bullshit buy the UFC. Without even looking boxing has a double average of PPV sales than the UFC and if you add Bellator’s horrible number to that average boxing is even better. Now lets look at the rest of 2014 UFC maybe has one good ppv over 500k Boxing has at least 3 over 500k plus millions on HBO and Showtime which people pay extra for. Way more than fox’s channels. Even if you add fight pass Boxing smokes the UFC. here is simple equation. More events equals more expenses all the way around, it has to be considered.
This fucking idiot again? This is kind of a waste of time explaining things to someone who can’t comprehend basic tax information.
How are my facts incorrect you fucking idiot? I said for each of the past 7 years, the UFC did more ppv buys and revenue than boxing. I didn’t say anything about this year. It is obvious there numbers are going to be down this year because of their two biggest stars being done. They will still do very big numbers though. If you really want to see a drop off, just watch and see what happens when Pac/Mayweather retire. Put it this way, HBO/Showtime boxing are going to do more ppvs this year than they ever have and I guarantee you they will not hit the amount of buys or revenue than the UFC did last year. Another thing you ignore is that the UFC does not pull ppv based on a poor pre gate, boxing will. If you want to include averages, it wouldn’t be fair seeing how fights like the Broner-Maidana sold so poorly initially at the gate, they had to pull the ppv and move the fight from Vegas. This happens frequently in boxing. Go check how many boxing ppvs get scrapped over this. Also, you are trying to compare avg. ppvs where boxing only uses their biggest stars and half of the ufc ppvs involve fighters who are not big at all. You love apples to oranges when it favors your idiocy.
Why would we average the number of buys, it has nothing to do with the amount of money being generated. Again, if the UFC loaded their cards, promoted the shit out of them like boxing does, they would do massive ppvs as well(by the way, they still do to an extent, having 2 ppvs last year that did 950k buys and 1.025m buys).
Also, HBO/Showtime subscriptions are not paid boxing channels, they are paid premium channels. Most people that subscribe to them, do not get it for boxing.
You pretty much lie and exaggerate about everything you state.
D’s angry again hahaha
Angry boy loses the debate lol I myself only subscribe to HBO and Showtime for boxing . I rarely watch any of the other crap they have on. Lets dont look at ancient history with the UFC its not paying the bills for them now, and neither is selling under 8,000 tickets in Berlin. The UFC doesn’t have any stars anymore period or they would be doing better PPV’s Pac man has been over for 2 years anyhow no big deal, other stars on the horizon. The UFC needs some stars, they need to make better deals with stars like GSP. Its funny how they dont even mention the pioneers of the sport ever! What a shame and disservice to the younger fans they dont even get to know the real history about mma from the UFC. They dont even have a fighter/commentator to call the fights, or give opinions. Total controlled sham for dummies! who dont know any better. Plenty of people have stopped watching I wonder why? all the number are down across the board! Even with the great Fox deal. Boxing is always has a superstar or stars. And maybe sometime in the next 50 years we can have a real heavyweight division. UFC has for better quality of heavyweight fighters and no real fan support, why? because the UFC has no clue how to really promote and grow a sport! They even chased Lesner away and didnt even know it, what stupidity! Arrogance and stupidity will get you success only by accident and we are seeing it dwindle away. Dont get mad because I call it like I see it and your numbers are bullshit and hyped crap for some dumb kid to believe. Boxing is messed up enough as it is but those ass clowns still work together for a common good but the UFC thinks they own MMA all they own is an overpriced name and a bunch of haif brain ideas and steroid induced egos and control issues. If they weren’t such fucking asshole they would be fighting in MSG, can you imagine they cant even get it legalized in the capital of the world for entertainment, shows what armatures they are. See you on the Froch numbers, remember PPV numbers will out due the best of UFC for 2014 and maybe even the top 2 UFC ass boy!
“Angry boy loses the debate lol I myself only subscribe to HBO and Showtime for boxing . I rarely watch any of the other crap they have on. Lets dont look at ancient history with the UFC its not paying the bills for them now”
Okay so in the world of saldaqueef ancient history is a little over 6 months ago and if he does something, he believes everyone else in the world does.
“The UFC doesn’t have any stars anymore period or they would be doing better PPV’s Pac man has been over for 2 years anyhow no big deal, other stars on the horizon. ”
Right, we heard this before when Liddell/Couture/Ortiz were done. New stars evolve. And again, the UFC can still generate millions of ppv buys without having superstars unlike boxing who relies upon them. Seeing how the youth is more interested in mma- it is going to be harder when the boxing stars retire to replace them and expect continual Mayweather numbers.
Pacman is still the second biggest draw in boxing, regardless if his numbers have dipped.
” Its funny how they dont even mention the pioneers of the sport ever! What a shame and disservice to the younger fans they dont even get to know the real history about mma from the UFC. They dont even have a fighter/commentator to call the fights, or give opinions. Total controlled sham for dummies!”
You just spout out incoherence. The introduction to their ppvs literally has videos briefly showing the past stars and the evolution of the sport. I find it funny that you point out the UFC doesn’t even have a fighter/commentator calling the fights which is dead wrong, Brian Stann and Kenny Florian do color for their FOX fights and for years Larry Merchant from time to time would be the only color guy doing HBO fights. The same Larry Merchant who boxing’s biggest star said and I quote: “You don’t know shit about boxing, Larry”. Which he was correct on.
The numbers are down across the board in ppv for both sports. It isn’t just the UFC. Go take a look at the boxing numbers. As for tv, the reason why the numbers are down from when they were on spike is because FOX sports in general has been slow to gain popularity, it isn’t just the ufc fights that are drawing poor ratings, it is everything. By the way, one thing that is not down on their numbers is the 18-35 demo. You see, while boxing fans age, mma is taking the youth market.
“Boxing is always has a superstar or stars. And maybe sometime in the next 50 years we can have a real heavyweight division.”
Hahaha. Do you even realize why this is a contradiction? You are too stupid to realize you just made my argument for me. They don’t have any heavyweight stars, boxing’s heavyweight division is non existent in North America and isn’t very relevant elsewhere. They haven’t had a relevant ppv in over a decade. Haha.
“The UFC has had a number of hw ppvs do big numbers during that time.
FC has for better quality of heavyweight fighters and no real fan support, why? because the UFC has no clue how to really promote and grow a sport! They even chased Lesner away and didnt even know it, what stupidity! Arrogance and stupidity will get you success only by accident and we are seeing it dwindle away.?”
The UFC has no clue how to really promote and grow a sport? Right, because since Zuffa bought the company in 2001, in less than 13 years managing to get over 40 athletic commissions to sanction your events(when they took over, they only had a few states sanctioned), growing from a company that was doing a high end of 150k ppv buys under SEG to doing over 6m in ppv buys last year(at a much higher cost), getting a major US network tv deal(which no boxing promotion has), expanding the sport globally in countries other than the US/Canada/Japan/Brazil, getting major merchandising deals that promote the sport(which are much bigger than boxing), getting politicians who railed against the sport and try to ban it like John McCain to now support it, etc, etc, proves they don’t know how to grow the sport, right? Fucking idiot. Nearly any boxer and promoter constantly points out how well the UFC’s done growing their brand and popularizing the sport. It motivated them to get their shit together because boxing promoter’s like King and Arum bled the sport dry with their own greed and could care less about growing the sport other than to align their pockets.
“Dont get mad because I call it like I see it and your numbers are bullshit and hyped crap for some dumb kid to believe. Boxing is messed up enough as it is but those ass clowns still work together for a common good but the UFC thinks they own MMA all they own is an overpriced name and a bunch of haif brain ideas and steroid induced egos and control issues. If they weren’t such fucking asshole they would be fighting in MSG, can you imagine they cant even get it legalized in the capital of the world for entertainment, shows what armatures they are.”
Haha. You don’t call it like you see it. You are just an angry boxing fanboy who hates the fact that the ufc dominated the ppv market for the past 7 years and stole the market share away. Next year when the ufc grows a few more big stars, they will get it right back. But wait until Mayweather/Pac retire, then we will see a major drop off in ppv- far worse than Zuffa’s. Also, they aren’t fighting in MSG because of scumbag politicians- I wouldn’t expect someone who doesn’t understand quarterlies to comprehend lobbying for a minute, so I won’t waste my time with that.
“See you on the Froch numbers, remember PPV numbers will out due the best of UFC for 2014 and maybe even the top 2 UFC ass boy!”
Hahaha. You fucking idiot. Aren’t you embarrassed lying like this? The Froch numbers won’t outdraw the biggest ufc ppv’s this year. They will also come no where near what the biggest ones of all time do. The UK market is a joke. Their ppvs cost less than Bellator’s. You are a colossal moron and obviously on the boxing welfare to work program, but hey that is still probably more money than Mayweather’s prelim fighters make. Haha.
Smell E=Samantha. DaQueef seems to have a few as well. Amusing how many aliases you guys use.
zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz UFC cant even sell out in Fucking Brazil pathetic!!
Pathetic is a boxing fanboy who dedicates his life to trolling mma websites.
Actually I am interested in the promotion business of fighting and entertainment, Yes I am a fan of boxing and any combat sports. It just amuses me to watch the UFC blunder and spin everything.Hey when boxing does it or anyone else I’ll be the first to expose it. Carry on my friend. Paid UFC blow job boy lol
Well you haven’t learned much despite having a ton of information from this website. You aren’t a fan of combat sports in general, you are a boxing fanboy.
Right, because the UFC is the only promotion to spin things. We’ve never heard Arum/Schaeffer/King spin anything before, right? Idiot.
No you will never expose boxing’s flaws, you are too busy with Bob Arum’s old balls in your mouth as part of your welfare to work program. Troll on boxing twat.
It would take a volumes of books to explain all the boxing flaws. Its one of the dirtiest businesses on the planet. I hate Bob Arum he’s a worm in the first degree. I was following martial arts since the early 80’s with PKA and WKA when your mother was drooling cum out of her mouth giving 10$ blowjobs in truck stops. How much do you get to be a blow job boy punk flunky for the UFC just curious? We all are? how does it work? Please tell us? or shut up
Is that a record for the longest post? Hahaha….d is so afraid of the truth ….sinking ship
Well Sal, I’m impressed that you mastered the demo and your mullet is still fully intact. But in reality this explains a lot of things, only the idiots were focusing on karate back then. You were probably taking karate with kids. Hahaha. What a waste of time that was, although you probably still aren’t aware of that 25+ years later. How did the karate guys do in the UFC?
Haha. Seems like Sal is gettin’ a bit angry. Mother jokes? Haha. Dude, you’ve got to be from the 80s. How old are you? Seriously? You have to at least be in your 40s. How pathetic. You are in your 40s and all you do is troll mma websites to unleash your frustrations of being a pathetic welfare to work loser that talks about Klitschko jacking off in a boxing ring. This board is anonymous, you can come out of the closet and no one will know who you are.
Go break a board Fred Ettish while you think about guys jacking off.
Froch Groves 2 out grosses UFC’s best fight for 2014, I love all martial arts.and their were some great Karate fights, goes to show that you are just a paid Blow job boy for the UFC with only google experience.
Get off your fat ass and try some kind of sport it can really do wonders for fat kids who type all day. D= fat kid blow job boy paid for by The UFC. Oh and Lyota kind of showed that its not the art its the fighter, but you wouldn’t know because you’ve never done anything but eat and be fat!! Your not even a fan of martial arts or mma so I’m sure you had to read google for a few days and before you post to even know what I;m talking about Froch Groves 2
No it doesn’t you stupid idiot.
Great karate fights? Hahaha. Go master the demo you mullet rocking board breaker.
Haha. Gettin’ mad huh Sally? I’m the opposite of fat. You on the other hand are on the welfare to work program for fatty Arum and follow in his footsteps of gluttony.
Lyoto showed us its not the art its the fighter? HAHAHAHAHA!!! Take away his jiu jitsu and his take down defense and he never wins a fight. See how well he does with just karate. The Gracies showed us how crucial jij jitsu was and all the fighters that evolved the sport showed us how you have to have wrestling/kickboxing/bjj(don’t be confused with bj which you give Arum on a daily basis). I’ve trained in very credible mma gyms for the past 10 years, you have never even seen the inside of an mma gym or a boxing gym which I used to train in when I was a kid. Based on what you just said it goes to show how little you actually know about the sport. You are such a fucking idiot, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of these boxing queers that thinks boxers would win in mma on a high level.
I know you want to jack off Froch and Groves, but they didn’t make the money you think they did. You are nothing more than a homo for boxing.
What have the Gracies done lately?? NOTHING!!! BJJ is just another art no better no worse then anything else son. Yea yea sure you train. Im not even having this conversation with you fat kid. I hear all you UFC blow jobs paid with free fight pass and a few t shirts to post on blogs. lol pathetic! And any true martial art fan would watch anything and everything available, we watched what we had available fuck stick! Boxing , karate, wrestling, judo, Thai Boxing anything we could see! Goes to show how closed minded and how you have this stupid MMA dogma that’s mostly BS. One thing that isnt BS is if you are a real good fighter and want to make real money BOX! Boxing is the NFL and MMA/ martial arts is not.
What have they done lately? Who cares? They revolutionized fighting. The Gracies humiliated all of the foot fist way guys back in the day. BJJ is universal and essential in fighting, karate is barely even used. Haha.
You are confusing with what you do, which is sit around all day with your belly hanging out of your gi with red sash, rocking a mullet still in your 40s griping about how karate and boxing didn’t pan out in the early ufcs. Haha. Continue to master the demo you Arum ball sucker.
You never watched judo or wrestling, you just tried to master the demo.
HAHAHA!! There is probably more money for you in fetching Arum’s old balls like you do than boxing. Boxers make nothing unless they are at the very top. To compare boxing pay to NFL pay goes to show how much of a massive moron you are. But hey, I don’t expect much from a guy who never heard of quarterlies.