The Sports Business Daily (subscription required) reported on Tuesday that Wall Street analysts are bullish on the launch of Fox Sports 1 and it may positively impact 21st Century Fox stock. The network’s expanded sports programming is said to accelerate sales and contribute to the growth.
CNBC’s Jim Cramer broke word that Wall Street analysts were “very excited” about Fox Sports 1 and its potential for “21st Century Fox stock.” Credit Suisse analysts cite to “Fox Sports 1 and FXX (another new Fox network focusing on the 18-34 male demo) to take advantage of expanded international networks and the acquisition of programming.” The assessment by Credit Suisse is that the investments will impair short term earnings but it expects “these investments to yield solid long term returns.”
21st Century Fox stock (FOXA) is a result of the split with News Corp. It is the entertainment part of the News Corp. division and opened trading on July 1. It has a target stock price of $34 according to analysts and has been given an “outperform” rating. On Wednesday it closed at up for the day at $29.65.
Payout Perspective:
An interesting report on what Wall Street thinks of the new network. While the feeling is that it will never surpass ESPN, it will be a competitor that will be profitable. The UFC will be an anchor tenant in the FS1 lineup and will help in the success (or non-success) of the network.
Interesting info. I would suggest that people in MMA who invest in stocks to buy those one. But I think they lost it all on the “International Fight League”. LOL!
FS1 will definitely fail and with it goes the bush league UFC
Anyone who thinks boxing or mma will die is completely full of ***. LOL!
You spend a lot of time talking about that bush league UFC though.
The only thing promising about FS1 & FS2 is that it will definitely be better than the abomination that is FuelTV & Speed. But then again… The UFC is the head honcho over at FuelTV with them doing whatever they want as far as programming goes (some people now even call it the UFC channel) while on FS1 the UFC will play second fiddle to the other sport entities which add more value to the channel and whose contract deals were more expensive than the UFC’s.
Say goodbye to the UFC pushing whatever agenda they want as they did over at Spike and now Fuel… FS1 is going to keep it sport related as opposed to “hey, look what idiotic things Dana is saying today”.
I don’t think the UFC is going anywhere. It is just played out, and I am over it. Once Strikeforce went away I lost most of my interest in MMA. PRIDE was also more entertaining than the UFC will ever be. The UFC needs to open it’s ruleset and allow soccer kicks and headstomps then I will be interested again. But that is just me.
Also they need yellow cards to get fighters to push the action. White always complains that people need to push the action. Well pay them a whole hell of alot more, and make deductions in fight to keep the action going a la PRIDE.
LOL @ yellow cards. You are not a fight fan. Just a clown who misses pro wrestling.
Also good luck trying to legally take 10% of someone contracted pay based over a bias ref’s opinion. How many yellow cards did we see in Pride? A shit ton of them. So apparently it didn’t do anything but allow Pride to steal their fighters money.
Here is a challenge to you. Show me 5 fights in Pride that stomps won a fight? I don’t mean someone who got knocked down and was already done and got stomped. I mean someone actively fighting who got stomped. You wont find them because they don’t exist. They were only good for being a dangerous way to finish off a person already done. Basically they were useless.
Its not just stomps. Knees to a downed igor vovchanchin won they pride gp for coleman. sakurai took out a fresh aoki like that in dream too. The expanded ruleset opens up fights. mark hunt almost got his head kicked off by a wand soccer kick do he got his ass moving which is the entire point. It makes guys hustle cuz other wide a shogun type will come flying through their guard with a heel stomp.
Its not just stomps. Knees to a downed igor vovchanchin won they pride gp for coleman. sakurai took out a fresh aoki like that in dream too. The expanded ruleset opens up fights. mark hunt almost got his head kicked off by a wand soccer kick so he got his ass moving which is the entire point. It makes guys hustle cuz other wise a shogun type will come flying through their guard with a heel stomp.
I do agree that knees to a downed fighter should be allowed. BUt the UFC has no control over it. Dana wants them too as does Rogan. Its up to the commission to change it.
Soccer kicks are a little more effective. BUt I don’t think it is worth the risk to include them. However Stomps are useless.
The fear of stomps will keep people moving. Not just laying on their backs passively. Ufc has the commission in their pocket. And how many pride fights did we see end with cuts? Plenty of ufc fights have needlessly turned to bloodbaths with cuts from elbows. I guarAntee people would try shogun style heel stomps if they were allowed. Now that wouldbe exciting.
According to bs stomps are dangerous and useless. That makesas much sense as most of your arguements