Recently, Jon Fitch described his time in the UFC as a “hostile work environment.” Word got back to Dana White about Fitch’s comments and he stated that the UFC gave Fitch $302,000 in discretionary bonuses during his time in the company.
Fitch’s comments came during a World Series of Fighting conference call. Fitch signed with WSOF after he was cut by the UFC. He is headlining a WSOF event next week.
White divulging Fitch’s discretionary pay is a glimpse of the “locker room bonuses” not reported to on as part of the official payroll or one of the three bonuses for the night. Fitch had talked about the financial issues an MMA fighter has during a layoff. He indicated that it was hard for him to secure at least 3 fights a year and was having issues finding income during the down time.
(H/t: MMA Mania)
Payout Perspective:
Interesting comments from Fitch in that he was willing to speak his mind about his time in the UFC. Fitch had 18 fights in the UFC and probably has seen a lot during his time. Whether or not the UFC is a “hostile” employer is likely subjective, but it gives a reason for a fighter union. Fitch does bring up the issue that the UFC does not listen to fighters when it comes to issues like marijuana and TRT. But does this solidify the fact that Fitch was just a malcontent while in the UFC? He was cut by the UFC so its obvious that he would not have nothing nice to say about the UFC, especially about job security.
White equates work environment to being paid well. Hence telling the press that Fitch was paid handsomely in addition to his base pay. To a certain extent, this makes sense. At most jobs, the level of tolerance with work correlates to how much you are paid. Yet, Fitch brought up the issue that the UFC does not seek input from fighters. Valid point?
Fitch is an idiot. First what he claims is “listening to the fighters” is a athletic commission rule. Of course Dana isn’t going to ask their opinion on a rule that by himself, he has no control over. Also I think you don’t paint an accurate picture of What Dana said. He give other examples of why Fitch wasn’t mistreated. Like him getting multiple chances at a title shot. Also the pay was also aimed at Fitches claim they didn’t like him. The important thing to remember about the pay is it is money outside of what they and Fitch agreed as pay for his services. Basically they come to him and said “here is you more than a quarter of a million dollars”. If anyone of our bosses ever give us $500 out of pure generosity. we sure as hell wouldn’t claim they do not like us. *I doubt there is many fighters that was given that much money. So he was chosen over hundreds of fighters.
W4e all saw what Fitch said a while back about being in a jam. He mismanaged his money and now he is angry and directing it toward the UFC. This is the same guy who felt he was to good to lower his appearance fee from 20K plus to 10K. As if people should still be beating down his door while he is on a losing streak like he was #1 contender still. Fact is he made bad investments with the money he made during his prime. Now it is gone and his career in on the decline and money isn’t running in like it used to be. He cant and refuses to adjust. He thinks he is some superstar who can demand top dollar regardless of his standing as a fighter.
I would like to heard Fitches BS examples of these supposed work conditions. There is a reason he didn’t go into detail. Because they don’t exist. Im sure he will make something up in the coming days. People need to realize these fighters are in the UFC “environment” only a few days each year. I bet Fitch or any fighter is lucky to talk to Dana more than 5-10 times a year outside of their fight week. Fitch isn’t pulling 40 hour weeks at Zuffa headquarters. So who the hell is “Hostile” to him?
This was the guy that at one time represented blue color people through out his career. Then he has the nerve to come out to the public and cry because his vacation him in the most expensive market in the country while he isn’t working is a little tough. Most of this world would love to have that problem. These comments and his dispute over video game rights and the new released info on his salary and how he acted to being released. Is painting a picture of a very greedy person. Fitch was a quiet guys who didn’t say much. But when he does it is to show he is never happy and nothing is good enough for him.
Has there ever been a fighters who appreciated what the UFC has done for them? Every single one of them piss and moan. Doesn matter is it is a Cholish who got a chance of a life to time fight in the UFC and let his skills speak for themselves. Or a Fitch who outside the UFC Banner like a boxer could have never made a living because no one likes him. Made 2-3 million while in the UFC. Or even Tito Ortiz who made many Millions upon Millions in the UFC and the exposure. They never appreciate it. So why are we surprised every time someone complains when they lose their meal ticket. But you look at other sports and their players are the same. They are always bitching about everything and always wanting more money. These fighters are making more than enough.
If I was going to change anything. It wouldn’t be giving fighters more money to live the high life and a life of excess who do not contribute greatly to the sport. If any money needs to be spent it should go to the legends who built this sport and paved the way. Lets take care of the Ken Shamrocks, Tank Abbotts, and Don Fryes so they are not bagging groceries one day. While all these guys who have made millions piss and moan.
You want fan support. Lets create a pension for fighters who are in the UFC 5+ years or 10+ fights.
Wow another angry reaction(6 paragraphs) hahaha…Dana/UFC disciple commandment…..”Thou shalt not say anything negative about the UFC!”….blasphemy!!! Lol
The biggest problem I have with fighters union talk is that it is almost always directed at the UFC and how the UFC needs to do things better. That doesn’t make sense to me. The UFC on most accounts are treating their fighters as well or better than any other MMA organization out there.
For example in all of the Fitch, Volkmann, and Cholish rhetoric I don’t recall them ever mentioning any other organization but the UFC needing to improve any work conditions. It hurts their argument for a fighters union in my opinion because I don’t have to take them seriously. Their talk comes across as strictly hurt feelings from no longer being employed there or as a disgruntled worker. If you want to get my attention with something make it universal to the MMA industry as a whole. Tell me how a fighters union will improve work conditions for the up and comers on the smaller shows. Tell me how a fighters unions will help fighters in every MMA organization get insurance. Tell me how it will help every fighter whether they are in the UFC, Bellator, WSOF, ONE FC, MFC, or KSW. Quit making it sound like your whining about the UFC.
So I’m all for discussing a fighters union or association but it needs to address the deficiencies across the MMA industry as a whole not just target the UFC. When that happens you might actually gain some traction and get my attention.
I agree. Let’s see Bellator and WSOF follow the same rules as people want to push on the UFC. It’s only fair they are forced to pay their fighters a minimum of 15,000/15,000.
Also I don’t think the UFC would ever allow a Union. Just like Station Casinos, they would not deal with them. The fighters can strike but the UFC would use replacements and there is no way the fighters could ever last. 2 years out of the fight game will kill their career. They wouldnt make it 12 months financially. Anyone who signs on to be a part of a union early on will be black balled and anyone would have to be stupid to ever sign up. It could play out like MLB players who were black listed by the Union for crossing the picket line as a replacement player. But this would be in reverse.
Promising young fighters will not risk joining a union and the big stars do t want a union. So this is going to be a gathering of Who? So far the only people wanting in this UFC union are non UFC employees. Lol that will work well!
No organization other than the UFC hangs the threat of being cut over their fighters’ heads. What I think would go a long way to helping is the UFC honoring the entire length of a signed contract. That way there is consistency and fighters aren’t fearing getting arbitrarily cut after one loss
Are you serious with that? Are you aware of Bellator cutting fighters only to hold their matching period over their heads and to hold up their careers.
This pretty much tells the story.
Bellator cut Tyson Nam before he ever got one fight on the contract he signed with them. Then tried to pull some B.S. of holding him to a matching period in the contract they cut him from.
Again please quit pointing the finger at just the UFC when the problem is the MMA industry as a whole.
I love when people bitch about something and thing they can force someone to do something against their will and there be no consequence. You want to force the UFC to fulfill their contracts. They will only start signing low lever fighters to smaller contracts. When all noobs get a one fight deal and take a pay cut when they lose or do not get resigned after 1 fight. I guess they would know who to blame.
What is it with people in the general public always over dramatizing everything? You people make everyone out to be some huge ass issue like it is life or death. It isn’t a big deal if a fighters has to fight a couple fights before making good money. Any minimum pay is always going to suck. Crying it should be 15 rather than 10 is stupid. 15 will suck just as bad. What does it matter if the UFC releases you 2 fights into a 3 fight deal? These fighters do not need your sympathy. You always want to feel sorry for someone and stick your nose in their business and complain and over blow every situation. Its not a big deal. Inconveniences are part of life. Im sure it might rain on these guys too at some point. Gee I feel so sorry for them getting wet. Something needs to be done about this!
Why is it people feel sorry for the guy who loses that fight on the contract(which by the way is in his contract that he can be released anythime) but do not feel sorry for the guy who will be or would have replaced him. Its ok to keep someone who already showed they don’t belong and make this deserving prospect wait in Wild Bills Fight Night because Chris doesn’t know how to run a business and lets his personal feelings make him bias.
Maybe if the UFC didn’t release Elvis Sinosec they might not have brought up a Jon Jones or Cain Vasquez. The UFC is a business. It is not good business to release good fighters who the fans like. Not when there are Rivals who will take them. If someone gets released if is because they deserve it. I can count on 1 hand how many fighters were surprised by their release. 99.999% of them knew they were getting cut because they knew they didn’t perform even by their own standards.
Everyone knows what it takes to stay in the UFC. The UFC shouldn’t be forced to keep sub par talent because a couple delusional fans think they should give them more fights. The UFC always honors their contracts. Before they had a cut clause in them they got screwed big time. They signed Rizzo to a 9 fight deal for over 100,000 per fight which was 2nd highest in the UFC at the time. He started to suck and the UFC still honored his contract. They started doing 3 fight deals from that point on. BUt they bit the bullet and kept their word. If these fighters do not like the cut clause they can try to negotiate it out if they have the leverage. If they don’t have the leverage they can sign with someone else. But almost all promotions have them and non pay what the UFC does. Any way pick something worth while to bitch about. If this is all you got then the UFC is doing pretty damn good.
An interesting analysis. It suggests that the UFC has some room to substantially increase fighter pay. Though there are a lot of assumptions there covering up what we don’t know.
“Crying it should be 15 rather than 10 is stupid. 15 will suck just as bad. ”
I tell you what, I will give you 10k and in return you give me 15k. If both suck then you shouldn’t have a problem with that trade.
“The UFC always honors their contracts.”
Very true and they are to be commended for that. But then again, they have such enormous leverage that every fighter contract is decidedly in their favor.
“Lets create a pension for fighters who are in the UFC 5+ years or 10+ fights.”
That would be great to see, but difficult to execute. If the NFL and NBA don’t have a pension, I can’t imagine a business as volatile and unstable as MMA or boxing having one.
This is like the old Don King saga, fighter complaining about money that they would never even come close to seeing or making, and then blaming the person who made it happen. Face it, MMA is shit money run by the same scum bags as boxing just in different clothing. Its a business take it or leave it. Both sides are messed up, most fighters are complete idiots who don’t understand business and never will, most promotors etc are snakes and only care about money. Welcome to the real world of business. I can see both sides of this, but only one side is getting rich for the most part. You cant make everyone happy never! Fitch is an idiot, never burn a bridge!
I didn’t say 15 wasn’t better than 10. I said it sucks just as bad meaning the difference wouldn’t change anything. Not a single person would stop complaining. People fair to realize this is human nature. A friend of mine owns a pipe line company. They hire Union workers who work 6-8 months a year and can make 100K a year in that time. Almost every single one of them piss and moan every day. About the job, the hours, the pay, etc. I can give you any job you want and pay you a ton for it. And eventually it would start to be work and you would find reasons to complain. Its everyones nature to want more. People forget it is also people who run companies who have the same nature.
Everyone has a lifestyle according to their earnings. If you raise someones pay from 10 to 15 it wont change their life and wont make them happy or shut them up. You can raise them from 10 to 100K. They would only take on a more expensive lifestyle and when they get used to it they will once again want more. So what is the point in giving anyone what they want when it doesn’t accomplish anything? What you do is hold out as long as possible and increase it slowly. If pay raises shuts them up for a minute. Then small ones are just as effective as large ones.
Its business. All just individuals out for themselves. Fighter, promoter, etc. Us fans are the same. We are just as greedy and out for ourselves. So we pick a side that we relate to and back them and make the other side out to be the devil.
Proof: Find me one fighter who has left the UFC and ever been greatful? You cant. No matter what level of success they had. They still see what the UFC is making or current fighters are making and have sour grapes because they aren’t a part of it. The people who don’t agree with this or have these attitude or don’t like this idea. Are from my experience at the bottom of society and will never be anything or don’t want to be anything. Like a former friend of mine. He had no ambition to have or be anything. So he hated the system that was there for those who do want something better than him. In the end he was just as greedy as anyone else. Some show their greed by wanting for themselves. He showed his greed, and imo the worst kind, by wanting to take away from others.