On Monday, Zuffa filed its Motion for Summary Judgment against the Plaintiffs in the UFC Antitrust lawsuit. The filing argues that despite the lengthy and voluminous amount of discovery taken place, the former fighters have not provided factual evidence to support their antitrust claims. It also argues that the expert opinion of the Plaintiffs should […]
Antitrust Class Action
Plaintiffs in UFC Antitrust lawsuit file opposition in light of U.S. Supreme Court ruling
Earlier this week, the plaintiffs in the UFC Antitrust Lawsuit have filed a response in opposition to Zuffa’s motion seeking to file supplemental authority to support its Motion to Exclude Plaintiffs’ expert Dr. Hal Singer. Zuffa is seeking to include the recent U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Ohio v. American Express in support of its […]
Parties file joint motion on Michael Mersch depo testimony in Zuffa Antitrust Lawsuit
This past Friday, Plaintiffs a joint motion in the UFC Antitrust lawsuit filed a Motion to Seal Reply In Support of Its Motion to Seal Plaintiffs’ Class Certification Reply. The motion, which includes both plaintiffs and defendants’ position seeks to seal certain deposition testimony from Michael Mersch as well as certain confidential information from his […]
Plaintiffs in UFC Antitrust Lawsuit oppose sealing of documents
Plaintiffs in the UFC Antitrust Lawsuit are opposing a Motion to Seal brought by Zuffa to seal documents in Plaintiffs’ Motion to Seal Plaintiffs’ Reply in Support of Motion to Certify Class and Related Materials. The opposition is the first in this litigation which has gone without any challenges to the redaction and/or sealing of […]
Plaintiffs file Reply Brief supporting class certification in Antitrust lawsuit
The Plaintiffs in the UFC Antitrust lawsuit have filed its Reply Brief in support of its motion for class certification. Plaintiffs Reply ISO of Class Certification by JASONCRUZ206 on Scribd Zuffa Oppo to Class Cert by JASONCRUZ206 on Scribd The four factors for class action certification are the number of potential members of a class, […]