The UFC has made a change to its anti-doping policy as it will no longer punish athletes for positive tests for cannabis. The announcement was made Thursday.

Positive tests for carboxy-THC, regardless of levels, will no longer be considered violations to the policy “unless additional evidence exists that an athlete used it intentionally for performance-enhancing purposes such as alleviating pain or anxiety; otherwise the athlete will not be eligible for sanction.”
Per USADA, the change “is designed to prioritize fighter health and safety by not punishing fighters who may need treatment for substance abuse, which may lead to a fighter being impaired and jeopardize his or her safety in the Octagon.”
Despite this new rule change, state commissions still regulate UFC events and prohibit TCH or other cannabinoids in competition. Several fighters were punished in 2020 by the Nevada Athletic Commission after positive findings of marijuana in their system.
Payout Perspective:
This is a good start for those fighters that use marijuana as a way to relieve pain. We have already seen this step taken in the NFL. However, the clause regarding the use of it for “performance enhancing purposes such as alleviating pain or anxiety,” still offers a mode of regulation on the part of USADA. Its clear that pain relief is one of the reasons for its use among athletes so the cautionary language perhaps lets them know to use marijuana within moderation.
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