MMA Payout has learned from a Nielsen source that last week’s TUF 20 episode 8 drew an additional 262,00 viewers in Live +3 ratings. Episode 8 total viewership including adjusted average is now at 840,000 viewers.
Payout Perspective:
The average viewership after the adjusted ratings is at 812,000 viewers. After the 8th episode, the average boost in viewers from the Live rating to the DVR rating is down slightly at 287,000.
Looks like more people watched this episode of TUf then UFC 180 hahahaha
SAL making stupid comments hahahahahahaahahaahahaha loser
According to a Bloomberg report the UFC will suffer a 40% drop in profits this year.
Standard & Poor’s mentioned it could lower Zuffa’s BB-minus corporate debt rating. “A negative rating action could occur if we are not confident that Zuffa’s operations are recovering meaningfully by the first quarter of 2015.”
If you think about it… That whole press conference “The Time is Now”, It all makes sense now… they probably never even had a ‘big’ announcement, their 2015 schedule was ‘it’.
The report also mentions how International expansion is hurting profits. The UFC took a big risk in their quest for “World F****** Domination” but guess what? It has never actually paid off, I’ve been hearing about them losing money since way way back when they were trying to use the UK as a bridge into Europe.
The S & P report pointed out that their international expansion was going very well, just the ppv mess with all of the injuries was the reason for the massive drop in revenue.
Anti and D are complete morons. Bahahah the numbers tell the truth you fuck sticks! You 2 idiots need to go out on a date, you are the only ones that cant read the writing on the wall. Pathetic!! Bahaha
@D “The S & P report pointed out that their international expansion was going very well, just the ppv mess with all of the injuries was the reason for the massive drop in revenue.”
—“International expansion costs are also crimping profit, S&P said.”
D: What do you call a gay drive by?
Anti T: A fruit roll up?
Saldaqueef, thinks entertainment businesses pay direct income taxes after every event. He is retarded.
MMAFAG fabrications:
“International expansion costs are also crimping profit, S&P said.”
The actual press release:
“additional costs related to the company’s international expansion”
D: Why don’t you come out of the closet mma fag about both your aliases (Sampson, etc) and the fact that you are gay?
MMAFAG: I don’t want to blow my cover, instead I’d prefer to blow the boxing promoters who are paying me in food stamps to troll mma websites. Besides, I tried that gay thing about a million times, it just isn’t for me.
Yea D please explain how an american entertainment business doesn’t pay taxes in foreign countries? Most of the countries that the ufc goes to have all kinds of taxes, even on the fighters too., D thinks the UFC pays no taxes, D dosnt even know what a tax is. D is an Indian retard who still lives with his parents and never had a real job hahahaha Fact International expansion has been a huge loss to the UFC most the fights are a complete wash. D has no clue about production costs and taxes and government regulations and fees!! D thinks a tax is the 7 cents on a candy bar at his uncles 7 eleven. bahahhah fool Once again D has absolutely nothing to say and has no leg to stand on about anything except being a paid blogger bahahhaah PATHETIC!
And If you think its the same as an american corporation that has set up a business in a foreign country, it shows that you are an idiot. Oh wait we already know that D is a complete idiot. bahahhaha
Did you read what I said you fucking idiot? You think for some reason, businesses pay federal income taxes after every event because you are an idiot with zero business experience and you know nothing about this business in particular. They pay plenty of taxes per individual event, just not federal income taxes. You are a total fucking moron.
Then again, I’m talking to a diaper wearing, wheelchair bound geriatric, with type II diabetes who is a boxing welfare to work, paid troll for Dirty Bob Arum.
@D “The S & P report pointed out that their –>international expansion was going very well, just the ppv mess with all of the injuries was the reason for the massive drop in revenue.”
—- “The negative outlook revision reflects our updated forecast for 2014 EBITDA to decline approximately 40% ……..primarily due ……. and additional costs related to the company’s –>international expansion,” said S & P’s credit analyst Stephen Pagano.
D: What do you call a gay dinosaur?
D’s bf: Mega saur ass ?
““The negative outlook revision reflects our updated forecast for 2014 EBITDA to decline approximately 40% ……..primarily due …….”
Some key elements taken out of there. Your quotations are about as accurate as the Onion Newspaper.
MMAFAG: “What is more pathetic: a gay guy who google’s gay jokes online and attempts to use them as zingers or someone with 30 aliases on a message board who is a paid gay troll for boxing promoters?
MMAFAG’s boyfriend: Don’t tell the world your story.
So what if I’m gay and I have 30 aliases? It’s progressive.