MMA Payout has learned from a Nielsen source that the adjusted DVR ratings for the seventh episode of TUF 20 drew it up to 764,000 viewers. The number represents a gain of 270,000 viewers from its overnight rating of 494,000 viewers.
Payout Perspective:
The Live +3 average is now at 808,000 viewers whereas the overnight viewership is at 518,000 viewers. The average DVR gain from TUF this season is approximately 290,000 viewers.
Yes excellent indeed! The numbers have withstood a 2 week hiatus and direct competition from a World Series Game 7 and have held steady. I hope and believe the numbers will continue to climb starting tonight and into the quarters and semis – all of which should be very high quality fights.
hahahah these numbers are a fucking pathetic joke! Advertisers won’t even consider this for any points. Some intern is now in charge managing TUF’s sponsorship. You can’t afford to pay anyone with this consistant bottom feeding ratings. More people will watch a youtube video then this crap!
578,000 for yesterdays episode. now get to work jASSon and make my article you slave dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent compared to what? This is the 2nd lowest rated season of ALL time. Only in a moronic business world could fewer viewers be better for company growth. Wait; there are morons here, my mistake.
The UFC must be rejoicing in viewership gloom and feasting off the crumbs of what was once a successful show. That’s what happens when you consult with the feeble minded like Truthshitter.
Dfordummy has nothing to contribute to the conversation as usual. What a dumbass. Copy paste response.
alright Leon you win; my responses keep disappearing so why should i even start a discussion? i concede, I suppose ill see you around some other website; hopefully youll be MUCH better prepared to engage
Leon The Schmo will have to hide in shame at the end of 2015. He is a moron that has the mma IQ of Art Jimmerson.
Don’t concede so easily, just try making some sense. What is the definition of excellent? Being in 19th place out of 20? The UFC definitely has the capability of doing excellent, but this is not it.
Even DforDumbass is fucked with his PPV prediction. You can see a noticeable decline in PPV business (minus 168) ever since they came to FS1. GSPs last PPV was one of his lowest ones. DforDelusional in 2015.
HAHAHA!! How great is it going to be when you have to admit you were dead fucking wrong when they hit 5m next year? I know you won’t. You’ll just run away from this whole argument because you are a moronic troll, who thinks about as well as Jason Von Flue fights.
Leon The Schmo coming at the end of 2015!
Lol D’lusional I’d be surprised if you can even add the PPVs up. Don’t worry, I’ll help you, and you’ll learn the hard way not to go posting arbitrary numbers on Internet forums.
You’ll also learn that you belong to the bowels of YAHOO with all your dirty diaper jokes.
You can’t handle basic math you idiot, nice try.
It is going to be so amusing watching you eat crow. I’m going to laugh my ass off, you petty little weasel.
What’s with you and this yahoo diaper stuff? Freak.